So the American born Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki sent out a 45-minute video explaining to Muslims why they should kill American civilians. A lot of people are convinced Islam is about peace, but this guy seemed to have studied Islam pretty well and he’s like, “No, randomly murdering people is totally cool with Allah and a good idea.” I think that’s a problem a lot of Americans have with Islam; while we all would like to think Islam is a peaceful religion, the terrorists have studied it much more than us and have reached completely different conclusions. Like I could tell you why Jesus is against murdering people, but I don’t actually know the arguments for when Muhammad is against killing people as he did kill people sometimes.
So what’s the solution? Do we all need to study Islam more and figure out exactly what its tenets are? I hope not, because I’m still studying Christianity and don’t really have the time for that. Let’s let Muslims debate whether their religion is peaceful or not and help out in a different way: Find whoever thinks Islam says its okay to murder people, and shoot them in the face. Nothing personal, but that religious belief system is incompatible with American society. And by shooting all the pro-murder people in the face, we will help make sure the anti-murder side of Islam wins the debate regardless of the merits of their arguments. I know what you’re thinking, though: Isn’t shooting people in the face one of those things Jesus is against? Correct, so that’s why we have atheists do it. It’s a logical solution like Spock would come up with, don’t you think?
Also, we should occupy a small territory covering the area around Mecca, out to Jeddah (that is, the nearest major port), which altogether is really quite tiny. And call it Outer Texas.
New “Top 10 Democrat Party Slogans” Tee arrived! Yeah!
And, your Spock logic is sound and straightforward, Grasshopper Frnack, but that’s the problem. Liberals aren’t trained in linear thinking. To liberals, politics is immensely complex, no easy answers, etc. etc…so at some point, the anti-gun crowd will have to be squarely confronted. Mark my words, as Mayors Bloomberg & Daley are my witnesses, they’ll start squealing about how shooting pro-murder Islamists is directly responsible for guns going to criminals like the Mexican cartels.
Hey, pro-murder Muslims! You’re not gonna believe this, but I’m praying for you right now. This very instant, I’m praying for you. I’m praying to my vastly superior (and real) God for your salvation.
You know what else? There’s nothing you can do to stop me from praying for you.
When you convert, we can draw Muhammad cartoons together!
Frank, didn’t you learn anything from the Lost finale?
It doesn’t matter how many people a Muslim (Siad) kills he still gets to go to heaven while non-Muslims (Ben) have to stay out.
It will be a cold day in hell before I waste my time praying for pro-murder Muslims. Instead, I will pass the time away at the gun range sighting in my weapons. I have a feeling that the time I spend doing this will be put into good use.
Can’t practice too much with the 50 caliber. Ammo too expensive. Each shot has to count.
It’s the religion of pieces. Anwar needs a Fred Thompson hippie face-punch. He looks, and smells, like a hippie.
Our current government can’t even say Islam, or even radical Islam, is the source of all these troubles.
There’s a democrats protecting Anwar (Alaskan or Islamic) joke in here somewhere.
A bunch of sand goons worship a tome written by an eleventh century(?) plunderer and rapistripping off the Bible to excuse his actiions and bring followers to himself. What could possibly go wrong?
Need to coat the bullets in pigs blood. That way, they won’t get their virgins when they die. See for more information.
” Accuses Gov’t of Intentionally Killing Muslims”
I’m pretty sure all these ‘peaceful’ Muslims intentionally kill Muslims far more than we do. But since he says we do it, wtf, let’s do
it more!
Dear God,
Please help us save the pro-murder Muslims so we don’t have to waste ammo on them. Ammo is pricey these days.
It took ten seconds just to write that, Cilla. Ten seconds!
Jesus is only against it if they don’t try to… say… blow up a skyscraper or two first.
logic and faith have little to do with each other. These ideas run in strangely parallel courses–never crossing, always spread apart by an ethereal crowbar. The chaotic ramblings of Muslim extremists rely on westerners believing that Islam means peace, when in fact it means “submission”. As in “Do what Allah and Mohammed say, or we’ll F***ing kill you”.
Shooting Muslims and punching hippies–these are basic freedoms that no one but the Almighty God can circumvent.
Like He would.
We could emulate the Romans of whom Tacitus said ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant (where they make a desert, they call it peace)
God helps those who help themselves. Took five seconds to write this Marko. 5 seconds!
I’m with Marko. Only God can change the hearts of the peaceful Muslim or the murderous Muslim. However, our government needs to recognize that both factions exist in the Muslim world.
We have confirmation that the “new” shirt has been sold…. so now when do the “old” shirt come back? Like, for instance….. I dont know…..maybe a …… NUKE THE MOON?
This took me four hours to write so dont laugh…….really, dont laugh…… it snot funny……
For the perspective of a former Muslim on whether or not Islam is a religion of violence, check out Wafa Sultan.
She’s got brass ones, I’ll tell ya.
Why should the atheists have all the fun? Let’s get the Jews on board with this. They are all over that smiting evil business, and they have lots of practice.
It’s “tenants,” not “tenets.”
I want a Gatling gun for my birthday. That will help.
If you ever wondered why hollow point bullets have a hollow point, it’s so you have a place to stuff a little dab of bacon grease. Then when you shoot a jihadi, it has the same effect as a silver bullet has on a werewolf.
Napalm sticks to Hajis. Mix in a little bacon grease, and nunuv’em make it to Paradise.
You can make Islam mean peace…but only by drastically changing the meaning of the word “peace”.
=> #20
ten·et (tnt)
An opinion, doctrine, or principle held as being true by a person or especially by an organization. See Synonyms at doctrine.
Main Entry: 1ten·ant
Pronunciation: \ˈte-nənt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from present participle of tenir to hold
Date: 14th century
1 a : one who holds or possesses real estate or sometimes personal property (as a security) by any kind of right b : one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements of another; specifically : one who rents or leases (as a house) from a landlord
2 : occupant, dweller
Frank wins!
I’m pretty sure it’s okay with Jesus to empty a mag or three into a mob of lunatic slavers bent on dominating the world.
“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8)
So, no worries if you end up in a fighting position next to this particular atheist. Peace through submission to tyranny is not a true peace.