Q: What has the world learned from Kofi Annan’s repeated demands for a ceasefire in Lebanon and, with the European Union, refusal to recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist entity?
A: Osama Bin Laden was a real dumbass for not building schools, hospitals, “independent” media outlets, and other charitable insitutions under the Al-Qaeda banner like Hezbollah did.
Kofi want’s a cease-fire? Is this so that he can evacualte the UN forces that have been watching rockets fly over their heads for the past month? Moron!
I think you’re forgetting about Washington’s “brilliant” Senator Patty Murray’s praise for bin Laden’s altruism.
Holy Cow. Tell me about it. My home town, Vancouver, is where Murray made those comments.
Pretty much, Israel is done taking crap. Where was the compassion for the cease-fire when Israel was taking sporadic rocket fire for YEARS?!?!?
The problem with cease-fires is that those rascally Jews keep breaking them. I mean, you have a cease-fire and sure, some rockets get lobbed at Israel. Sure, some Israelis die from suicide bombers, but really, that’s just no excuse to break a cease-fire.
We learned that Kofi is a complete fool. Or tool. Or both.
We learn that the the Israeli PM has his hand up the US Presidents ass…and the US President has his hand up the UK PMs ass…and completing the circle the UK PM has his hand firmly up the Israeli PMs ass.
We draw the conlusion that all three countries have assholes plundering hands up others assholes…
That’s why one of the assholes always vote with the other two assholes and vice versa in the “hand up the ass trio” at the UN.
Too many assholes, not enough time.
Markie? Do you have something you’d like to tell us? …..you know…..something about having graphic, vivid fantasies of gay fisting?
Well, keep your sex life to yourself.