Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?


  1. Here’s a non-partisan political topic for discussion: It was always said that Republicans ran to the right for the primaries and then ran to the middle for the general election, and the Democrats to the left and then to the middle. Do you think that is becoming a thing of the past? I mean, with the Internet, alternative media, etc., it isn’t really possible to get away with being two-faced on an issue.

    Politician: “Now, now. No one’s talking about taking anyone’s guns away. That’s just those murdering NRA types who are in the pocket of the gun manufacturers trying to spread lies to hurt my campaign.”
    Citizen: “You said it before Super Tuesday.”
    Politician: “I never said it. Nobody in our party is saying…”
    Citizen: “It’s right here on my phone.
    Politician: “That’s, uh, edited. That’s taken out of context.”
    Citizen: “……………………….How?”
    Politician: “My party is not out to take away your guns.”
    Citizen: “Here’s a super-edit of everyone in your party saying this that the Washington Times put together.”
    Politician: “Cut that out.”

    • Game Show Host (John Cleese) : Good evening and welcome to Stake Your Claim. First this evening we have Mr Norman Voles of Gravesend who claims he wrote all Shakespeare’s works. Mr Voles, I understand you claim that you wrote all those plays normally attributed to Shakespeare?
      Voles (Michael Palin) : That is correct. I wrote all his plays and my wife and I wrote his sonnets.

      Host: Mr Voles, these plays are known to have been performed in the early 17th century. How old are you, Mr Voles?

      Voles: 43.

      Host: Well, how is it possible for you to have written plays performed over 300 years before you were born?

      Voles: Ah well. This is where my claim falls to the ground.

      Host: Ah!

      Voles: There’s no possible way of answering that argument, I’m afraid. I was only hoping you would not make that particular point, but I can see you’re more than a match for me!

      Host: Mr Voles, thank you very much for coming along.

      Voles: My pleasure.

      Host: Next we have Mr Bill Wymiss who claims to have built the Taj Mahal.

      Vymiss (Eric Idle) : No.

      Host: I’m sorry?

      Wymiss: No. No.

      Host: I thought you cla…

      Wymiss: Well I did but I can see I won’t last a minute with you.

      Host: Next…

      Wymiss: I was right!

      Host: … we have Mrs Mittelschmerz of Dundee who cla… Mrs Mittelschmerz, what is your claim?

      Mittelschmerz (Graham Chapman in drag) : That I can burrow through an elephant.

      Host: (Pause) Now you’ve changed your claim, haven’t you. You know we haven’t got an elephant.

      Mittelschmerz: (Insincerely) Oh, haven’t you? Oh dear!

      Host: You’re not fooling anybody, Mrs Mittelschmerz. In your letter you quite clearly claimed that … er … you could be thrown off the top of Beachy Head into the English Channel and then be buried.

      Mittelschmerz: No, you can’t read my writing.

      Host: It’s typed.

      Mittelschmerz: It says ‘elephant’.

      Host: Mrs Mittelschmerz, this is an entertainment show, and I’m not prepared to simply sit here bickering. Take her away, Heinz!

      Mittelschmerz: Here, no, leave me alone!

      (Sound of wind and sea)

      Mittelschmerz: Oooaaahh! (SPLOSH)

  2. If there was a Democratic candidate who could draw from the middle (since the left, opposed to Trump, is assured)… and I mean, the Democrats who used to be plentiful, loves government programs, loves unions, wants to spend more on Education, is pro-Choice but still thinks it’s a tragedy and not something you boast about, still loves God, America, guns and the military… I should think that person would give Trump a run for the money even in a good economy. Someone who believes we need a border, maybe even a wall, but we need to be nicer about it. Someone who hates how uncivil Trump is and shows it by being really civil and upbeat and friendly, and promising to work across the aisle because he/she believes we can all get along. I could see such an individual luring away the middle, especially if promising to NOT undo the economic things that Trump has clearly done right.

    I honestly believe that would pose a real threat to Trump in the fall. Goodness, there are people from National Review who would vote for such a person! Just hammer every tweet, every time Trump is speaking about some ongoing legal matter it’s inappropriate to weigh in on, every infantile display that makes even supporters cringe, and it would chip away at the guy.

    So of course, the Democrats are screaming for full Socialism now, after the guns are all banned, with 20 trillion in new spending and free everything.

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