Random Thoughts

If a baby bites you, you become one. Luckily, newborns don’t have teeth.

Hmm… I don’t know if we gave “Polly Prissypants” consideration as a girl’s name.

I thought the last episode of Lost was finally making a lot of sense, then I realized I was accidentally watching en episode of Twin Peaks.

Great ending for Lost: On the day of the finale, ABC shows some other show. When asked, ABC claims they’ve never heard of Lost.

ABC: “Sorry, we’ve never heard of ‘Lost’ and from how you describe it it sounds like psychotic gibberish.”

So who likes all those dreary, depressing movies? I guess people who are too happy so they have to escape to fantasy to get depressed.

Not a lot of good girl’s names in the Bible: Hagar, Dorcas, Whore of Babylon

“Demon” seems like a good girl’s name, so in honor of our favorite Buffy character: “Vengeance Demon Fleming”

Or expanding off of “Buttercup” — “Peanut Buttercup Fleming”


  1. So who likes all those dreary, depressing movies? I guess people who are too happy so they have to escape to fantasy to get depressed.

    Last of the Mohicans is depressing but depressing as a result of writing and action sequences. I don’t care if his name is John Wayne Clint Eastwood Hawkeye, I’d love to see him shoot two Injuns at the same time with two different long rifles in real life.

    I’m a terrible person to watch movies with.

    Not a lot of good girl’s names in the Bible: Hagar, Dorcas, Whore of Babylon

    Those are all better than “Elena”.

  2. I got news for you, everytime I hear some “fan” of Lost describe that show it sounds like a lot of psychotic monkey gibberish. Thus I conclude only psychotic monkeys watch that show. I’m glad I don’t!

    Thanks for the warning on baby bites. The next time I see a pod of newborns swimming in the ocean I’ll run around like the sheriff in Jaws warning people to get out of the water.

  3. Not a lot of good girl’s names in the Bible: Hagar, Dorcas, Whore of Babylon

    Well, Deborah was a great warrior queen. Unfortunately, Deborah usually becomes Debbie, which doesn’t sound half as mighty.

    Jael doesn’t sound cool except that she drove a tent peg through the head of an opposing general while he slept. A Jael could most definitely handle a rocket launcher.

    Priscilla is biblical. You could then call her Prissy Pollypants.

  4. Whore of babylawn, isn’t that the guy in the WH’s wife?

    An anagram of Barry Hussein obama is dirty commie pos marxist.

    Babies, by their very nature, steal your soul.

    If the germans are so clever, why can’t they come up with a cure for europe?

  5. That’s right, DamnCat. That’s also the reason there are no cat submarine captains. However, my Russian Blue cat does a spot on immitation of a Russian submarine captain laying off a big city listening to their rock n’ roll while conducting missile drills. In between eating and sleeping, that is.

  6. Random thoughts:

    -When will the left realize that appeasement will never really work with Islam? When will the right realize appeasement will never really work with the left?

    -politics slimy behavior pushed by the unethical, then picked up by everyone else sooner or later.

    –Greece is the perfect storm born of all the ills of Western European economies. It has France’s unions, Germany’s taxation, Italy’s corruption and Spain’s efficiency.

    -Fear and guilt can strongly carry commitment through generations for Communism and Islam but they do not work well for a voluntary organization like Christianity.

    -The same problem some had with their parents and religion I had with my parents and piano lessons. Of course I understand it to be a flaw of my parents, I certainly have not dedicated my life to outlawing Pianos and Piano lessons.

    -Obamacare’s three main elements are regulations that block insurance companies from accurately pricing risk, a requirement that all people buy this irrationally priced product, and subsidies to help some of them do that.

    -I fight to keep keeping religion and state seperate. These days that mostly means fighting the lefts pseudo-religious factions at bay.

    –There is no specific “orthodox” libertarian camp, and no prominent libertarian thinker who has advocated violent revolution.

    -Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.” The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism.

    -When it comes to God and politics he would support part of the left part of the right and all of neither.

    -The only illegal immigrant I feel violent towards is the one who starts mowing the lawn at 7am 2 days a week.

  7. -Breaking Bad is even better story telling then Lost. Lost is an accessible mush of genres that most people due to narrow entertainment choices usually never experience. Watching either of these shows from the middle or randomly would be like skipping around chapters in a book. Not only will you not enjoy it but you will spoil the plot-line for if you ever decide too.

    -Regarding the dreary movies, have observed the dynamic to often be an inner urge to deal with things they are in denial about. I think movies are sometimes used as a safe laboratory to feel like we have dealt with something that is bothering us.

    I see all the immature adults who were in denial about what 9/11 and the beheading of Daniel Pearl really means to them and their future but, they loved going to see all of the saw movies.

    I noticed men who are more like veal who live in cubicles and can not do 10 push ups, fire a gun, or fix a car but they love the movie “The Road”.

    I notice women who never tell their mothers and sisters what they really think about them enjoy movies where everything is out in the open even though it causes emotional breakdown and estrangement.

    Anyway just some thoughts I think at least poke at the truth with a stick.

  8. Actually, I think ‘Vengence’ has a nice ring to it! Her close friends could call her ‘Ginny’ for short. No one would give her any shit… She would probably grow up looking like that chick that played Wonder Woman on tv, and become a super heroine for the Greatness of American Freedom. She could start by wreaking ‘Vengence’ on Lawyers and Politicians….

    Too bad my daughters are already grown up. Wait, Grandchildren!

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