I was discouraged to see how many commenters yesterday said they hoped that Obama would turn into a goat and stay that way. Despite my own differences with Obama, he is the President of the United States and it would not reflect well on our country to have a president stuck in the form of a goat whether through black magic or otherwise. This would ruin numerous treaties (most of them have a “no treaty with goats” clause) and make us the laughingstock of our enemies. While it is okay to hope Obama fails, for the sake of the country wish him good health and non-goatness.
But he is going to stay a chicken right?
Frank, you are a true patriot, and a man among boys.
I, on the other hand, simply wish Obama would turn into a human.
How about a monkey?
Yep, I went there.
I disrespectfully disagree. As a goat, bho would do far less harm to this country.
Whoawhoawhoa! Frank, don’t you think “black” magic sounds kinda racist? Don’t you mean “African-American magic”?
I’d rather take my chances with a goat. Most of the treaties BHO (goatness be upon him) will be involved with aren’t things we should do anyway. Current treaties could stand a ‘fresh look-see’ too.
When Obama tries to embarrass the United States … again … I hope he fails. When he simply tries to embarrass himself, he will succeed.
Good Health and Non-goatness to you.Good Health and Non-goatness to you. You look like a Muslim,and you act like one too. (To be set to the tune of ‘Happy Birthday To You’) Yes, nothing but hearts and rainbows, unicorns and fairies ( stop hijacking the thread Bawny!!) for the O-bah-muhh.
Okay, he can change back into a human after 24 hours.
But after his “I Want Everyone In the World to Love Me” tour where he acknowledged America’s “arrogance” towards Europe, standing before the Turkish Parliament to re-assure people how we’re not at war with Islam, as well as that shameful bowing bit before the Saudi King (where he was darn near on all fours) and giving the Queen of England an iPod filled with music and his “Most Inspiring” speeches…well, he certainly didn’t act very Presidential.
America is already the laughingstock of many of the countries where That One has opted to spread those feelings of ooey-gooey hopey-changiness. His recent tour did nothing to change that.
The ‘B.” could stand for ‘Bowel.
And the ‘H.’ stands for ‘Hubris.’
And there’s no question about the last name.
Bowel Hubris OneBadAssMistakeAmerica
With all due respect Frank, it may be your president. As far as I am concerned, the United States will not have a president until at least 1/20/2013. Even a pos like hillary would have been better for this country than that current thing inhabiting the White house. I cannot, and will not in good conscious accept that my beloved country has fallen into the hands of a marxist. I cannot believe that any real American would even consider a modicuome of respect for the idiot currently embarrassing the White House and our country. So let the commie turn himself into a goat or other form of animal and let him stay that way. And if those people don’t want treaties with goats, maybe they aren’t worth having a treaty with.
Can goats read teleprompters?
Can goats read teleprompters?
NO, but the eat teleprompters.
Um, Frank… Jug Ears is already making us a laughingstock in all his non-goatiness. Perhaps the Change we can believe in is Jug Ears Changing into a Goat.
If we became the laughig stock of our enemies? We are there. Not just a laughing stock but laughed at with myrth and jubilation is how the POTUS is perceived. While in Turkey Obama visited the Blue Mosque which was built over a Byzantine Chrisian church and admired his name “Hussein” inscribed in the ceiling. Any symbolism there?
He is a goat., a Judas goat to be specific.
Well, we currently have an ass for a President… how much worse would a goat be?
The goat – any goat – would be a vast improvement, and far less embarrassing. Goats merely eat garbage. B Hussein spews it.
it may look like a president. It may sound like …never mind that now, it may smell like a president but it’s actually a pod-goat from the planet mars.
What good are treaties anyway. Bring on the goat.
In fact, put o’Boy in the undisclosed location and put a goat up there in front of the teleprompter. Nobody will notice except us, cause things will slow down going to hell.
Mr. President! Will you raise taxes?
– Nyaaaaah!
Mr. President! Will you cut the military budget?
– Nyaaaaah!
Mr. President! What do you think of Congress?
– Baaaaaah!
Mr. President! What will you do about health-care?
– Ah! The teleprompter is working again!
What was your question?
[LOL! That was awesome. -Ed.]