
When Obama ordered a $100 million cut from his $4 trillion budget — a cut of one forty-thousandth of his massive budget — do you think he’s just mocking us now?


  1. At the company I work for it’s my job to cut costs. find ways to do things better an so forth. Company wide spending is around 10 bill. for the site I work at my goal is 1.5 million and its just one out of 20 main facilities. So well I save 6 time as much for my employer as what O’duchbag will save for us (in comparison). All I have to say is if I performed that poorly my ass would be on the street.

  2. Here in Anchorage we have a night spot called Chilcoot Charlie’s. Their motto is, “Chilcoot Charlie’s where we rip the other guy off and pass the savings onto you!” I believe our President should adapt this as his personal motto as it seems to be what he is trying to do.

  3. Well, I don’t know about you white glove’s, but I’m not going to pass up any savings – 100 million dollars is a whole 30 cents more in the paycheck for every single American. I guess you white-collar, greedy exec types don’t really care about that, but I could use the money. So back off, okay?

  4. He was mocking us while he was running for office. His sly smile along with no real substance to speeches masked his obvious socialist intentions were giveaways. Now, he’s just prepping us for his next big law: monthly required kicks in the groin.

  5. I think it’s more of a “let them eat cake” sort of thing. The whole concept of fiscal restraint is so alien to them that all they can do is mimic it. When everyone who does understand fiscal restraint flips out, it confuses the Democrats.

  6. I cut 1/40,000th out of my annual budget today by not getting fries and a large drink with my burger at lunch. I’ll use that $3 to make 0.67% of my monthly truck payment.

    Hell yes, he’s mocking us!!

  7. Obama is not mocking use he’s using his uber superior liberal intellect and understanding of the world that us racist under educated commoners can not fathom or pretented to understand……….HAHAHAHA yeah right! He’s mocking us and he has no clue that he’s doing it.

  8. Obama is not mocking us he’s using his uber superior liberal intellect of all things economic that us racist under educated commoners can not begain to understand………HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yeah right! The man is mocking us and he doesn’t even know it.

  9. I always thought clinton was a boob. he damaged the Presidency. The occupant now is just a disgraceful mokery of an aleged human. That one’s marxism is trying to bring down this country before he can be impeached in ’11. He needs to go play with his dog and the family pet.

  10. If I had been at the briefing where Gibbs said “Where I come from, a hundred million is a lot of money,” I would have yelled, “Yeah, but three MILLION million is a f—ing f—load of money!!” And then I would have apologized for swearing, because I don’t normally talk like that. But my point would still stand, and I would be sure to tell Mr. Gibbs that.

  11. “….do you think he’s mocking us now?” You really asked that question? He’s done nothing but mock us since this whole debacle started. Let me know when he stops mocking us. Oh wait never mind the sun will go dark and the earth will stop spinning. My bad, I forgot.

  12. These guys are playing on ignorance again (thank you, public school system). I think the best way to show the stupidity of this “budget cut” is to knock off six zeros. If you were in charge of a $4 million dollar budget, would you brag about saving $100?

    BTW, I was reading something a few days ago and read that a light year is six trillion miles. I recall the impression I had from my childhood that a light year was an incomprehensible distance in number of miles. Now, I can think of our projected deficit as just a little over three light years worth of money.

  13. 1. Take the total of all income to the Federal government in 2009; taxes, fees, penalties, interest on loans to other governments, whatever.
    2. Deduct amount needed to cover interest on national debt from the total.
    3. Pay down another 10% on the outstanding balance.
    4. Set aside 25% of the remainder for support of the Military and other Constitutionally mandated duties of the Exectutive branch
    5. What ever’s left, tell Congress, “This is how much you can spend in 2010. Deal with it!”
    6. Be paraded through the streets on the grateful backs of a loyal public on the way to your coronation.
    7. Be honored with a National holiday after you’re assassinated by any one of a horde of disappointed special interest groups who can’t cope with their gravy-train ending.

  14. Imagine going into a car dealership to buy a new car. The salesman tells you the car costs $35,000. You tell him you can’t afford that and get up to leave. He stops you and says “Just to show you I’m serious about selling you this car, tell you what I’ll do. I’ll knock one dollar off the price.” Insulting? Yes. But that’s the same ratio as cutting $100 million from a $3.5 trillion budget. Gimme a break.

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