I see like everybody out there in the blogosphere complaining about North Korea and their missiles, but I don’t see anyone doing anything about it. Is Glenn Reynolds organizing a North Korean boycott? Is Michelle Malkin planning to invade North Korea and blow up their missiles sites? Is Mr. T setting up a system to shoot down launched North Korean missiles?
Well, I guess Mr. T doesn’t have a blog, but he should.
Anyway, if none of you are going to personally do anything about North Korea, then everyone in the blogosphere should stop all this blah blah blah about it. Sheesh.
Archive of entries posted on 6th July 2006
Meanwhile in Iraq
(click to enlarge)
Security was ramped up as a precaution after New York Times reporters were sighted in the area. Unfortunately, the German Shepherd was actually Bill Keller in a dog suit.
[Pic via CENTCOM]
While the fierce heated debate on what’s a good definition of spacemonkey is raging:
I offer the following interlude.
I, like some people, use gmail for my email and also the google talk chat dealy-bopper that is bundled to the gmail notifier.
This allows you to interact with people, just by the virtue of your both being online at the same time and having the program running. (stop me if I get too technical, I’m talking to you, RWD)
Anyway you can chant with people online, oh sure you can chat too but chanting is so rhythmic and well, nevermind. But you can chat with people, other people than yourself which can at times be nice.
But you can communcate by changing the status on your name too, which I posted about a little cheese joke we had a while back. Here I show a (for me) clever response to the status of some character named “American Ronin”, who is tauting the fact that today is his Faux-Friday, because he doesn’t work tomorrow. i guess. I change my status from “Walmart is the Devil” to “Faux-Wednesday” since the rest of us in the US (the real Americans) are in the middle of our work week what with the Independence day holiday and not being a mungbrain like American Ronin (who in all likelihood is probably a Jordanian in Hungary or somewhere where it’s really Friday already and he ‘s writing computer viruses).
Then out of the blue some, ‘Ronald Coleman’ character (if that’s really his name) reads my private GoogleTalk status and practically stalks me online, IM’ing me incessantly. Below the fold is the startling content of that IM conversation. (Edited for profanity)
Operation Get Spacemonkey Added To The Dictionary
Throw out your old dictionaries, folks. They’re all horribly out of date now that the new ones are about to hit the shelves!
If you’re still lost, grab the latest edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary for a definition of those and about 100 other words that have made their way into its pages.
“We try to have a mix that addresses the wide range of people’s information needs when adding new words,” said John Morse, president of the Springfield-based dictionary publisher. “It could be a technical term or some light-hearted slang that sends people to a dictionary.”
To make it into the dictionary, a word has to be more than a flash-in-the-pan fad. It needs staying power.
“We need evidence that the word is showing up in publications that people are reading on an everyday basis,” Morse said. Lexicographers comb through national newspapers, entertainment magazines, trade journals and Web sites in search of new words and phrases.
Okay, so let’s see if they’ve finally gotten around to adding spacemonkey…
The word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search box to the right.
What? No spacemonkey? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Folks, it’s time to make spacemonkey a part of your daily lives so we can get it added to the dictionary. (And, thus, get spacemonkey’s picture put next to the definition.)
But first, of course, we need to agree on a definition of spacemonkey.
What’s your definition of spacemonkey?
Continue reading ‘Operation Get Spacemonkey Added To The Dictionary’ »
The Demands of Kon Young Ducky
New York Times Special Report…
Overwhelmed by the pressures of work, school, and World Cup Soccer – young RWD has finally snapped. He has left the group at IMAO to go to his top secret lair at 123 Avenida De Las Flores. (Ducky’s note: CURSE YOU NY TIMES.) The government has been watching the young duck as he spirals downward in a downward spiral of .. er. downwardness. This secret spying of the duck was not authorized by congress was probably illegal. (Government note: Curse you NY Times.) Also, his hair has magically become much more poofy like.
We now go to a specially released statement from Kon Young Ducky (formerly known as RightWingDuck)
Attention World!!! Or IMAO readers. I have developed a powerful missile capable of leaving my backyard and causing doom – DOOOOOM!! I say. Not really sure about the doom, but I am fairly sure that it should be able to leave my back yard. This super missile powered by top secret techknology (NY Times Note: Baking Soda) that nobody would dare challenge!!
At this point, all your everything are belong to me!! It is only by giving in and offering ransom that you pathetic Americans can even hope to survive my wrath.
In the comments below, please list who you are and what your concessions would be to me and my mighty arsenal of baking soda, er.. i mean.. top secret technology weapons of doooooooooom.
Is This Enough to Finally Get His Title Changed from “Reverend” to Something More Appropriate… Like “Jackoff”?
Am I reading this editorial right in that the “Reverend” Al Sharpton is urging Churches to forget all that crazy religious stuff and instead focus on petty political issues?
The beliefs of the Democratic base have long been in conflict with the religious beliefs of the majority of blacks, and I know the Democrats have to be quite scared that will one day break up what has always been a solid voting block for them (and basically cause the Democrats’ extinction), but this is pretty pathetic. We have here an editorial on what Christian churches should be focusing on that mentions all the old canards (“stolen” elections of 2000 and 2004) but doesn’t mention Jesus once; that’s just surreal from someone claiming to have any connection to religion.
If Al Sharpton wants more acceptance, he should try and stop churches from preaching about being on the lookout for false prophets. Otherwise the smart ones will kick him right out the door.
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) Who is the president of Itchy & Scratchy Studios?
2) What’s the slogan for Fire Safety Day at Springfield Elementary?
3) According to Smithers, how many little jobs does he do for Mr. Burns?
4) Which U.S. President did Burns’ mother have an affair with?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
There Can Be Only One
I figured if I want to improve my Google ranking for “Frank”, I better start campaigning against the other Franks ahead of me. Well, look at this article I found about Anne Frank. She doesn’t even want her Google ranking; I should have it.