Blame Canada

Janet NapolitanoLet me be the first Right Wing Extremist® to go on record and say that not all Obama administration members blame everything on America.

Take U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, for instance.

Monday, she spoke with CBC reporter Neil Macdonald, and repeated the false perception that Democrats such as Charles Shumer have perpetrated, that the 9/11 hijackers came across the Canadian border to the United States:

(JN:) Nonetheless, to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it’s been across the Canadian border. There are real issues there.

NM: Are you talking about the 9/11 perpetrators?

JN: Not just those but others as well.

Macdonald, to his credit, called her on it. Something you often don’t see in the American media.

But, this seems to sum up the Obama administration … and most Democrats … today. Blame America for everything, which is wrong. When they don’t blame America, they blame a friend of America, and are wrong.

See what’s common? It’s that they’re wrong.

At least they are consistent.

“Right Wing Extremist” is a registered trade mark of the Department of Homeland Security and is used with permission. Copyright © 2009, all rights reserved.


  1. Sharon: Should we blame the government?
    Liane: Or blame society?
    Dads: Or should we blame the images on TV?
    Sheila: No, blame Canada
    Everyone: Blame Canada
    Sheila: With all their beady little eyes
    And flapping heads so full of lies
    Everyone: Blame Canada
    Blame Canada!

  2. You’re on the money wit that one Marco… they eventually physicaly resemble thier real “true” selves… But the real thing is this freaking amatuer heads up DHS. But at least she has company, as the rest of the admin are also amatuers……

  3. To the tune of “O Canada” …

    O Canada, the Pakistan of the north,
    True patriots run when Ottawa comes forth!
    With glowing eyes they’ll seize your guns,
    And tax you to the hilt.
    Their homo-friendly hate speech laws
    Appeal to white man’s guilt.
    God keep their mosques far away from here!
    O Canada, we wish you weren’t so near!
    O Canada, but we’ll still drink your beer!

  4. These people are a bigger embarrassment than Jimma’ Carter and his brother Billy. i’ll bet the Carters are just as happy as clams. Now he won’t go down in history as the worst president ever and his administration won’t be the most inept either.

    And the libs made fun of Bush…………..oh how the worm has turned.

  5. Its the Canadian border that is bad and needs fixing. Not the Mexican border that has let in 20 million illegals! She is just making excuses for letting in more of her future, voting Democrats.

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