Kennedy Proposed as Replacement for Hillary

Fluffy Kennedy is a very good swimmer.

NEW YORK (AP) – A new name has been proposed as the replacement for Senator Hillary Clinton: Fluffy Kennedy.

Fluffy Kennedy is the heavily spoiled Kennedy family dog, and supporters of his appointment say making him Senator will be a great way to honor the legacy of John F. Kennedy. “In an era where empty hope has won over,” said one supporter, “shouldn’t we also indulge pointless nostalgia? JFK was a great president in how he said inspiring things and was killed. I think Fluffy Kennedy will give us back a piece of that greatness.”

Senator Ted Kennedy also supports the appointment. “Fluffy deserves the Senate seat. He’s from the Kennedy line, and he is a pure bred dog. He only has ever ate the finest foods, and unlike commoners, his life has not been marred by hard work or having a job. Who else can you name who would make a better Senator? Certainly not anyone named Kennedy.”

Republicans have generally been against the appointment. “I swear, the Democrats are all retarded,” said one Republican. “Super retarded, that is. They should literally be wearing helmets at all times to prevent them from injuring their heads that contain their pea-sized brains. Yeah, that’s exactly what the Senate needs: an inbred miniature collie. Still, he’s a better choice than Caroline Kennedy.”


  1. Ah but is she better looking the Chelsea, ’cause after the lack of enthusiasm for Ms. Kennedy-Whatever that’s the new trial balloon.

    I guess that’s back as well. It’s trial balloon season again. I wish we could treat these balloons like skeet and just literally shoot them down but we all know how the King feels about weapons. They’re better off in the hands of those who know how to use them, homeboys, gangsters and psychotic dirtbags. Welcome to Armageddon ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

  2. Actually what is the difference? Let’s picture fluffy deliberating in the chambers, perhaps considering a bailout stimulus package when suddenly he lifts his leg and pisses on the chair leg. He would just be doing what democrats do best when they are pissing on the rest of us.

  3. 13. BadAndy Fluffy would float, because, well he’s “fluffy”. After being washed downstream, by the time he climed out and sought refuge at a farmhouse he would have no time to think about the bitch, until several days later.

  4. I don’t know, I’ve heard Fluffy is pro-puppy drowning for up to 2 months after their eyes open…

    Plus, isn’t he currently under house arrest? I’ve heard that he has to wear a special collar that doesn’t allow him to go past a certain boundary or “invisible fence” if you will.

  5. Yeah, at least Fluffy wouldn’t put on a Barney costume and say, “They don’t call me Tyrannosaurus Sex for nothing” to a five year old girl. Like Teddy did.

    Speaking of the other famous Barney, at least he’s had the good sense to bite some AP individuals lately. All this comes right after I hang up the phone with someone who says her dog is a republican for peeing on Obama signs on their walks in the neighborhood.

  6. Speaking of Barney and Miss Beasly Lucianne linked to <a href= “” this earlier today and it’s pretty cute! It’s nice to see the First Family having a little fun!!

  7. Think Caroline Kennedy is unqualified ? Take a look at Pelosi’s on her own site. Graduated from Trinity college in 1962 – too embarrassed to note what the major was – never had a job – went right into marriage and baby making, daddy was in politics, so what the hey. Now two clicks from the White House.

    I say what the hey, point this baby downhill and snap off the brake handles.

  8. Excuse me, but wasn’t one of the points of the American Revolution that we did NOT want a fucking class of people BORN with a inherited RIGHT to fucking rule over the rest of us!!
    I am old enough to remember when her father was killed and I do not recall us ever passing a damned Amendment giving this corrupt Irish version of the Corleone family Devine Fucking Rights to a inherited seats in government!
    What can’t the Kennedys get away with?
    Grand Theft? Old Joe paid Daley to steal the ’60 election for JFK.
    Murder? “And ahhh, when I returned, ahhh, Mary Jo and the a cahh were eh, gahn…”

    If she wants to enter politics, fine. let her running for office like everyone else. I’m sure that the fucking Sheeple of New York are stupid enough to elect this priviledged c*nt. Hell, the clowns elected and relected Hitlery!
    This nations is so very severely fucked!

  9. RightWingKiller. Fn A.

    Well, we have no qualifications test for politics. If we did, they’d cheat anyway, and we apparently have a majority voting base which is both stupid and consumed with entitlement/personal greed. Why did 99.99999999 % of black people vote for Obama ?

    The democrats own the propaganda machine.

    Obama is the first affirmative action president. He was not asked any questions he wouldn’t be able to answer and in fact the media corrected him when he fucked up. Imagine if Palin had said she’d been to 57 states.

    The only thing that can save us from communism is for people to feel a lot of pain over the next 4 years AND realize why. Tall order.
    I figure we’re all fucked.

  10. Gentlemen,
    While I realize that this is a stressful time, filled with angst and rage, please be aware that our fearless leader has designated this a PG-13 blog. While many scholars believe the anachronism for Fornication Under Consent of the King is dubious, in this case and country we don’t have a king YET, so it is inappropriate for use to our situation.

    As an aside I would like to know why we can’t use the N-word (not that I would want to) as well as all of these other words that are termed “offensive” and can’t be uttered without ad hominem attacks but a word which is offensive to most people with any sensitivity at all is spewed around somewhat like projectile vomit, in any and all venues. It’s as if there is no other word strong enough or descriptive enough to illustrate someone’s point.

    Try here for new and better terms for your choler.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  11. With Ted on the way out and John Jr’s tragic death by airplane, and every other male member of the clan either in prison or under investigation I guess Caroline got drafted.
    If we’re going to turn the Senate into a House of Lords we should do it the American way; Open auction, highest bid wins. Since every billionaire in the country will want the status of owning a Senator, the bidding should be fantastic – Maybe so wild a clan of mere multi-millionaires like the Kennedys won’t be able to compete. Wouldn’t that be ironic?
    Come to think of it we could handle votes in both houses of congress that way. Have the various lobbyists bid on which legistlation gets passed – It would at least make it easier to ‘follow the money’.

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