Full Time Artists

Why do you pay so much in taxes? According to Pelosi, it so you can help people quit their jobs and be artists and musicians. Just what this economy needs: More people drawing stuff.

I don’t get the full time artist. Art is supposed to reflect life and truth, but how are you going to know any truth to do art about if you never do anything? You have to have a real job and experiences or all your art will reflect are what other artists think, and I will tell you that no one cares what they think. Art is a hobby, and there is no right in this country to make a living doing a hobby. It’s good it’s hard to be a full time artist, because then only the few best will do it and the rest will have jobs involving making things people actually need. We only hurt this country by making it easier to be useless for a living.

What is the liberals’ vision for the future? I guess they all get to sit around all day reflecting on how smart they are and occasionally creating a piece of art while all the real work is handled by illegal Mexicans who don’t know English and are perfectly happy in their underclass status and love the care their liberal masters provide. America will be the liberals’ plantation. And they’ll probably all die out in the first couple days of the robots wars.


  1. I wanna get me one of them ‘Think Tank’ gigs. I guess all ya do is sit around and ‘think’ all day, an’ ya collect all kinda grants an’ other gub’ment bennies, an’ stuff. Except for the gettin’ money an’ stuff for it part, I kinda do that, at least part-time, anyways. Just tell me where I can sign up, soze I can quit my real job an’ start ‘thinkin’ for a livin’. An’ I figger ya don’t even hafta have any real smarts or qualifications, from what I seen.

  2. Irony: I’m attending a school to become a full time artist. Of course, I won’t be paid by Pelosi. I’ll be paid if people like my work. You know who else is paid if people like their work? Engineers.

  3. How do we know your not lying, #4? While we’re not looking and while you’re not looking, Pelosi could be sneaking a coal miner’s money into your pocket!

    By the way, stay away from abstract art. The ghost of Teddy Roosevelt will be angry.

  4. I want a grant to sit on the beach, watch the surf, and get motivated to do art. My motivational period will be, let’s say, around thirty years. Gotta be motivated and inspired to do art, you know.

  5. Gotta agree with Burma here, especially with libs having no understanding about entrepreneurship or business, in general.

    So, the art and music markets are suddenly flooded with “artists” – probably with very little talent – making it much more difficult for legitimate, truely-talented artists already struggling to eke out a living to continue to do so. All so that we can be flooded with talentless people, with so little dedication to their “art” that something as ridiculous as “losing my benefits” keeps them from pursuing it.

    Umm…great, nice job Nancy. This helps who?

  6. So if everyone quits their job to do art and music, and the only people earning any money are the subsistence-level illegal immigrants, who’s going to buy the art and music? (And pay the congressional salaries and miscellaneous stuff like that…) It seems like somebody didn’t think this through all the way. Maybe they left out a step.

  7. Haha. MarkoMancuso, wanna know how I’m not lying? I’ve taken out loans to get this degree – a Bachelor of Fine arts. I HAVE to be successful, and that means that I’ll need to look at the art market, and try and tell what kind of art they want. I’ll make that art, and sell it. If it sells, I’ll make more. If it doesn’t, I’ll make something else. This, my friend, is capitalism.

    And, because I’m what is called an evil conservative. I’m against taxes and abortion, pro military, pro war for that matter! If Pelosi came near me I’d do exactly what is endorsed on this website – punch her in the face!

    Don’t quit your job and become an artist, people. Unless you are like some people have a skill at it, a knack. I’m not a good programmer, so I’m not trying to make a living like that. But I have an ‘eye for design’ – so I’m going to be an artist that designs pieces, products or art installations.

  8. ten bucks says this doesnt apply to me

    see, my art goes towards a greater piece, but that is because i have an actual job as an artist, im sure the artists they are talking about are those greasy freaks who literally shit paint on canvas and call it art

  9. Will Madame Speaker Pelosi support those who quit there jobs to become artists, secure in the knowledge that their health care is still available, whose main artistic endeavor is the drawing of images of Mohammed?

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