Everyone seems to want to support Israel right now, but I urge you all to step back and look at this objectively. When are these “attacks” happening? July. Doesn’t that sound a lot like “Jew lie”? So isn’t it reasonable – nay, only reasonable – to conclude that reports of attacks on Israel and kidnapping is all one big Jew lie?
Also, many Christians think we have a kinship with Jews since Jesus was a Jew. That itself is just one big July. Where was Jesus born? Jerusalem. And, knowing the rightful owners of that city, what does that make Jesus?
A Palestinian!
ahem. Palestinians the “rightful” owners?
Ah…another joooo lie! And I’ve been dupped all these years…those tricky jooos!
I was born in Bethlehem.
I am a semite, a jew. The other semites are the arabs as they descend from Abraham through Ismael, abandoned to die in the desert with his mother, just because Sarah, Abraham’s half sister said so.
When my people got to Israel the Filastin were already there.
The jews, in 4000 years and until the 50’s, only governed Israel for 50 years under David and Solomon.
Now to kill inocent civilians just because they have strong reasons to suspect seems a little genocidal.
Sounds like now that we have this figured out…we should let Sadaam out of jail…tell him sorry about your two kids but hey tough shit and here’s your country back and we’re leaving…and then we blame everything on the Jooooos!
I think this historical fable sums the situation up:
There was a Jew and a Chinaman sitting at the bar drinking. All of a sudden the Jew turns and punches the Chinaman in the face, knocking him off his stool.
Stunned, the Chinaman gets up and says, “What the hell was that for?”
The Jew replies, “That was for Pearl Harbor.”
The Chinaman says, “That was the Japanese, I’m Chinese.”
The Jew says, “Well you have black hair, squinted eyes, and buckteeth, it’s all the same to me.”
The Chinaman says “Okay” and sits on his stool and continues drinking.
About a half hour later the Chinaman turns and punches the Jew in the face, knocking him off his stool.
The Jew gets up and says, “What the hell was that for?”
The Chinaman says “That was for the Titanic.”
The Jew replies, “The Titanic? That was an iceberg!”
The Chinaman says, “Iceberg, Goldberg, Steinberg, it’s all the same to me.”
Jesus was a Palestinian?
No wonder why I killed him.
Thank Frank with all the crap Israel is dealing with now I could really use that laugh. That was hysterical.
You rock, now put out another freakin podcast or we will close your bank accounts. (By WE I mean Us Jews)
“Where was Jesus born? Jerusalem.”
Try Bethlehem.
O ye little town of ….
So where WERE the Hebrews living those 4000 years? Dayton? Just because they didn’t control the ENTIRE land or were invaded and occupied on occasion doesn’t mean they weren’t from there. I guess by your reasoning the Palestinians no longer live there, since the Jews do now. Or do we deport them all to Ur (modern Iraq) and declare that the Jewish Homeland, since that’s where Abraham was from?
If you are citing some fast-and-loose recent archeology studies, Israeli Finkelstein’s work is pretty invalid internally. His claims that the economic evidence doesn’t back up the idea that certain kings “Did good in they eyes of the Lord” or “Did evil in the eyes of the Lord” is like saying that Bill Clinton never screwed around with Monica because the stock market didn’t collapse on BJ Day.
I’m sure that when God promised Ishmael’s mother that he too would be a great nation, He wasn’t blowing smoke, but I don’t think that the purpose of that great nation is to strap on explosive belts laced with rat poison to encourage bleeding and blow up the other great nation’s people at the mall. Just conjecture on my part, mind you, but…
What Israel is dealing with now are basically suicide cults on its borders, who take any territory gained in “peace” agreements and use it to launch rockets. Eventually people get sick of that. All the smart/civilized Palestinians already left for other countries or stayed in Israel and lived peaceful lives. Some were elected to Israeli government. What is left is little more than refugees (average age in the Gaza Strip – 15 years old) with blood lust and indoctrination, not people who can build a civilization even if they won. It’s just Lord of the Flies with a sheet on its head. If the sponsors of this gave a damn about using them as something other than proxy cannon fodder, they’d put in economic rather than military aid to Palestinian people. Even if they Palestinians are victims, they made a mess of things completely on their own.
It’s not fair to factcheck me!
I never said the hebrews were not there, I said jews only governed…
Hebrew is ethnic, Jew is religion.
Israel is full of Eastern Europeans and Slavs.
Mind who you are adressing: Joshua BIN Jusuf=Jesus son of Joseph
and Jesus grew up in Nazareth. After a brief trip to Egypt.
Don’t you go to Sunday School Frnak?
Nazareth did not exist at the time and the trip to Egypt was not brief at all.
But I knew some Nazoreans, from the Essenes. And, in the scripture, it says I only speak of Fariseans and Saduceans.
I believe “Yeshua” is Jesus, not “Joshua”. I think if it were “Joshua”, it would have come to English as “Joshua”, not “Jesus”, since there is already a “Joshua” in the Pentatuch.
Even so, pretty freaking vain handle, don’t you think?
You split a lot of hairs on the definition of “Jew”, “Governed” and a number of other bits, which leads me to the conclusion that you are mincing words to justify positions (“It depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.” springs to mind.) Sadly, you are not the first person to think he’s the messiah but behave like the most squirrely of lawyers, and very sadly you won’t be the last.
know why a lawyer wears a necktie? Keeps the foreskin from sliding back up…
I already told you once, Frank. Quit plagarizing from Cynthia McKinney’s campaign website!
The trip to Egypt was because MARY HAD TO GO SHOPPING…so yes it took a long time.
Nevertheless, I’m thankful to the Jews for contributing to our daily lives.
Jew eetyet?
Jew lie t’mee winn you sed you bawt a new truck?
Jew piss on my new muddin tires?!
Master Shake – She’s just mad because she found out yesterday that Jesus wasn’t black.
yeshua, joshua same word, diferent transliteration, jesus comes from latin jesu, another transliteration.
do they say i ever said i’m the messiah? or god?
i say you are god.
“I say you are a god”
COOL!!!! That’ll look great on a resume!
“I do believe they think I am some sort of a god!”
In response to the gentleman who commented at the top of the page. You stated something I have often heard; that muslims decended from ishmael…sorry, but I see a disconnect. Just because muslims claim to decend from ishmael does not make it true. I find it odd that many people accept this statement as fact, when the proof for it is a blind ascertion made in the hadith as a way of promoting islamic legitimacy. There is no known genological claims, so far as I am aware.
By the way for a more hermeneutically balanced reading of Ishmael and the great nation that ensued, try samaritans…also semetic, also a great nation, also religiously jews but the racial/politcal history has more connection with things biblical. It makes more sense to say that ishmaels line was the samaritans, IMO. (it is also, by the way, more fun to claim that muslims are modern day babylonians, canaanites, and other bad peoples from the bible.)
actually, the true Old Testament Jews are not represented by rabbinical Talmudists, for the Talmud was developed after Christ. The true Jews are the Karaites, who reject the Talmud but hold sacred the Torah.
The true Jews are the Karaites, who reject the Talmud but hold sacred the Torah.
From the perspective of those who do not accept the Oral Torah (aka Talmud), this would make sense and even be true. But according to Rabbinic Judaism the Karaites are heretics as Rabbinic Jews believe that God revealed a written and an oral Torah at the same time. The Oral Torah was written down when the survival of the Oral Torah became endangered. To these Jews, the Oral Torah is just as, if not more, important than the Written Torah. This is especially true when one considers that most mitzvot (commandments) given in the Written Torah can only be obeyed by knowing what the Oral Torah says about it. The Written Torah says to do something but gives no indication how to do it (what are tefillin? how’s it worn? what’s a mezuzah? how should it be attacked to the doorframe? what does the Written Torah mean by not eating a kid cooked in its mother’s milk? and so on and so forth). Without the Oral Torah, the mitzvot would be impossible to obey.
Academically, there is no right or wrong Judaism. There have been a large variety of Judaisms (or a number of interpretations of Judaism) of which only one prevails (Rabbinic Judaism) and two are dying out (Karaite Judaism and Falasha Judaism).
If one wanted to determine which interpretation was correct from a theological perspective, one’s answer would be fundamentally biased based on one’s theology.
I think this biblical song sums the situation up best:
When Israel was in Egypt’s land,
Let My penis go,
Oppressed so hard it could not stand,
Let My penis go.
Get down, Moses,
Get down in Egypt’s land,
Tell old Pharaoh,
To let My penis go.
Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said,
Let My penis go,
If not I’ll smite your first born Fred,
Let My penis go.
Get down, Moses,
Get down in Egypt’s land,
Tell old Pharaoh,
To let My penis go.
No more in bondage shall they toil,
Let My penis go,
Let them go down on Olive Oyl,
Let My penis go.