When this trend hits the White House…

You’ve heard about Steven Slater, the JetBlue steward (they prefer “flight attendant”) who got fed up with rude people, grabbed a beer, deployed the emergency slide, and left, quitting his job.

That led to the fake story of “Jenny,” the woman who was reported to have quit her job by sending an email with messages on a dry-erase board, detailing why she quit. It was a hoax, but a lot of people fell for it, and, if it’s like many hoaxes, it’ll surface again.

The thing is, people believed the “Jenny” story because they want to. And Steven Slater shows how plausible it is.

Most adults, as much as they might like to, won’t actually do something like that. Sure, we all dream of the day we can leave the job, often ending the notice with the phrase “and the horse you rode in on.” But we won’t. We’re adults.

But not everyone is. Have you looked at the White House lately?

There’s a president to never had a real job in his life, and is shown every day to be in way over his head. You got a first lady who dresses like someone shopping at Wal-mart at 2:00 AM. There’s a press secretary who’s so frustrated that not everyone is as enamored with the president as he that he says critics (specifically those on the left) should be tested for drugs. There’s skateboarding down the halls of the presidential mansion. There’s Joe Biden (nuff said). And the list goes on.

The obvious conclusion is there’s not a responsible adult in the group.

What does that mean?

Well, adults don’t act like Slater. But none of the White House crew is adult. So, when one finally snaps, what will it be like?

Who would you like to see quit the White House in a huff? And how?


  1. The guy who’s ‘in charge.’ Lots of reasons for that. But as to the how?
    Jump out of either Marine One or Air Force One, have issues getting his ‘chute to open, tangle in a tree, and be left crying in a tizzy.
    Either that or start whining about life not being fair, and people not loving him being stupid heads, followed by a good session of crime, so he winds up locked away. Preferably in an asylum of the sanitarium variety.

  2. When the big hissy fit breakdown happens at the white house I expect it will follow standard form. That standard exit form is called hat trick of “victim payday hissyfit”

    -The women will sue for sexual harassment

    -The minorities (now majorities in many states) will sue for racial discrimination

    -The gays will sue for mental duress after being exposed to Michelle’s wardrobe. (they are the only ones I think will be justified)

    Suing or legislating is the only thing leftists like this know how to do, its why they are all lawyers not businessmen. They get money by finding someone who knows how to earn it then they find a legal loophole or media victim to extort a big piece of the pie for themselves. Rinse and repeat.

  3. Eric Holder screaming and being hauled out in a butterfly net. And yes, I did tell an administrator to go fornicate herself last year because I couldn’t stand her bull crap. Of course I used the “F” word. I then walked out. When I told another employer why I left,and told them the truth about the last place I worked. They laughed and hired me on the spot.

    [If you used the phrase “and the horse you rode in on” you are now my hero! – B.]

  4. I recently worked for a company that provided “Customer Service” to ATT. I was in Tech Support. In anticipation of the latest Iphone rollout, ATT’s “PLAN” to handle the added call volume was to “mandate” OT. Now its not like ATT didnt’t anticipate the call volume before hand, they just didn’t care, they felt it was perfectly fine to suspend vacations for their contractors and “mandate” OT. Now, having survived a previous Iphone rollout, that shite didnt fly. So on the day of the rollout I arrived on time according to my original schedule and very openly packed up my toys, dropped my access badge on the Sup’s desk, and advised him that while others may tolerate being treated in that manner, I wasn’t going to put up with that kind of behavior and that I felt that the Company (the contractor) would sell its mother to the nearest PIMP if they thought it would keep ATT happy. I then departed and have had a GREAT summer, got to coach my son’s Little League Team, get the new home all squared away, and generally enjoyed myself without having to listen to 30 people a day too stupid to understand that the Iphone was actually smarter than them. Probably one of the worst jobs I have ever had and not in my “normal” work classification. I think one of the problems in our society is that we dont stand up to bad behavior anymore. All I know is that if you are behaving badly and you impact my life….I’m going to STAND & call you out. I’m not going to allow NONSENSE to go unchecked.

    [Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying we should suffer quietly. You didn’t pop a beer and create a problem with the company exit. There’s a difference in what you and Cilla Mitchell did and what Mr. Slater did. Okay, Cilla was borderline. But it wasn’t done in front of everybody (she told a former co-worker later). But, while we all handle things differently, we don’t go ape-sh*t crazy when we do finally have had enough. I suspect if a White House staff member went all Slater, it’d be highly entertaining! – B.]

  5. Who would you like to see quit the White House in a huff? And how?

    Hillary Clinton, with an exit speech along the lines of “I just can’t take it anymore. I’ve been a good soldier, dutifully discharging the President’s foreign policy. But, jeez, the man is so wholly clueless and incompetent that I can’t go on. He has single-handedly wrecked the greatness of this nation abroad. I would never have believed that a man who is accorded to be so smart is really the stupidist jerk I hope to never have to meet again. Failing a successful impeachment effort by the soon-to-be majority Republicans, may you crash and burn grandly in the 2012 elections. Good riddance.”

  6. What I failed to see is why this was news. Marxists and little girls act like anytime they are asked to do work. But like all leftists, he inconvenienced someone else when they decide to pop. Then there is the clown on the airplane. At least this guy acted like the leftist he was, and simply stomped his feet, screeched, and went to the playground.

  7. My apologies Frank, No misunderstanding, and I certainly agree…..what I want to see is Gibbs a “meltdown”. If anyone is a candidate for such a thing…… How much xanex does anyone think it takes to be a shill for this admin? I surprised he doesn’t have a intravenous drip of the stuff. Every time someone in the Admin opens their mouth this guy probably wants to blow his own brains out. Then again he HAS to be a “believer” as I don’t think there is enough money in the world to get me to that job. And I am very mercenary when it comes to money (one of my many character flaws)

  8. There’s so many to choose from. A dramatic exit from the tightly wound and always obscene Rahm would definitely be entertaining. Oooooo, the expletives would be classic. Yes, Gibbs is always pissed. He’d go out in flames. Michelle? She’d just jet off somewhere, like Spain. Valerie Jarret would file a discrimination suit. Hillary has to leave in a huff she wants to run, but being the most politically savvy, she’d manufacture her exit for effect. Holder would go out whining, and he’d insist on doing it in NYC.

    Who does that leave? Why Sasha and Malia! I’d like to see them march out the front doors of the White House, equipped with luggage, the next time Mr. or Mrs. President chooses to use them as object lessons for not getting good grades or for needing fewer desserts. They could prolly hook up with the aforementioned Holder to initiate some type of child divorce thing.

  9. Since I can’t narrow it down to any one criminal in the current administration, I’ll just let everyone know that from now on all my pants/shorts will have at least a back belt loop. That way I can hang that sprig of mistletoe there while exiting the building.

  10. Given The ‘Fab-u-lously Flamboyant’,”I’m super! How are you?” Steve Slater’s sexual orientaion,I’d give a yet unheard of Zorro Snap in Z-formation, to see Rahm Emanuel quit in a huff because he wasn’t getting enough ‘quality time’ with O-bah-muhh. Then he announces he’s going back to enjoying sipping wine at Wrigley Field.

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