The Order of the Blue Square posts as follows:
IMAO podcasts are a thing of the past.
In order to properly to say goodbye to what was once a monument of conservative wit, the Order of the Blue Square, along with Shoot a Liberal, is asking you to prepare your own eulogy for the IMAO podcast. They can be of any length and should preferrably be funny, as I’m sure the IMAO podcast would want, were it still with us.
Please e-mail me at or leave a comment with the permalink to your eulogy by July 27, and be sure to tell all your blogging friends. (I haven’t set up trackbacks yet, sorry.) If you don’t have a blog, just write it up, e-mail me, and I’ll post it here.
On July 28, we will hold a funeral for the IMAO podcast, listing all of the eulogies you have written.
Personally, I don’t see what the fuss was all about. It was just idiots with microphones, and one hot chick doing some sound editing.
But go ahead & participate if you’d like.
After all, if Family Guy can be brought back due to public outcry, maybe there’s still hope for the podcast…