Random Thoughts

Why do libertarians want racists to have freedoms?

It’s good Rand Paul is learning the “don’t be crazy” lesson so early after winning the primary.

So I think we’re all now agreed we should have passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Good we got that sorted out.

Final episode of Lost, so last chance for Sawyer to grab a chainsaw and yell, “I’m Sawyer, and I’m gonna saw-yer head off!”

Well there goes my theory that the light in Lost is related to the secret of Monkey Island.

I like how the final line of Lost was, “You all, everybody.”


  1. I’ve never watced Lost. So I am lost on Lost. I Lost out.

    I am a libertarian, and Rand Paul confuses me.

    “Anti-racisim” is a central excuse for all sorts of liberal mischeif without dealing with real racisim, (see Robert “Sheets” Byrd.) Paul should have expected the questions he got hit with,(I ecpected them) and dealt with them forthright. I’ve watched the interviews and kept wanting to yell “You stupid idiot dumb@ss!!!”. I am on the edge thinking that Paul junior is smoe sort of liberal plant. I would say no one is that stupid as Paul appears, but look at Congress and the White House.

  2. I’m with storm1911, I’ve never watched Lost either…so I guess I lost out too. However, with the direction this country is headed I feel lost. I may not be the only one who feels that way, we’ll see in November.

  3. Hey frnak, is the botnet alone in wondering why “Lost” never bothered to explain the giant polar bears? They were all like,”We’ll totally explain everything by the end.” but they completely blanked on the polar bears.

    So everybody on the island is dead… great, I got that… but does that mean the polar bears are dead too? Was that real, or a metaphor for how totally terrible those pesky conservatives are for clubbing baby polar bears with baby seals?

    Code 3. Polar Bear Down!

  4. Shiggz Randomo elthoughto:

    -When it comes to the economy the government can only get out of its way or drag it down.

    For no reasonable length of time can government push or pull the economy using its two tools borrowing or printing before those things become yet another burden through inflation and unstable lending rates. (this is where we are now)

    -mark steyn: progressive thinking’s malign paradox: It both destroys childhood and infantilizes adulthood, leaving a big chunk of the populace in eternal adolescence.

    -Two people one hitting uranium with a hammer the other ignorant and gullible. One looks dangerous but harmless the other looks harmless but is dangerous.

    -Not all people who are pissy and ranting are wrong but all people who are wrong are pissy and ranting

    -If you want to know a taste of truth and reality is: invert everything you see on TV. e.g. Race, Gender, Class, Religion, ideology, geography, nation, etc..

    -Two types of people in the world. Those willing to stand up to bullies and those not. Conservatives are finally finding their brass ones. Win or lose at least you went down swinging.

    -College socialist think their eyes have been opened but I would describe it more as there eyes opened to find an old view-master duct taped to their head with only slides of communist propaganda running through.

    -In a hunter gatherer model men make attack people outside the village women attack people inside the village.

    -Modern socialists obsessively compare the worst negatives of capitalism to the theoretical best of socialism. I presume they also do this in their personal and professional relationships to similar great success.

    -There are two sides to every story and both are BS

    -Women can tell the difference between a nice guy and a desperate guy.

  5. This isn’t really random; well mebbe it is because you weren’t expecting it, but was I the last to find out that in real life, Princess Buttercup married Prince Humperdink? Robin Wright, best known for her sweet portrayal of Princess Buttercup in the Princess Bride, is now Robin Wright-Penn, the proud bride of…well…er…Sean Penn. Ack. Barf. Snort. Did that girl learn nothing? Were Wesley, Inigo and Fezzuk unable to protect her?

    This sad discovery left a bad taste that I thought I’d share.

  6. “It’s good Rand Paul is learning the ‘don’t be crazy’ lesson so early after winning the primary.”

    You think? … That may be Ronulan projection (seems all that mental energy has an affect).

    I’m guessing there are plenty more disconnects where that came from. RP seems awful naive for someone who claims to see through the machine in DC. Just wondering what other off-hand comments he will make for the oneparty media to use against him.

    I was pulling for Trey, he didn’t seem too bad plus he was probably normal. Tho, one can never tell these days. One thing for sure, the Left seems genuinely pleased to have RP to run against. And if they can’t dig up s/t bad, one can bet they will make it up.

  7. “So I think we’re all now agreed we should have passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Good we got that sorted out.”

    After seeing Venus Williams in action, I’m suddenly not so sure.

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