Eric J., one of my fellow bloggers toiling away for Meryl Yourish, is working on a centralized fundraising project for Pizza For IDF.
I’m throwing in $25 of my own money.
Archive of entries posted on 14th July 2006
Kofi Annan Public Statements Bingo
Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon… who is United Nations Security Council Chieftan Kofi Annan angry at now?
But more importantly, how is he expressing his anger?
In order to help you keep track of how Kofi Annan feels today, I’ve decided to put together a fun Bingo game:

Every time you hear any of these phrases in a Kofi Annan speech about the situation in Gaza or Lebanon, just mark off the square.
When you get five in a row, well, just clear the board and start all over again.
For example, let’s examine this statement to reporters in Rome:
“I would like to remind the parties that under the law of armed conflict, attacks must not be directed against civilian objects,” he said. “In particular, they have an obligation to exercise precaution and to respect the proportionality principle in all military operations so as to prevent unnecessary suffering among the civilian population,” he said.
“I and leaders from around the world have been working around the clock, as have my representatives on the ground, to find a solution to the crisis, to urge restraint and prevent these situations spiralling even further out of control,” he added.
“I can only hope that the parties heed our counsel, and that regional players who have influence will do likewise. Reckless and dangerous actions will only lead to further bloodshed and instability, inflaming an already highly volatile region.
Okay, I’ve bolden the buzzwords that I figure are close enough to what’s in the squares to qualify for chips… and… nope. Still not Bingo.
Keep up the rhetoric, Kofi!
Fun Trivia
What was President Bush’s response when Lebanon urged him to pressure Israel to stop its attacks?
A Story, Bit by Bit
Hellbender: Part 15 – Transportation
“This is happening too fast.”
Lulu appeared confused. “That won’t work as a motto.”
“You’re the one who didn’t want to spend too much time planning this, Charlene,” Bryce said. “Now we’ll have that hard drive and be back in Proserpine territory with plenty of time for you to get back to the stupid military if that’s what you want.”
Charlene checked her pistol and put it back in her toolbox. “Or we’ll be dead.”
Lulu wagged her finger at Charlene. “That’s not the spirit. See, that’s why I’m leader.”
Doug was even more worried than Charlene, but he kept his mouth shut. Being smuggled in the back of a truck to Asmod territory was a bit scary. They couldn’t see outside to know for certain they were actually going where the shifty people they paid said they’d be taken. All the four had was one light to see by and a number of crates to lean against while the ride seemed to hit every bump in the road. Taking it for granted that they were actually going to make it into Asmod territory and that they would be able to get into the military base and the research facility without getting shot, they didn’t have a way back home since their driver was going to leave as soon as they were dropped off. Bryce said not to worry, but Doug thought someone should worry about it. At least he was able to make a thermos of coffee before they left.
“Anyone want coffee to help calm down?”
“Caffeine is a stimulant; it won’t calm anyone down,” Charlene said.
Doug poured himself a cup. “It calms me down.” He took a sip and then scratched his side; the blue maintenance uniform he was wearing was itchy.
Charlene scratched as well. “Why couldn’t I wear a suit for this?”
Lulu posed in her brand new business suit. “Because you don’t have an air of authority like I do.”
“Your skirt is too short and you still have those stupid pigtails.”
“You can be cute and still have authority, Charlene!”
“Ladies, calm down.” Bryce was putting in the earpiece for their radios. “We need to keep our cool for this to work. Doug, you keep alternating between looking really confused and really scared; that’s not going to do it. I need your trademark blank stare for this.”
“I’ll try, but how are we even going to get into the military base?”
“That’s my problem. Just focus on your job. And what’s your job?”
“Carry my toolbox and follow Charlene.”
“And, if even the slightest thing goes wrong,” Charlene said, “take out a gun and start shooting.”
Lulu frowned. “You’re not going to be happy today unless you get to kill someone, are you?”
Charlene smiled. “Same as any other day.”
When the truck stopped, they were unceremoniously unloaded along with a couple crates in a back alley. Bryce then led them to the city street. It was a weird feeling being in another nation, but the place looked exactly the same as any city in Proserpine territory. There even some of the same restaurant chains.
“Here we go.” Bryce pointed to a military vehicle parked by a deli down the street.
When they reached the vehicle, two soldiers – a man and a woman – were coming out of the deli with bags in hand.
“You’re going to give us a ride to the Vera Research Facility.” Bryce flipped open his wallet and flipped it close just as quick. “We’re conducting a surprise security inspection.”
The soldiers did look quite surprised. “I’ll have to contact the base and clear this,” the man said.
Bryce frowned. “Chang, get down their names.”
Lulu walked forward while writing in a notepad. She looked to the male soldier’s name tag. “Anders…” Then the woman’s. ” Hill…”
“Make sure to note that they would actually warn of a surprise inspection… completely undermining government oversight of security procedures.” Bryce glared at the two soldiers. “I will see you executed for treason before this day is over!”
“Wait!” Anders shouted. “I just wanted to follow the rules and–”
“We’re from the government and we make the rules! Now take us to research facility before you impede us any further.”
Hill looked to Doug and Charlene. “Who are they?”
“Our technicians,” Bryce answered. “What is it of your concern? Why are you trying to learn the details of this surprise inspection? What are your intentions?”
Lulu began writing in her notepad again. Hill looked terrified. “I won’t ask anymore questions! I’m sorry!”
Anders opened the door to the rear of the truck. “Why don’t we just get going? We’ll do whatever we can to help.”
“You’ll do nothing!” Bryce shouted. He led his group into the rear of the truck while Anders and Hill got in the front carry their bags from the deli.
Anders got the truck on the road. “We were just picking up lunch for everyone; please don’t charge us with treason or anything.”
“I guess you were acting out of ignorance of security details, but that in itself is damning.” Bryce looked to Lulu. “What do you think, Chang?”
“I don’t know. What did they get for us to eat?”
“Well… we didn’t know you were going to be here,” Hill said.
Lulu started writing in her notepad while Bryce looked ready to explode in anger. “You know at any time there could be a surprise inspection!” Bryce shouted. “I could only assume that the reason you would not have lunch for us is out of sheer contempt for the Asmod government and its officials!”
Anders almost lost control of the vehicle. “You can have my sandwich!”
“What kind is it?”
Bryce carefully considered it. “Fine. That will do.”
Lulu grabbed Hill by the shoulder. “I’m watching my figure so I want a salad.”
“You can have mine!” Hill handed over a salad in a plastic container and Anders sandwich.
During the rest of the trip, Bryce and Lulu ate the soldiers’ lunch while Doug and Charlene just sat quietly. Doug was too nervous to eat, and he assumed Charlene was just too businesslike to eat while on a mission. They soon reached the military base and found themselves surrounded by armed soldiers on all sides. The research facility was at the heart of the base. So there they were, surrounded by an enemy army, with only Bryce’s quick-talking protecting them.
Doug took some consolation in the fact that the two soldiers who drove them there currently looked more scared than he felt.
They walked towards the large research facility in front of them. “So you intimidated some grunts,” Charlene said to Bryce and Lulu, “Do you really think you’re going to be able to fool the officials running this heavily secured building?”
Bryce smiled. “You do your job, I’ll do mine, and everything will turn out just fine.”
Lulu scribbled in her notepad. “Now that could be our motto!”

Help Save Science Fiction at Jim Baen’s Universe!
(NOTE: Frank J.’s hastily hacked together stories are in no way supported or condoned by Baen)
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) (T/F) Patty and Selma’s front room corner lamp is shaped like a barn
2) What is the “Latin” slogan on Mayor Quimby’s mayoral seal?
3) What car did Patty and Selma drive after high school?
4) What is Patty and Selma’s apartment number?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
Friday Catblogging
Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Sure, some of the IMAO bloggers have cats, but catblogging duties are assived by drawing straws every week and I keep drawing the short straw.
Anyway, it’s time for Intrepid Nardo:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Nardo is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog. Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness. There’s also a Flikr Group called Furry Friday.
Add to that Weekend Catblogging at Eatstuff.
Anybody I miss?
Could You Support a Giuliani Presidency?
Glenn Reynolds mentions the problems that social conservatives (like me!) would have with Rudy Giuliani, but isn’t he by last check also anti-gun – a position even Democrats shy away from now?
Still, when people think of Giuliani they think of a strong leader, and that’s what we need right now. It’s also why I like him more than McCain even though on paper I agree more with McCain on the issues.
So, what do you think?
(BTW, Glenn and Helen had a podcast interview with Senator John McCain if you haven’t seen it yet)
UPDATE: When I say “strong leadership” what I mean is that, given the chance, I’m quite sure Giuliani would beat a terrorist to death with a tire iron and take great pleasure in it.
I’ve Never Met a Semite, But They Sound Like the Sort of People I Wouldn’t Like
Everyone seems to want to support Israel right now, but I urge you all to step back and look at this objectively. When are these “attacks” happening? July. Doesn’t that sound a lot like “Jew lie”? So isn’t it reasonable – nay, only reasonable – to conclude that reports of attacks on Israel and kidnapping is all one big Jew lie?
Also, many Christians think we have a kinship with Jews since Jesus was a Jew. That itself is just one big July. Where was Jesus born? Jerusalem. And, knowing the rightful owners of that city, what does that make Jesus?
A Palestinian!