Obama wants to ban space based weaponry, and I think we all know what a problem that is. It’s a well known fact that all our enemies are pursuing the next big advancement in military weaponry: dinosaurs with rocket launchers on them. What if they get there before us? What if China or Russia becomes the sole country with heavily armed dinosaurs? We’d be screwed.
Now, military analysts all agree on one thing: The only defense against dinosaurs with rocket launchers is a space laser. But Obama wants to make that illegal. So we’re going to have dinosaurs stomping all over America launching rockets at us and there will be nothing we can do except look to Obama and say, “Thanks, chowderhead!”
The man is a failure.
I can’t believe that you missed the true reason for this policy: to thwart you, Frank J!
If no weapons are allowed in space, then the whole “Nuke the Moon” plan can never be carried out. You can’t nuke the moon if you can’t send nukes … through space … to the moon.
Until Emory Erickson invents the transporter.
I wish that Ronald Reagan could be given special dispensation to haunt O’vomit 24/7. In the White House, on the grounds, on Air Force One. Day in day out. Like Greg Kinnear’s character in Ghost Town, only he should be even more annoying. That way even if O’vomit never listens to a thing Reagan says it will keep him so off balance he won’t be able to do much about anything.
Frank, of course the liberal is a filure. With ears like that, you would have thought it would have heard the screams of foreigners that have fallen victim to dinosaur launched rockets. But it doesn’t care about people, they may have been having babies. If you ban space based lasers and weapons, they can kill more babies. See how thier mindlessness works.
Remember, if space based weapons are outlawed, only outlaws will have space based weapons.
filure = failure
Sure…first you arm the Dinosaurs with nukes, then they take away our guns and then where are we? We are really in a pickle then! I guess we could offer to become a Capitol Hill Page to Barney Frank…err…I think I will take on a nuclear armed Dino with my bear hands, thank you!
I used my bear hands once and it freaked people out. So I switched to my bare hands and the women loved it.
Well, I wonder what our super-secret “Space Command” (I’m not kidding) thinks about Obomba’s plans? Do you suppose they’ll be reduced to secretly embedding rock throwing-type mechanisms on military satellites? I can hear it now. After a battle with the Chinese, their generals say things like, “Ha ha. You missed!! And you throw like a girl, Obama.” (In Chinese, of course.)
Obama is a genius. Everyone knows that lasers can’t work in space. There’s no carbon dioxide out there. We just need to figure out how to replicate those conditions on earth, and we’ll have world peace AND and an end to global warmcooling change.
We have to be realistic, and recognize that military funding is going to be an issue over the next 4 years. Dino’s with rocket launchers? Too much of a stretch right now….
Let’s think like real revolutionaries of the People. How about we begin home growing Tribbles? We’ll treat ’em bad, yell at them, give them spolied food, sharpen their teeth with big files, and show them pictures of the Leftist leadership day and night. Then, on the 4th of July, we’ll release them!
Can you imagine the chaos? Harry Ried running up the steps of the Capitol building with two tribbles worrying his head, three in his pants, and a gaggle attached to his ankles?? The chaos will be extreme, and the only ones the Tribbles will be afarid of is US (see: operant conditioning). Once they bite Pelosi’s eyelids off, we’ll be spared the incessant and maddening blinking. And Lord Obama’s ears? That’s a tribbly target rich environment……..
I’ll be posting information shortly on how to get your Tribble kit on Frank’s site. Might as well use this glowing opportunity to reinforce the basics of free market enterprise.
Sorry, I couldn’t but Bare Hands and Barney Frank in the same writing… It was something in my inner most being that wouldn’t let me type it…
See…there I go and I type but rather than put when describing Barney Frank. Now I wonder what that was all about…ummmm
Well, at least you didn’t use two ‘t’s’ in ‘but’ when including ‘Barney Frank’ and ‘hands’ in the same sentence. But you did deny the women their fun, ussjc.
What if China or Russia becomes the sole country with heavily armed dinosaurs? We’d be screwed.
Not necessarily. We’ll just redistribute the Obamination’s stash to the dinosaurs.
So basically, this will do as much to slow down the Chinese antisatellite program as Clinton did to slow down the North Korean nuclear program, which is to say, claim victory, wait until the next president sees the result of your inaction, and blame him for your failure to do anything about it.
Someone said recently they’d like to see Obama use the same language to condemn Hamas as he uses to condemn Limbaugh. They do not see America’s friends as their friends or enemies as their enemies. They see things the opposite, which makes you wonder whose side they are on ultimately.
China has made no secret of planning to make microsatellites that lock onto our satellites and can be detonated like so many roadside bombs – blinding our entire fleet at once and destroying our communications and navigation capacity. So how does Obama define space weapons? If we make a satellite that can detect a microsatellite and defend itself, is that banned now?
I can’t look at one day of Obama or Pelosi headlines without remembering the line from Team America where Kim Jung Il says, “Why is everyone so f–king stupid?”
Wouldn’t this also prohibit throwing weapons really really high into the air? Where does space start?
I support the right of space pioneers to defend themselves from Earth-based attacks.
笑聲。 您丟失了!! 并且您可能投擲女孩,首要的桶頭。
#7. Maybe this is better.
笑聲。 您丟失了!! 并且您投擲像女孩,總統桶頭。
I’ve always said the most dangerous man on the planet is an early-80s Val Kilmer.