Eric J., one of my fellow bloggers toiling away for Meryl Yourish, is working on a centralized fundraising project for Pizza For IDF.
I’m throwing in $25 of my own money.
FRANKJ: Wait a minute. What’s this about Meryl Yourish? I thought you were my scheming Jew!
LAIR: Well, Meryl’s site is… um… Scheming Jew Headquarters!
FRANKJ: I thought that was Little Green Footballs.
LAIR: No, Charles Johnson may be the Master of Lizardoids, but he’s on our payroll. Zionist Conspiracy Checks and all. So, I figured… um… I’m just gathering intelligence for… um… nuking the moon! And… killing monkeys!
FRANKJ: Okay, but don’t let me catch you scheming against me and giving away IMAO secrets. Otherwise I’ll… snap the heads off of your dolls!
LAIR: They’re action figures, not dolls!
FRANKJ: Aquaman an action figure? Hah! Yeah, right.
LAIR: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
LAIR: [RUBS HANDS TOGETHER] Heh heh heh. My nefarious plan is coming together wonderfully!
FRANKJ: I told you to stop scheming against me!
LAIR: Just… um… it’s afternoon prayer time! adonai… um… yahweh… kosher pickles… havah nagileh…
FRANKJ: I knew I should have gotten a black instead of a Jew.
Jews work for evil, but blacks don’t work.
Yeah, if you want work, go find another Hispanic.
What kind of pizza? Lemme guess: Ham and extra Canadian bacon.
Pizza for IDF? That should be Pizza for IAF (Illegal Alien Forces). Have it delivered to the water stations in the Arizona desert. Then we can put them to work.
I just shelled out 50 Bones for Israel’s brave men and women. May god bless them and crush the muslims beneath their feet!
Got a PayPal receipt from ‘Menachem’ for a platoons-worth. Pizza and soda (‘pop’ to us Michiganders) for 30.
God Bless them all…
Got a Jewish co-worker to shell out $200. Woo Hoo!