1) (T/F) Spike is the name of Homer’s helper monkey
2) Homer commands a submarine when he joins what military organization?
3) When Jasper is frozen at the Kwik-E-Mart, what does Apu rename him?
4) Who is the former sanitation commissioner that Homer replaced?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
By the way, if some smartypants wrecks it all by giving the correct answers 2 minutes after this post goes up, feel free to reminisce about the other parts of the episode in question.
Like “Before I saw him appear as the sanitation commissioner, I really thought Steve Martin had been dead for years… Guess that was just his career I was thinking of…”
False, the naval reserve (our seventeenth line of defence, just before the League of Women Voters), Frostillicus, and Ray Paterson.
“I shared a bathroom with Frostilicus!” – Grandpa Simpson
oh yeah, well who voiced Ray Paterson trivia man
“Rawr! Must… crush… capitalism! Rawr!”
Pray for Mojo.
Awwwww, can’t someone else do this?
“What do you want most in life Simpson?”
“Yes, but how do we get Peace?
“With a knife.”
“That’s right! Not the olive brach. Simpson, you are like the son I never had.”
“And you are like the father I never visit.”
“And I say, England’s greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!”
“Pitt the Elder!”
“Lord Palmerston!”
“Pitt the Elder!”
“Okay, you asked for it, Boggs!” (punches Wade)
“Yeah, that’s showing him, Barney! Pitt the Elder…”
“Lord Palmerston!” (punches Moe)
A seagull took my sailor hat.
Hey Homer, bring me back a torpedo. (Bart)
NO! (Homer)
But Flanders gave his kids torpedos! (Bart)
He did? Then I will bring you back a weapon of unimaginable power! (Homer)
Homer! (Marge)
But only if you’re good……..and even if you’re not. (Homer)
“Captain! They’re firing officers at us!”
“Then respond in kind!…Not with me, you idiots! With a torpedo!”
Official Trivia Card answers:
1) False; it’s Mojo
2) The US Naval Reserve
3) Frostilicus
4) Ray Patterson