It’s expected a big scandal is about to break. Reportedly, those wolves she was shooting from a helicopter — they were actually Eskimos.
I’ve got confirmation from my sources that Palin is planning a coup. Possibly with the help of the Dick Cheney Assassination Squad.
Prediction: If Sarah Palin drops out of politics for good, her political career is over.
Bring back Fred Thompson facts!
At least she wasn’t shooting at people.
The sick thing is that Andrew Sullivan probably won’t stop looking for THE TRUTH(1!1!!!!!) about Trig. Which will lead to more awesome rants from Ace where he tears Sully a new one. So, I’m guess I’m saying that all is not lost.
Seriously, MarkoMancuso:(1) Thompson/Palin was my dream ticket, so I agree: bring back the Fred Thompson facts, or maybe Thompson/Palin facts and (2)Andrew Sullivan hates Sarah Palin it’s personal.
They weren’t Eskimos….they were hippies dressed as Eskimos.
Praying that O-bah-muhh gets God-Smacked.
Look closely at any particular politician that’s criticising Sarah Palin – Democrat or Republican – and you’ll find they see her as a threat. EVERYONE in politics saw how she single-handedly revived the Republican party and gave the worst Republican presidential candidate in history a fighting shot at winning…but, of course, McCain screwed it up.
Democrats don’t know how to combat her appeal, and as a result they launch vicious personal attacks that only serve to strengthen her supporters. Republican good ol’ boys see her as a threat to stealing their spotlight – phonies like McCain, Graham, Romney, Newt, etc. see her as the new first-call for interviews, etc., relegating them to being yesterday’s news as opposed to an important spokesperson for the party.
Palin & whomever 2012!
I’ve got confirmation from my sources that Palin is planning a coup.
That would be most awesome, especially if it means we get to storm DC and impeach Obama & Co.
Where do I sign up?
Please don’t let it be a bloodless coup. V is for Vendetta, There Will Be Blood.
I think Frank J. is being coy. In the past couple of weeks there have been a couple of robot missions to the moon. I think Frank talked Sarah into nuking the moon and she has gone into the secret Dick Cheney bunker to coordinate the whole thing. Frank J. the manchurian master mind has been pulling all the strings and is trying to cover himself with talk of a coup. Terrorist beware you are about to find out how crazy the U.S. really is.
I’ve got confirmation from my sources that Palin is planning a coup.
Yeah! Please let it be so I’d love to see Palin storm congress bitch slap Pelosi, beat the snot out of Waxman and fix his face. Then she will storm the senate and snap Farney Frank and Harry Reid like little twigs. Finially when Palin storms the Whitehouse She’ll have to fight her toughest fight the one aganist M’chell mighty Klingon warrior. Once palin defeats M’chell Obozo will come runnnig out of a closet apologize for being an evil socialist and for being such a classless wuss. Then he will cry and surrender to the mighty Palin a$$ kicker in cheif.
Regarding Update 3: Duhhh!
How about a Palin / Thompson ticket in 2012? We just have to keep Huckabee out of it so the conservative vote doesn’t get split.
Who is the biggest loser of all? Hillary! Palin will be the first woman president and it will be the Negro Party’s penchant for racism trumping sexism in the PC scheme of things! lol
Forget 2012. 99% of blacks voted for Obama in 08, 98.999999999% of blacks will vote for Obama in 2012.
Ditto insecure, confused Union people.
Ditto moronic, ignorant, and brainwashed under 25 voters.
Ditto all the fringe groups.
Sarah is an athlete. She coaches Trig for the Special Olympics. He goes on tour. Sarah is no longer on the political scene, so Letterman lets his defenses down. While passing through LA, Trig takes out Dave. While Sully is a guest on his show. Operation Twofer for a Truther. You heard it hear first.
I’m waiting for more updates…..
I had my theories about the Palin/Cheney coup. They are also bringing along John Bolton and Blackwater just in case.
Dagny Taggart just crashed her plane;-)
I’m pretty angry that I didn’t get an invitation to help out with the coup. I may not vote for her for supreme dictator of everything. Actually, as I am twenty five pounds overweight, I suppose I can see her point. Alright, I’d still vote for her…
Gee after the lovely time she and her family have already experienced in her willingness to serve the people of not just Alaska but the rest of the nation, I can’t imagine why she’d want to take her ball and go home. She’s spent the last year and some defending herself against a bunch of hysterical, whining, crybabies which left her less time then she was comfortable with to do her job as governor. If she had integrity (which she does ) there was nothing else she could do but resign. It’s not going to get any better as we approach 2012, and it will most probably get worse. Alaska and Alaskans wouldn’t be happy if she couldn’t govern thanks to the rabid, miscreants who hate her for existing……..
The Demoncrat Party-“We hate because we can”
She did it for America.
SOMEONE had to get the press to stop talking about Michael Jackson for at least a few hours!
finally someone brought this thread to the subject of Michael Jackson – it’s about time – I was going through some withdrawal there
I think I’ll go dance or something
That’s the problem as I see it, what happened in ’08.
Too many strong conservatives appealed to one or two issues – Huckabee to the anti-abortionists, Giuliani to the anti-terrorists, Romney the economists, Ron Paul to the paleo-con isolationists. And each one also ticked off at least one other segment of the traditional Republican camp.
The correct way to proceed would have been for all of them to stay in the game, force a brokered convention, then throw their weight behind a well rounded conservative like for instance Fred Thompson. Instead they dropped out one by one and left us with John “Reach Across the Aisle” McCain. And look where he got us.
Having more than one good candidate is never a bad thing, but it can’t be allowed to proceed the way it did in ’08. We need a well-rounded candidate, not necessarily Mr. Plurality.
Let’s counter with the:
“Keep America Beautiful” Ticket
Palin / Prejean 2012
All the charm, change and experience of Obama-
none of the socialism.
John “reach around the aisle” McCain. (sorry didn’t want to resist)
last go around there was too many 6’s and 7’s. None high enough to clearly win, none low enough to drop out. That primary crap became dragged out and petty. The party wounds and fractures are worse now then they were pre-primary.
Seriously does anyone think a single one of last rounds crop would have won against Obama during Bush’s last year? If Romney had run as the fiscal con he is and the bank collapses had started a few months earlier maybe he could have won but everyone else i don’t think so.
let me be clear though with how things were and how Romney ran. I think he would have lost the general.
The next candidate for POTUS will be required to dance like Michael Jackson so Sarah took time off to learn the requisite steps. Once she has had time to become a Michael Jackson policy expert, she will be ready for the national stage and able to take on the national press…
The hell with politicians. Zo/Crowder 2012.
Corona I agree Zo/Crowder 2012.
This is the reality in which we live. I said it about Sanford, but it was true of Sarah as well. The media have completely gone off the rails and are going on witchhunts against any perceived weaknesses in politicians they dislike. Sanford asked for this and continues to ask for it by staying in the spotlight. Sarah, however, went back to work for the people of Alaska and didn’t deserve the continual berating she got. This episode serves to solidify my loathing of today’s media. I am just blown away by this news, this was the last thing I expected to hear from her.
I seriously believe that Sarah has had enough of the GOP/RNC! And I blame the GOP/RNC “bigs” along with the Mitt Romney campaign for this! I believe they were all out to destroy her to make Mitt’s road to the GOP nomination smoother! He is the choice of the GOP/RNC! He will be the next candidate of the RNC and us rubes have nothing to say about it! Leaks by McCain “staffers” were being orchestrated by this group! What other reason could there be?
I hate all these guys… a lot!!! I will never EVER vote for Mitt Romney!!!
Sorry to wreck a good rant with some points. Romney certainly wasn’t the establishment choice last year. Romney had Lopez, Hewitt and less then half of NRO behind him last year. The rest of the establishment was largely either hostile or indifferent. IMAO here is a good example it was super tuesday without Fred before they started supporting Romney. Thats about how it went.
The reason the McCain aids are trying to make it sound like Palins fault is they need someone to blame. They are trying to recover their personal careers and reputations. If your a pumper at a gas station and your not very good you can still work every day. But in their line of work if your not among the best you don’t get any real work. Sorry now you can get back to your ranting
Regarding the wholly fraudulent MSM. I would say im all for torches and pitchforks. But honestly who has those anymore. Here in our modern times among the left-right divide the left has the lawyers, bureaucrats, and media. We the right have the guns and the food production. They win this round. When the country bankrupts we will be in much better shape.
There’s a major scandal brewing. Consider:
1 – Recently, FrankJ has made allusions to having a baby.
2 – SarahK denies being pregnant.
3 – Sarah Palin resigns under mysterious circumstances.
Only logical conclusion: Sarah Palin is having FrankJ’s baby.
Why is my last comment “awaiting moderation”? Is there a macro that flags any post with “is having FrankJ’s baby”? What’s Frank trying to hide???
stephen: frankj is trying to keep that secret from sarahk, so shh!
Goe, tired of the noise.
Wow it’s Mitt Romneys fault Sarah Palin resigned as governor? He’s the RNC’s fair haired boy? When did this happen exactly? I must have missed the memo. Sometime after the party threw him under the bus, may-haps. I wonder is it because the only scandalous thing he’s done lately is be the governor of MA.
No I realize what Romneys major failing is…………………I’m so glad I live in a country where we are “allowed to worship according to the dictates of our own conscience”. Of course one won’t be elected but one won’t be arrested either. Kind’a a lose-win situation.
Prediction: If Sarah Palin drops out of politics for good, her political career is over.
Well, it’s hard to argue with a tautology… but when has that ever discouraged a leftist from trying?