So How Are Your Stupid Whore Mothers?



  1. So…who came up with this totally lame ass election? Nobody of note (or of funny) won the best humor blog and the winner was quite unfunny! And there are many really funny blogs not even nominated! Something is totally gay about this award…

  2. A.) I saw dead Democrats voting six, maybe eight times.

    II – That damn voting sight was slow as hell, I could never get a page to load (a vote delayed is a vote denied).

    3: I didn’t see Fred Thompson’s name anywhere on the list.

  3. So how can an idiot that thinks Bristol Palin can have two babies less than 9 months apart make “Best Blog” nominee and then win the damn thing. Is this weblog award thing run out of Stockholm?

  4. Well, Frank, mine is dead (I’m sure that would make the top ten funny bits of the winners type of humor) but as a “stupid whore mother” myself I can say with authority that I am fine as the hairs on the president elects chest.

    There’s nothing I like better than being called a whore and stupid not to mention a racist, a bigot, a fanatic, a reactionary, a warmonger and all of the other “labels” that go along with the Kos type mentality that apparently is now funny here in the United Socialist States of America.

    O’dingdong bless us everyone.

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