WASHINGTON (AP) – Following recent revelations of harsh interrogation techniques during the Bush administration, coupled with the release of a CIA memo stating that those techniques were effective, the Obama administration has decided to “right past wrongs” and accomplish what the terrorists couldn’t: blow up Los Angeles.
“High value information came from interrogations in which those methods were used and provided a deeper understanding of the al Qa’ida organization that was attacking this country,” Adm. Dennis C. Blair, the intelligence director, wrote in a memo to his staff last Thursday.
Admiral Blair sent his memo on the same day the administration publicly released secret Bush administration legal memos authorizing the use of interrogation methods that the Obama White House has deemed to be illegal torture. Among other things, the Bush administration memos revealed that two captured Qaeda operatives were subjected to a form of near-drowning known as waterboarding a total of 266 times.
“We were shocked when we learned the full extent of the inappropriate techniques approved by the CIA under the previous administration,” White House press secretary Robert L. Gibbs told reporters. “That’s one of the reasons we made the memos public. We want everyone to know what was done, supposedly in our name, and that this administration does not condone such actions.”
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Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles was the first building destroyed in the Obama administration’s attempt to right past wrongs. |
The president plans to go even further, Gibbs said.
“It would be unconscionable for this administration to look the other way, just because those tactics achieved results. It was wrong to use them, and we should not benefit from their use,” Gibbs stated. “The president had directed that, since those tactics obtained information that prevented a major attack on Los Angeles, it is only right that we carry out the attack on ourselves.”
Late last night, the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles was destroyed. It was one of the high profile targets of the operatives that were to carry out the attacks on the west coast.
“We have transcripts of all the information obtained from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah. They listed all the targets and the time frames of the scheduled attacks,” Gibbs said. “We are looking to compile a list of all those who were at or near the targets on the dates in question. Their deaths were prevented by these illegal interrogation tactics. The president seeks to correct that.”
Lets go to the coast, get together, and have a few laughs
btw FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yippee KaiYae, Motherf***ers.
I’m now imagining John McClane creeping through the air conditioning ducts in the White House, pistol in hand, muttering to himself. Beautiful. We need to chip in and buy him some shoes.
Yippie Kay yay, rosie
Blow up Hollyweird? Now that’s change I can believe in.
Fail Safe 2009.
Knowing the efficiency of government maybe they’ll screw up and blow up San Francisco. OOH! Pelosi too!
If they were to do that than Obama would have to abdicate the throne since he wouldn’t have been elected if these tactics hadn’t kept every one safe for so long.
Schieß der Fenster, Bubbe!
Dude, this one act could change a few California votes.
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Couldn’t we just waterboard L.A.?
Given enough time isnt the earth supposedly going to naturaly waterboard CA? Why anyone would live thier is beyond me…..
It’s funny because it’s true!
Yes!! Which is why Californians must send all your money to me now
to buy my Tectonic Drift Credits.
My upcoming slide show and documentary will show
how this man made crisis, CRISIS means that :
Unless we act now to drive giant iron stakes into California,
and run long chains from them ,
across the America and the Atlantic to Gibraltar,
it will be under water in 50 years.
You don’t have to understand, just be assured by my
monotonic voice that the consensus of SCIENCE
means that you need to send me cash today.
Do it for the Children.
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FACT: No one has ever seen John McClane and Dick Cheney at the same time, together. Coincidence? I think not! So….,when O-bah-muhh comes for John McClane ( wink, wink ), John McClane will come for him.
In the spirit of fairness we should throw in New York and Chicago just to make amends.
This wouldn’t really work. These people have all been working the last few years producing stuff. Government needs to confiscate that stuff, plus anything they bought with it. Also any one who made any money dealing with them needs it confiscated too.
how is it that “John McClane” and “John McCain” sound so much alike, yet are so different? John McClane doesn’t wear shoes because it’s just more bad@ss that way, whereas John McCain doesn’t wear shoes because he reached across the aisle and gave them to Ted Kennedy. Come on! How does he even get away with calling himself the maverick?
I can’t wait! The next attack will be biological, on a major (Democratically controlled) city. It will be Bush’s fault of course. All the major media and the White House (is it racist to say White House now?) will agree.
Aah, this raises the age-old question: If a bomb goes off in LA, and LA is such an armpit that nobody cares, does it make a noise.
The young John McCain was a lot like John McClane. However, I am convinced that the young John McCain was so awesome, that the democrats decided that their only hope was to kidnap him, and replace him with an impostor, soon after he entered the senate. That impostor has been on a secret mission to destroy the GOP from the inside ever since.
Go ahead neo-cons keep ignoring the fact that the bushy gang used the same tactics that were used by Pol Pot. Water boarding machines (implements..for the uneducated among you) are on display in the Humane Rights Museums, Nazi’s and Japanese were executed for it after WW2 (the just following orders excuse didn’t work), and the method was taken from 1950’s Communist China!!
No matter how hard you try those facts just can’t be changed. How can anyone call using such methods protecting America when they are against the very core of American ideals? If these tactics were done on any American traveling abroad we would all be in a fury over the torture of an American (look at the uproar over the US woman convicted in Iran) at least she got a trial, not so for those in Gitmo!!! I could go on for a lot longer, but I don’t think the simple neo-con mind can handle more truth in one sitting without snapping (I’m sure many are already frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog)!!
[So, there are no circumstances whatsoever that you’ve inflict serious fear, pain, discomfort, or even death, on someone? None? At all? Not even to protect your own life? Or your children? Or other family members? Or thousands of innocents in a major American city? Good to know. – B]
“If these tactics were done on any American traveling abroad” You mean like Daniel Pearl?
So now you lunatics are fantasizing about blowing up an entire city? The right wingnuts that got this country into these problems have always been a bigger threat to America than OBL could dream about being. You people destroyed our economy, our military readiness, our world standing,…… lets face the reality, today’s right ARE terrorists!
>[So, there are no circumstances whatsoever that you’ve inflict serious fear, pain, discomfort, or even death, on someone? None? At all? Not even to protect your own life? Or your children? Or other family members? Or thousands of innocents in a major American city? Good to know. – B]
All of those situations you listed are already covered by US law. Because I would take a life to protect my own does not mean it’s ok to walk into a school and start shooting, your reasoning and logic are flawed. One does not justify the other.
Torture has been defined by US law as illegal, the only argument here is the old republican argument that “it is not illegal if the president does it” does not hold water. Do you support US law and our constitution or the laws of radical Muslims?
[> you lunatics are fantasizing about blowing up an entire city?
No, dumbass. You say those interrogation methods … which were implemented after “nicer” methods were ineffective … are always wrong. So, I’m asking, what do you want to do about it? You want to “undo” everything those methods accomplished? If so, there’s your LA being blown up.
>All of those situations you listed are already covered by US law.
Sheesh! The thing you lefties forget is that the interrogators used the “nicer” methods … and they didn’t work. Only after other methods didn’t work, the interrogators stepped it up. And got the info they needed.
> does not mean it’s ok to walk into a school and start shooting
Okay, it’s official. You are a moron. You’re acting like U.S. troops rounded up folks and put them on the rack. Of course, you don’t respect the U.S. military, so that kind of mindset is to be expected. – B]
What really happened: While many still refer to it by it’s original name….Nakatomi Plaza, it was long ago renamed Vincentia Fox Plaza. At the time the change was made it was felt it would help make millions of illegal aliens feel more at home. In recent years however because of the financial situation and the extremely high taxes in California about half the plaza’s office space was unoccupied. Of the half that was occupied most of the occupants were behind in their leases. The whole place had become a huge white elephant and a gigantic financial disaster for all involved. So….one of the first decisions the incoming administration made was to destroy the plaza. Today many administration officials admit this act of destruction was not done to make amends for the successful debriefing of terrorists by CIA operatives. While they admit that would have been reason enough they say the real reason was quite simply for….the insurance money! Now that the truth is coming to light all Americans should demand a full congressional investigation of this blatant cover-up!
If we’re not allowed to torture the crap out of bad guys who have information because it might violate their rights, how is it that we’re still allowed to shoot at them/drop bombs on them? It seems like getting one’s most of oneself blown off by a bunkerbuster is a HUGE violation of human rights! How can we let THOSE atrocities stand? Who did FDR think he was, dropping bombs on german airplane factories? Hmmm??? War Crimes! BTW, Secret Service should no longer be allowed to carry firearms for this exact reason. They should be given a stack of “tickets” that can be placed on the windshields of the vehicles of would-be ne’r-do-wells letting them know that there will be a severe fine (at least $200) if they go forward with their dastardly plans…
For the constitutionally challenged, the President executes( carries out ) the laws passed by congress, and acts as Commander-in Chief. The interrogation techniques that were used to extract information from terrorists were deemed within the laws (passed by Congress), and members of Congress were informed/briefed, in 2002, of the techniques used. House and Senate Intelligence( an oxymoron ) Commitees never raised a peep. Only when it was election time did the lefties start ranting, to incite their Hate-America-Firsters to foam at the mouth with leftist indignation.
Pingback: Friday night funny: Obama’s plan to undo waterboarding damage « Wintery Knight Blog