All hail Phar-0, the true ruler of Egypt!
♫ Born in Honolulu… If you don’t believe, then SCREW YOU! ♫
Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!
All hail Phar-0, the true ruler of Egypt!
♫ Born in Honolulu… If you don’t believe, then SCREW YOU! ♫
Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!
Moses supposes, his toeses are roses!
Ron Paul 2012
Dear Barack,
You should resign. All the cool kids are doing it.
Next we subjects get Queen Butz and her sweet asp?
I kept thinking Obama looked familiar. Now I know where I’ve seen that arrogant face before. Cleopatra………….they could be twins. Someone better check the Oval Orafice for Asps. Pun, pun, pun, pun.
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I wonder if Rush reads America is an Obamanation?
One day he’ll be lying in a sarcophagus built out of gold-covered Algore, wearing Michelle’s headdress and holding two candy canes crossed over his chest. Perhaps they’ll bury Michelle along with him as protection against the afterwife (Hillary).