Here we were thinking we had nothing in common with Obama, but he hates all the left-wing nuts on the internet too.
I wonder if the White House’s new “I hate liberals!” strategy will help in the midterms.
I believe if someone ever ate an Egg McMuffin in the afternoon, there’d be a Gremlin type transformation.
We need to treat politicians more like known Mafia members. We know they’re crooks; we just don’t always have the evidence yet.
In a bad economy, more people resort to walking in circles in the woods in hopes of random encounter to earn experience and money.
My interfaith fight club did not foster as much tolerance as I hoped.
For anyone planning on creating a word: If you’re not going to pronounce the ‘c’, don’t include it in the spelling.
If the Democrats lose seats in November, it’s because the people they nominated weren’t liberal enough.
I don’t think I would put politicians in the same sentence as Mafia members. Mafia members have have a built in code of justice they live by. Politicians have squat.
You can go to Mickky D’s at 10:35 and order a McTenThirtyFive. It’s an egg and a ham from a McMuffin on a triple cheeseburger. It’s wonderful.
Come now, Frank, many parents have experienced hearing their children say, “I hate you!” They know he or she doesn’t really mean it.
The Baptists left after the judges ruled to reject their protest that Muhammad Ali’s “rope-a-dope” routine was illegal dancing.
Surprisingly, the Quakers kicked ass!
Democrats: Wasting money buying votes with your great great great grand children’s hard earned money because it’s all we do.
-Gremlins is a great example of how I see the left and its current transformation.
-Is Gremlins the accidental Animal Farm of 80’s monster movies?
-I remember 2006 elections vividly when a mostly unknown Nancy Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel ran a number of “conservative democrats” whose positions were actually to the right of the republicans. Needless to say they largely all voted for and enabled Obamas far left agenda. The right does it backwards they get a republicans in a red state and elect him who gets to Washington and votes far left. I am looking at you Graham-nasty
-I still cant get over that the American left has themselves convinced that Pelosi/Reid can succeed where Lennin and Marx failed.
-Someone should tell the fed to stop playing games with the dollar most especially “limbo”.
-Other then the all the dongs and saggy boobs I really like Penna and Tellers BS. They have been ragging on Medicare and Social security this season.
-The reason American culture is so hollowed out compared to many others is because of constant revolutions and a constant melting pot of assimilation. American culture is essentially like Chechnya.
-Fact is no other nation on earth has even a tiny fraction of American cultural and racial diversity. So much in fact that all the old identities are gone both the good and the bad.
-Wake up America… “you have been arguing about the pawns while the rest of the pieces moved into position.”
So thee Marxist Messiah is abandoning the real serious Leftist Kooks (apx. 2% of the Dem voters). George Bush and Dick Cheney are not in prision for War crimes. Limbaugh is still speaking. Ann Coulter isn’t in Guantanamo Bay, which was supposed to be closed!! This was bound to happen. Internal super secret White House Polls must show that thee ObamaLamaDingDong can still win in 2012 without them. Slick Willy did this too. Bill Clinton was perceived by many as a moderate!!
We can learn something here from the blessed Emperor Osama Obama!
The RepublicOns had better abandon their Kooks before its too late again.
The hardcore, very visible, never happy, conspiracy theory kook Libertarians (which = apx. 0.01% of the country) are the road to hell. We don’t need them. And they will not support any Republican that we nominate! Never. All they are is a problem. Get rid of them now while we still have a chance.
This time I would even vote for John McCain (I refused to vote last time). And if the the RepublicOns don’t rid thierselves of the dreaded Libertarian curse I will vote ever again.
More from Barak’s twitter account
“so everyone knows my official position is that I am against gay marriage and civil unions. I mean come on look, my two daughters have both a Mom and a great Dad. They are as rich as two American black girls born to two marxists parents neither of whom ever had a real job can get. Michelle is a great father and my mom jeans and arugula dip is to die for!
I ll say this about the rich racist white devil honky’s they have great comfortable jeans and I love their food.
Barack out.. (he he you know like how Ryan Seacrest I should put him in charge of fashion czar, ill check with Joe he will probably agree)
(note I am temporarily breaking my previous principle about not insulting Mrs Obama on a personal level after her air force 2 350k$ cost to tax payer trip to Spain in the middle of a great recession)
Also, people realized that you can earn some money by killing other people and taking their money and/or items. You won’t earn a lot though, unless you kill someone carrying a “super powered magic awesome item of doom” (drop rate = 1/1000).
Want a perfect example of why I cant f@#$%n stand the Republican party.
Peter Schiff the only guy in 2005-2006 who said a housing collapse was coming and was openly laughed at and mocked over it was running for the Republican nomination.
He just lost the race for the nomination to Linda McMahon of the WWF.
Man I wish I was making this up.
10 shiggz,
I understand completly. I can’t stand the RepublicOns. Actually most of the time I hate them. Literally. In fact I despise them so much that I quit listening to Talk Radio and watching the Fox News long before our fate was sealed with Juan McCain.
I didn’t even know who won the last Presidential election till a week later though I was pretty sure that McCain’s ship was sunk long before it sailed. I din’t vote so I didn’t care!
But what other choice is there? In a National Election you either vote for the RepubicOn or the DemoCommie! I would even vote for John McCain if he is chosen again. And I hate McCain.
To vote 3rd party this time, or to even suggest such an insane thing
is to commit a Treasonous act against the Republic and should be dealt
with very very very severly.
This time we play for all the marbles. We either win or America really dies.
Carpenter, I agree. The RepublicOns need to cross the RubicOn or else the DecepticOns will take over this once proud land.
I feel compelled, any time Quakers are mentioned, to remind people that Richard M. Nixon is our favorite Quaker.
I’m no big fan of RICO, but the goose and gander thing applies. Seize their assets as soon as suspicion arises. The ensuing apoplexy would be worth the price of admission.
Not likely. Bill Clinton could have made something like this work. He was king of triangularization. Obama, on the other hand, is the king of circularization, not only in terms of thought and deed, but also in terms of strategic planning.
Marko is right only Shia Lebouf can save us!
Y’all should never underestimate the dark side of the Force. the marxist maobama is a great campaigner. It is the one thing he is good at. The republicons will get about 6 good people and 60 rinos, but at the least the rinos won’t have to cave to the commies agenda., they will cave from their own agenda. If the repulicons do not impeach, impeach them or kick their butts out!
Nothing looks better than a politician being kicked out teh door.
plentyobailouts said:
Yes. I agree but there is that other factor. God could be using thee ObamaLama to punish the Left for their many crimes against humanity and gross sins. He has certainly given the Left over to thier degrading passions.
Immorality, Theft, Child Sacrifice, Murder, Sexual Perversity, Worshipping false Gods. The Libs are even worse than the Baal Worshipping Molochites of ancient day. Several Liberal American cities are 1000’s of times worse than Sodom and Gommorah.
Obama is thier punishment. Obama is Americas punishment for murdering over 50 million inocent little babies.
I don’t believe that Democrats or Republicans in Congress have any brains. As a matter of fact, I think right after they are sworn in, they enter a secret chamber where they are each given a lobodomy! There is no other explanation for the spending and stupidity of Nancy Pelosi and Lindsay Grahm!
I shall remain a Right Wing Conservative Christian Anglo American who believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights! Something that NOBODY in Washington has even read!
Here I thought I had nothing in common with O-bah-muhh, and come to find out, I was right
If O-bah-muhh really hated Libtards, he would stop acting like them.
Most Gremlin-like transformations involve large quantities of alcohol; after midnight, much like the movie.
Applying RICO laws to politicians, only in my dreams.
In a bad economy, Software engineers that get laid off from Intertrode sell magazine subscriptions.
The interfaith fight club might not have panned out, but I bet the fight between the Snakehandler from the Church of Signs & Wonders, and the Guy from the Church of Satan was a real doozy.
Regarding inventing words with a silent ‘c’, the Sience! is settled.8)
If Democrats lose seats in the House, I would suspect Charlie Rangel of taking them. Raaaaacist?
I saw the quip about the interfaith fight club. Instead of a Lady Gaga karaoke night at the GZ Islamic gay bar, one could still have a Fight Club night there although the rules will have certain changes:
In reverse order:
8. If this is your first time at Fight Club you have to fight. [No fair sending your autistic sister in your place strapped with a suicide vest.]
7. Fights go on as long as they have to. [So far we’ve been at it since 9/11.]
6. The fights are bare knuckle. No shoes, no shirts, no weapons. [Oooh! Semi-naked, sweaty, hairy-backed Mohammedans rolling around on a dirty bathroom floor. Faaabulousss, my Preciousssss!]
5. One fight at a time. [No group sex as we haven’t yet secured the necessary corral permits from Mayor Bloomberg for the goats.]
4. Only 2 guys to a fight. [See #5.]
3, If someone says “stop” or goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. [Although one can purchase Viagra at the bar if you go “limp”. 72 virgins not included]
2. You DO NOT talk about Fight Club. [The closet can be such a cozy safe place. Just ask Ricky Martin. There might be some sexy Jimmie Choo “hump-me pumps” in there!]
1. You do not talk about Fight Club. [What will the neighbors at Cordoba House think? They’ll just have to tolerate it, I guess.]