Fred Thompson on the Daily Show

Fred Thompson was on the Daily Show last night. Fred Thompson gets along well with Jon Stewart in the beginning, but eventually Fred gets annoyed with him and explodes his head.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Fred Thompson
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

(hat tip Viral Footage)


  1. Takes a lot of will power, Will, before we will be willing to watch Stewart. Unless Frank, frankly fraudulently, tricks us into it by saying there will, Lord Willing, be blood.

  2. “I had an insurmountable object to overcome in that presidential bid and that was the wisdom and inherent good judgment of the American people.”

    That’s a little beyond ordinary, good-humored “self-depreciation,” Fred.

  3. “I had an insurmountable object to overcome in that presidential bid and that was the wisdom and inherent good judgment of the American people.”

    I think there may be multiple levels of irony in that statement, considering who it was that the “wisdom and inherent good judgment of the American people” wound up actually electing…

  4. “I had an insurmountable object to overcome in that presidential bid and that was the wisdom and inherent good judgment of the American people.”

    Time for Fred to Hippie Face Punch the obamavoters. and the republican leadership. Tnen, with the fools out of the way, we will hold new elections and get a real preisident. So saith the Frnack.

  5. the quotation displayed on the video pane is humble bullsh–. Sorry, but is he suggesting the american people were making a wise decision in that election? i mean forget Fred v. McCain. How about Obama v. anyone? Anyone at all. A dead ferret would be a better candidate.

    I mean really, you might think that Osama bin Laden would be a better president, becuase we’d be like, “Holy shit, we accidentally elected bin Laden! And Alvin Greene is his vice president!” and then we would know we would have to resist everything he is and everything he stands for. Congress would pass none of his agenda. And when there is an oil spill we will know that not only will he do nothing to contain it, but we will also have good reason to think he did it. by comparison 41% the country thinks that Obama’s destructive ideas are good ideas, and the Congress might actually pass some of them. And when we learned of the oil spill alot of people said, “ah, well, i am sure the president will handle it.” So you see, at least with a President bin Laden, we would be on notice, but Obama can lull us by sounding just well-intentioned enough to make us think he might actually do the right thing. By comparison with a President bin Laden we would know that at best we are on our own, at worst he might actually be trying to harm us. i mean at least we would be warned right?

    Yeah, okay that bin Laden thing is a joking riff. Um, but you ever make an argument you didn’t actually believe in just for play and then accidentally convince yourself that you might be right? That’s how i feel about my bin Laden joke: its a frighteningly plausible argument.

    anyway, back to the point. of course Fred Thompson would be a better choice for president. not because i think he has enough executive experience, but if only because it is almost impossible to be worse. And I bet in his heart of hearts, Thompson knows that. Which is why that quote is humble bullshit.

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