Michael Moore says he often gets hugged by Republicans now. This is a crazy lie for a number of reasons. For starters, any real Republicans, no matter what they now think on different issues, wants to hit Moore with a ax handle because he is a fat, ugly man. Also, everyone, even if they agree with Moore, would be repelled at the thought of even touching Moore since he is a fat, ugly man with no hygiene. Were I to hug him, I’d have to shower for a week straight.
But I would never feel clean again.
I went to hug Michael Moore and he ate me.
Mini Me
I think people say they’re Republicans before hugging him. It’s part of that whole “I’m a Republican but have BDS” syndrome we keep seeing on the net.
You know – some guy pops in and starts telling us how the right wing is completely wrong, Rove controls all evil in the world, Bush is really dim, and everything going sour is the fault of people who aren’t left-wingers, then finishes off with “I’m really a Republican.”
Fat and Ugly? I suggest you look at the picture on the right, of one of the ugliest motherf**ers ever to have come out of a womans cnt….John Bolton. I wonder how many generations of inbreeding result in a walking, talking genetic catastrophe like that.
You should warn people before openly displaying such obscenties.
Also, on the subject of firm about action…..wouldn’t you agree that the total confidence Timmy showed, the decisive action he took, when he wiped out many future war supporting Repug larvae, in Oklahoma, was pretty darn righteous. Oklahoma is a pretty large breeding ground for repug larvae, hence the validity of his attack.
Are you actually advocating terrorism against American citizens on American soil, or did I just misread what you said?
Also, using profanity really doesn’t help your argument here.
It minimizes any impact your lame, delusional screeds may have.
We know you are shrill and angry already.
Jim fears the ‘Stache
Yeah, Jim! That’s the way! I can tell, you’re winning hearts and minds already.
Actually Jimmyb, I was just basically repeating what one commentator said on a previous post, where he says thanks for the pictures of the 100 dead terrorists. (in reference to the post with dead children pictures). I was just referring to many dead repug larvae.
Also, I admire both Timmy’s and Israels effectiveness in killing larvae.
lame, deulsional screeds…..
You mean like this one?
“wants to hit Moore with a az handle because he is a fat, ugly man.”
“even touching Moore since he is a fat, ugly man with no hygiene”
Hey, at least I’m right about Bolton being the ugliest thing alive, or dead.
Nice to see you are in agreement with Tim McViegh. Given the CLinton administration response in Wacko Texas percipitated McViegh (at least in his twisted logic), do you also approve of that killing of women and children? I mean they were really religious so they had to be Republicans to right?
Actually, Moore’s mistaken about Republicans hugging him. theyr’re actually trying to strangle him, but it’s impossible because of his bulk. It’s like watching Bugs Bunny trying to wrestle that big lump in the classic Loony Tunes. What they need to do is team up and take him down with chinook helicopters and heavy duty cargo straps, and a few paratroopers to quickly drop in and secure the load. That might work, but it’s a team effort.
jim – you never answered my question.
… apparently has a little OCD going on in that melon of his. Different topic, same line of BS.
Hard to think with all those voices yelling at once, isn’t it Jimmy!?
If you get out of your room a little more you may inspired to think of something else.
I thought it was us evil Republicans who hated women, but you seem to be doing a pretty damned good job at degrading them all by your lonesome.
DIAF, you bastard.
– A Republican Woman
JIm, may I introduce you to Maddy Albright, I think you might hit it off.
No, Jim luvs the women, but when he does, it makes him feel like a terrorist.
See, he has to blow them up first.
Go ahead & hug Moore. Hug Jim-panzee for that matter, but remember to wear old clothes or a plastic rain poncho. The residual stench of prison-style sex, patchouli, and political defeat is difficult to wash off of fabric.
Is it possible to hug Michael Moore? I’m calling shenanigans just on the fact that I have never seen a Republican with freaky six-foot long arms.
I’m just picturing Moore with a few dozen “Kick Me”/etc. signs on his back lumbering blithely about. Or maybe he leaves a trail of them since the can’t stick to sweat.
Ironically, the hardest core lefties I know, products of full BDS who loved F 9/11, now think Moore is a total fraud. Moore also claimed in an interview with a Catholic magazine to think he served a role like Jesus, too. Somewhere there must be a really rich therapist waiting to happen.
Thanks a lot guys. Now I am going to have to try to go to sleep with those images in my head. Talk about disturbing. Hugging Michael Moore, I’d rather hug a cobra, or a asp or speaking of asps Ted Kennedy. that not a asp that’s a …..Oh, oh I think my brain threw up. Thank goodness those images are gone. Now I can sleep, and I’ll remember not to read IMAO right before bedtime.
//You mean like this one?
“wants to hit Moore with a az handle because he is a fat, ugly man.”//
az=AZ? Arizona has a handle? AZ has Janet Napolitanus, so we know it’s not a political handle.
Now we see that, not only is intelligent banter a hardship for you, but the ability to cut & paste a challenge as well. Let’s hope that Microsoft can make something like Windows Xtra-special, or Apple produce OS-X(ten)year-old-mentality.