The Blobfish

Dude, how have I never heard of this guy:



He’s the blobfish, and somehow it’s gone so far into pathetic that it’s circled around back into totally awesome. Just look at him; he should so be Aquaman’s sidekick.

He’s a good example of evolution as he’s very specially and oddly adapted to his environment of living in great depths under high pressure. Basically, he’s a fish reduced to a pile of goo that just floats there. He’s also a good example of intelligent design, because I think God gave him the nose just because it’s funny.

Anyway, I think I’ll name him the official fish of IMAO. Sorry, alligator gar.


  1. He’s also a good example of intelligent design, because I think God gave him the nose just because it’s funny.

    That is one ugly fish. But, in fact, he’s a good example of intelligent design because God put him at the bottom of the ocean where we wouldn’t have to look at him.

    Way to defy God’s will, Frank. Thanks a lot.

  2. How can you rubes believe in Intelligent Design? Look around you! I was walking down the street the other day and lightning hit this rock and Blamo, it turned into a cat! It was like way cool!

    [There’s a lot of gaping flaws in the human design (choking, allergies) to believe we were “intelligently” designed. It’s more like we’re a Microsoft product: We do some very advanced things, but seemed to have lacked a lot real world testing before release. -Ed.]

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  4. The Blobfish is the couch potato of the FishWorld.

    He does look unbalanced and unmedicated. But to make him the Official Fish of IMAO is UNFAIR to more deserving fish, like the Barracuda.

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