The Y factor hosts this past week’s carnival of comedy
Sorry for neglecting to link it.
Archive of posts filed under the Carnival of Comedy category.
Carnival of Comedy posts.
Comedy Of Comedy Reminder
The host for the carnival of comedy this week will be The Y Factor.
If you have to submit to something, why not submit to the Carnival of Comedy?
But keep your head on, submission isn’t mandatory.
Carnival Of Comedy At The Acme Anvil Company
It’s up, It’s late but it’s up.
I’ll excuse this lateness and not remove any of his IMAO RoninPoints since well, I like anvils.
Comedy Of Comedy Request
It’s carnival time again. But there’s no host. But instead of whining, pointing fingers at your notes and turning red in the face like a house-trailer-library-having-legacy-loser, I’m taking the high road.
The first person to email me at my email addy with the phrase “Bill Clinton is a whiny nincompoop.” will get to host the next Carnival Of Comedy.
C’mon you know you want to. If you don’t then you just might be a Bubba lover.
Update: No response yet.
Update 2: Thanks to Chris at Platypus Society for hosting last week.
Update 3: SteveO at the Acme Anvil Company has graciously called Bill Clinton a whiny nincompoop. Go SteveO! He’s no Bubba lover, unlike the rest of you.
An Unauthorized Carnival Of Comedy
The Carnival has been on hiatus. I’m sure you’ve noticed. Haven’t you? Just humor me.
There has been a development though, a brigand in the spirit of talk like a pirate day, has taken over the good ship Carnival of Comedy and posted it without approval, clearance or authorization.
They also did it without permission. I did not sign off on it or greenlight it.
I did not say it was alright or allowed.
I did, however, say it ws OK.
Go check it out at The Evil Incarnate Blog.
Anarchy Rules.
Comedy Of Comedy: World of Warcraft
Steve (the pirate) has created for us a Comedy Carnival with a WoW flavor.
And it was on time! Epic!
Comedy Carnival Of Comedy Reminder
I’m sorry folks, the carnival reminder is on time this week. I mean, “Hey look, folks!,” the carnival reminder is on time this week! I guess I’m just in the habit of apologising.
Anyway, Steve The Pirate will be te host of the Carnival of Comedy this week.Go check out his blog, though its not really much there about pirates.
And while you are on the internet today write something funny on your own blog and submit it to the carnival here, and give Steve somehing to do Wednesday night and garner the huge surge of traffic when the carnival actually gets posted on Thursday (as Steve promises)
I’ll do my part for the carnival community.
Carnival Today!
Yay! Acme Anvil Co. will have the Carnival of Comedy today.
I DO need a host for next week.
and the next
and the next
and the next
and the next
Update: As in it’s up! on this, uh, date!
Carnival Of Comedy is up at Radioactive Liberty
Despite a bout with bad math, Radioactive Liberty has Carnival of Comedy #68. Thanks for to Michael for a Fitch’n Carnival.
Carnival of Comedy
Its up! Lookie!
Thanks be to Blue Square!
But, sadly I’ve got no host for next week. That makes me sad.
So sad. Is there a sucker taker out there?
Anyone? Anyone?
Carnival of Comedy
Last week’s carnival of comedy is/has been up at Eteraz. Ali Eteraz (the blogger at Eteraz) is a Muslim. Of the Islamic persuasion.
More proof we are not governed by a Zioinist Consopiracy. Or is that just what we want you to think?
Sorry for the late linking and thanks to Ali for hosting.
Carnival of Comedy Times Two!
Last weeks Carnival of Comedy was at the KAG report. Sorry for the late posting.
Mr. KAG, or Kaggy as we call hiim, also did me and by extension you, the favor of compiling the carnival for the week immediately prior to that one since Miriam didn’t even bother. He called it the Spare Carnival.
Which reminds me of a bumper sticker I once planned to make.
SPARE: the Final Front Tire
More carnival stuff today too. Whee!
Carnival Of Comedy Reminder
July 27th is like tomorrow and The Kag Report will be the Host Site. Yay!
Hey losers, send your entries for tomorrow’s carnival here, or here!
Carnival Schedule
Aug 3rd Eteraz – He says he’s a funny muslim!
Aug 10th The Blue Square – He’s sad and his 4 sides all measure the same!
Holy Cow! It’s Carnival of Comedy Day!
Where’ve I been?
I need to post a reminder! And some other stuff!
Reminder: it’s July 20th, so that means Miriams Ideas will have the carnival on Friday. She doesn’t do fancy graphics, she doesn’t even have the ‘keys to the carnival’l!
I will email them to her.
In the meanwhile, send your entries for tomorrow’s carnival here, or here!
Carnival Schedule
July 27th The Kag Report – Striving for average got too tough for him!
Aug 3rd Progressive Islam – He says he’s a funny muslim!
Aug 10th The Blue Square – He’s sad and his 4 sides all measure the same!
The Carnival Of Comedy is UP at The Platypus Society
Check out the latest edition of the carnival of comedy.
There’s only nine entries!