Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The funniest thing at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The funniest thing at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner…
… was… uh… hmmmm… actually, I got nothing for this one. If there was ever an event completely devoid of actual humor, it was this.
…was Zoe Barnes was there in a room full of other people pretending to be journalists.
…was the “White House Correspondent’s Dinner”. What a freaking joke
…is that these people pretend to represent the interests of the american people.
…was the whoopee cushin under the POTUS, plus the resulting noises when Secret Service agents threw themselves upon it.
…is the journalists’ belief that anyone outside Washington DC gives a rat’s ass about it.
…Was that everyone there thinking anyone actually cares about their puny, bigoted, myopic lives.
All the “serious” news reporters hoping their tweets and instagrams get noticed by the social media.
…the look on obama’s face when the pork was served.
…was when Obama gave a shout out to Chris Matthews just to watch Matthews wet himself.
… when the President pointed at a hard working caterer and said – “You didn’t build that.”
Several members of the Press were laughing so hard that they choked on their Lobster and Faux gras!
…was Joycelyn Elders high-fiveing everyone.
…was seeing a chicken bone choke on everyone who swallowed the President’s answers the last four years.
…was when all the correspondents had to retake their vow of always corresponding with Obama.
…was when someone hacked obama’s teleprompter and he found himself reading carpenter’s famous YGDFT! rant.
…it was conducted over the U.S. Mail.
…when Michelle say Helen Thomas she said, “I thought Rodney Dangerfield was dead.”
…never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
…someone swapped in uncookies for dessert.
…was watching people freak out when a server said, “There’s fresh RICE IN the kitchen.”
…the Book ‘To Serve The MSM’ was found to be a cookbook.
…when Michelle saw Helen Thomas she said, “I thought Rodney Dangerfield was dead.”
…was when Obama appeared with a freshly blooming dogwood tree sticking out of his pants and yelling at Rush Limbaugh that it is too a hole in the ground.
…was Biden letting slip that Obama is addicted to eating paint chips but not to worry, because old Uncle Joe was hired just to be his food taster.
…was Michelle declaring that for the first time she was proud of her country fried steak.
,,, was when abs sat on her left boob.
… was watching the guest trying to eat Gogh.
… was Bo Bo dancing with the occupants wife.
… was when Obama announced he had a new plan to stimulate the economy.
…was that they all still believe they’re relevant.
…was the Seinfeld episode the serving staff was watching in the back.
…was Obama and if you say otherwise you’re a RACIST!
…was the now-missing Carpenter turning up in front of the dais and yelling YGDFTYLTATSOTE!
…each reporter for a magazine was allowed no more than 7 cartridge pens.
…was the Secret Service jumping on an apoplectic Carpenter immediately after he yelled YGDFTYLTATSOTE!
…was the extreme disappointment on Obama’s face when he saw that dinner was beef and lamb, not actual correspondents
…was when Barack Obama edged out Steve Carell for the best schmuck
…was how John Carney kept photo bombing everyone
…was when Sarah Palin rode in on a Dinosaur with rocket launchers and smote all the liberal biased media….wait, I may have just dreamed that
…was when everyone was given an individual check for their dinners, and spent the next 2 hours trying to pass it off to someone else
… was when Obama said “Actually, there’ll be no checks. Or balances.”
… which is just as well, because the worst tippers are one-percenters.
… was that the dinners as well as the jokes were on the House.
… was when Frank J. was named the Master of Sarah Monies.
… was that the reporters who have been in bed with Obama all these years were named co-respondents.
… was that, in other words, the hors got their d’oeuvres.
…the contortions the MSM went through to simultaneously pat themselves on the back while bowing to kiss Obama’s hind quarters.
…was when everyone laughed uproariously at the blind reporter searching in vain for his guide dog.
. . . occurred when the “journalists” found that somebody had removed all the popcorn that they had strewn to help them find their way out to their cars.
…when each reporter got their check at the end.
…found that those that lived by the pen, really died by the pen.
……..was the amount of food on the plates. Everyone was fed according to the new rules followed by school across America. It explains why people were cranky (they were hungry) and why the fast food restaurants in Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Arlington had a run on them about 20 minutes after the event was over.
@13 – Bacon to jw!
…Obama ate a dog.
…Obama ended his speech with ‘God bless you all’ and then left it up to them to figure out which god.
…Joe Biden was found sitting at the kids table and it ended up resembling one of those AT&T commercials -except reversed.
…was when 492 rich white people chanted “we are the 99%!” in unison as one half-white person smuggly smiled and looked down his nose at them.
…was when michelle made her angry eyes at conan o’brien, and dan rather panicked and screamed, “SQUATCH!!”
…was when the new directors of current tv thanked al gore for not getting too hung up on that whole ‘al jazeera’ thing.
…was when drake bell gave a toast…wait…that was rachel maddow.
…was when wolf blitzer – three sheets to the wind – mumbled, “if lou dobbs was here right now i’d beat his ass.”
…was when arianna huffington lifted her shirt to flash carville.
…was how anderson cooper kept wanting to sit on stone phillips’ lap.
…was when cenk unger thanked jay carney for preparing his remarks for him.
…was when rahm got up to talk about the effectiveness of gun control, and finished by thanking everyone for understanding that murder rates are “but one small variable”.
harv- what the crap? my quite hilarious comments are not showing?! I assume it’s waiting in your moderation que… the Anderson cooper thing?!?!
@41 – I had to cut the Jamie Foxx line. I know it’s a Django reference (and a good one), but I’m not comfortable going there on this blog. It’s not personal.
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gotcha Harvey…understood. certainly didn’t take it personally. best!