That Wacky Helen Thomas

So what do you think about Helen Thomas and her wacky ethnic cleansing ideas?

Now must of the White House press corps are fringe left-wingers who are virulent anti-Semites and also hate black people (as far as I know), but they have the good sense to at least try and not sounds like total nuts all the time. Unfortunately, Helen Thomas lost that good sense when she entered old age and started going senile forty years ago. She should be doing crazy rants at home with her family around her, not to Robert Gibbs in lieu of a question.

I can’t even get too angry at her, I just wonder why her colleagues or okay with her constantly embarrassing herself like this. Of course, I don’t understand the White House Press Corps history, so maybe they’re always supposed to have a crazy ranting person up front. If that’s the case, couldn’t they let Helen Thomas retire in peace and instead get a Ron Paul supporter to take her seat?


  1. OK… This woman is bat-5h!+ crazy… Anyone that’s seen her in action knows she’s barely lucid on a good day… What high school is so desperate for a commencement speaker that they would ask HELEN THOMAS to “inspire” their graduating class? Talk about the D-list… They’d be better off asking a local business leader or something… Or me…

    Open up IMAO and Helen Thomas’s terrifying mug fills the screen. Shessh. Give a guy a heart attack. And nightmares.

    Zombie Helen has been stalking the White House for centuries. That’s why the president’s office is oval. Zombies like to hide in dark corners, and the builders knew Helen could not stalk the president if he had a ovel office.

  3. This is what all communist women inspire to be. This ugly, this stupid, this unhappy, and this bats**t crazy.
    If its all the same to anyone, I will keep the conservative women, much more pleasant and at least they aren’t psycho racists.

  4. Let me be the first: That crone has announced her retirement. As Marko points out, her career goes back to the time when she was a cub reporter in AD 60. She’s likely worked up a massive retirement package, so she can retire in comfort, if not bigotry.

  5. “Now must of the White House press corps staffers are fringe left-wingers who are virulent anti-Semites and also hate black people (as far as I know), but they have the good sense to at least try and not sounds like total nuts all the time.”

    There, fixed it for you.

  6. I think she is right. The Jews needs to leave the Palentines alone. Jews want everything. Give those people what is rightfully theres. It ashame that as soon as you say something against the Jews as she did, you get persecuted. It’s not fair and killing innoent peoples surely is’nt.

  7. During her stint as press secretary for the Lincoln administration she made similar remarks about the Amish. Now she’s gone too far. Of course this will put her on the fast track to a foriegn relations position in the Obama administration.

  8. Well it’s back to her day job with the Insane Clown Posse for Helen. Gibbs will soon have to deal with a surge in sperm production and a second go round with puberty so his lies will soon be above those of a fourth grader. In fact the black and shrunken nads of the entire male-like left will make their way home for some sack time in the real world.

  9. Frank, do you realize that an estimated 70 million people died in World War II? I think that number needs mentioning every time the “6 million” is mentioned, in honor of the tens of millions of others, most of them civilians, who died.


  11. ~~~~ODE TO HELEN THOMAS~~~~~
    There once was this ugly old slut,
    With a face like jabba the hut’s butt,
    Helen of troy she ain’t,
    She would make dracula faint,
    Even bill klinton wouldn’t do this mutt.

  12. She says the Jews should go back to…wherever and you know deep down (actually, probably not very deep) all the lefties commies progressives are like…yeah, so? first amendment first amendment!!!! But GOD FORBID any American suggests the Mexican invaders go home..the home they left voluntarily….to come here and leech off us….noooo that’s raaaaaaacist! Hate crime!!! The legal standard for insanity is not knowing the difference between right and wrong so I think it’s fair to say all these people are insane. Wasn’t it the liberals who freed all the insane people from the mental hospitals to create “homeless” people? I rest my case.

  13. That’s like Bill Maher of HBO saying he expected Obameister to act more like a “real black President…”

    …someone who would whip our a pistol and talk in black dialect…the video is appalling. This is not “the soft racism of low expectations…”, this is hard core, “all blacks are pimps” kind of racism.

    “Fox news: BILL MAHER, HBO:”I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — “we’ve got a [expletive] problem here?” Shoot somebody in the foot —

    Translation: When Bill Maher means black, he means a thug — a stereotype of both lowered jeans and expectations. He wants a “novelty” black, once seen in 1970s cop shows, selling reefer and hookers. Think Huggy Bear, but with Air Force One instead of a ’76 Lincoln.”

    He’s not libertarian, he’s just liberal.,2933,593949,00.html

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