Random Thoughts

Considering all the plastic surgery options available today, I think it was constructive criticism.

I’m bored. Let’s spread rumors of a top level Obama administration official being a pedophile.

A bird in the hand will screech and peck a lot more than two in the bush.

One day conservatives are going to have to propose the only practical solution to global warming: DESTRUCTION OF THE SUN!

The voices in my head have stopped which has made me paranoid that I’m not fun to talk to.

If we make an agreement to reduce nukes, how can we know if we each upheld it? We should just pick a country and nuke it together.

I want to genetically combine an orange and an apple to make an orapple. It will be great for comparison purposes.

Why in this day and age do we still not have a rhyme for orange? Couldn’t we have just made one by now? Everyone is stupid except for me.

I can just imagine the investigation into the cyber attacks. “So, South Korea, do you have any enemies you know of?”

Obama was going to promptly respond to the cyber attacks, but he got North and South Korea mixed up since he was holding his map upside down.

Couldn’t The Atlantic just pretend to publish Andrew Sullivan’s rantings and then pay for his meds as a sort of charity thing?


  1. So if we genetically combine Obama and an apple we would have an Obapple? Whatever it would be it would be twice as smart as Obama with 2 times zero equaling 2 in Obamaland…

  2. We should treat Sully like the Egyptians treated bad Pharoh’s. They believed that if you stopped talking about them they would fade away and their quest for eternal life would be over.

    Besides bullys and whiners hate to be ignored.

  3. I get this mental image of an Obama staffer sitting in a folding chair, in a room in the White House, watching the wires running from the wall to a computer with a pair of binoculars. He is on cyber attack alert.

    What do you call a hybrid between an orange and a ex-football hero who killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend. OJ? (sorry)

  4. Here’s my random thought: Now that he’s dead, Robert McNamara (the man who knew the cost of everything and the value of nothing) is down in the lowest pits of hell trying to organize the devils minions by utilization of his theories of dynamic management in conjunction with his extensive studies of man power utilization graphs and production flow charts in a bid to enhance their ability to perform the functions of hell on a much more cost effective basis.

  5. “The voices in my head have stopped which has made me paranoid that I’m not fun to talk to.”

    Ironic, recently I seem to have acquired some new voices. Did your old voice sound a lot like Helen Thomas, and did she keep yelling Kill, Kill, Kill all the time? I don’t know if there’s any connection…I’m just sayin’.

  6. I heard that Miclael Jackson’s body was going to be stored at Area 51 in hanger 18 next to the lost ark, the Roswell little green man, and Obama’s real birth certificate.

  7. Who are you kidding, random thoughts? That is mostly what I see at this site. Being called a saterist clearly suits you Frank. A saterist is the adult version of a smart ass kid who is now getting paid to make fun of people, places or things. Congratulations Frank you haven’t changed a bit except for the money part. Keep on delivering those zingers. Somebody will surely pay for them literally if not figuratively.

  8. The voices in my head sing to me in Portuguese, and Swahili unfortunately I speak nether. And I still want to know what is so bad about Rahm being a member of the (North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes) NAMBLA????? —-#25 Americannodash–take another drink of your Kool-Aid and go listen to your recordings of Air America. or whatever you liberal douchebags do.

  9. midwestconservative says:
    —-#25 Americannodash–take another drink of your Kool-Aid and go listen to your recordings of Air America. or whatever you liberal douchebags do.
    #28 midwestconservative— You don’t know me. I’m from the HA site. Come on over to the Hot Air site and read my comments. I’ll let your ignorance and your snide remark slide this time. Next time you dis me, I’ll tear you a new one. Besides, Frank is a big boy. He can take of himself. I will have no problem doing a search for your comments if need be. I will pour thru all of IMAO history to find out who you are and what you’ve written. So what do say now? You want to take this to the next level? If you do, I’ll be there in a New York minute. It is up to you.

  10. Wow, rabid conservative strikes again. It’s no wonder “people” think conservatives can’t be reasoned with. THIS is not a “serious issues” site, this is a humor site that deals with serious issues. Please if you can’t handle sarcasm, teasing and out right punnery………go back to Hot Air. You won’t like it here, and we won’t like having you here.

    If however you can take a joke, see the irony or appreciate the ridiculous, welcome aboard. Just for all of our sake, ratchet it down a notch.

    (Golly I hate having to be the adult all the time)

  11. Americannodash–I read your hate speech and stand by my earlier comment. What the F#$K is a New York minute. In the real world a minute is the same anywhere you go. I work for my money I don’t have time to read other blogs, I’ll stick to reading the best.

  12. “I’ll *pour* through all of IMAO history…”

    Good thing we got the Hot Air Brigade to keep us in line.

    Might wanna check the usage of the word “pour” next time. Try substituting with “pore”… you’ll sound even tougher with the proper verbiage.

  13. here’s my random thought of the day. It would take roughly 20,997 (give or take) 25 megaton nuclear warheads to totally wipe Russia off the map. (based on the 5psi blast radius of such a device). I use Russia as the example, because it is the largest country in the world (>6 million sq mi). It occurs to me then that that is the right answer for the number of nuclear weapons (adjusted for yield of course) that any country would need. What is our stockpile now? Of course we need to keep a special reserve group of nukes in case the moon gets uppity. I think someone needs to develop this into a policy primer for the Obama administration. The Russians might agree if someone came up with a reasonable number like that…thought out, consistent, scientific. No one can argue with the power of logic…you know except the tin-foil underwear crowd

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