Supreme Farce

Fred Thompson has a good post on the pointlessness of Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Pretty much every Senator already knows how their voting by looking at Sotomayor’s record (or, at least, they should have been looking at her record) and the hearing is just a dog and pony show. In a perfect world, Sotomayor wouldn’t even be allowed to tour the Supreme Court, but she’s probably the best we’ll get out of Obama so we might as well just take it like a man.

I really don’t think the Founding Fathers thought out the Supreme Court idea too well; it’s just too capricious how the make up of it ends up. I still think the best idea would be a robot programmed with only the Constitution and destroys anything that conflicts with its programming with lasers. Of course, it might not be Constitutional and thus will destroy itself.

Constitutional law is hard.


  1. … so we might as well take it like a man.>>>Kind of like, “If rape is inevitable, you might as well lay back and enjoy it.”>>>Wonder if Mayor Soto would agree with that?

  2. There are no qualifications listed in the Constitution for a Supreme court Judge. With Sotomeyer we can tell. If the Republicans ever get back in charge we need to nominate Ann Coulter. I would pay for front row seats for that one.

  3. “….I still think the best idea would be a robot programmed with only the Constitution and destroys anything that conflicts with its programming with lasers.”

    So you’re saying Teh Fred should be the Supreme Court.

  4. These hearings are like laws and sausage, we are better off to not see how they are conducted or made.

    Reasons one, two, three:

    1) Senators or Representatives are congenitally unable to ask a question without a long prologue about their own merits and their sincere intent to be fair.

    2) In turn, the nominee usually expresses a great deal of admiration for her/his own talents and worth. Each has struggled through terrible difficulties. There is always a story of a refugee or immigrant im the families past. Most have had a very wise and inspirational grandfather/grandmother.

    Did I mention that the nominee has a profound respect for every committee member and is humbled by the honor of being nominated?

    3) We invariably see that taxes are paying for a hundred pages and aides to stand behind them doing virtually nothing for hours.

    If there was the slightest intent to learn or do anything useful they would toss out everyone except committee members, require any prepared statements to be submitted in writing, and question one witness at a time.

  5. Mr. Fred Thompson should take over all three branches of the Federal Government and ban the state governments! After a couple of hours (when he has the mess cleaned up from Obama) he can then start banning other countries starting with Canada!

  6. The Republicans are – as expected – doing very little to fight this or make a case against it…just as with Cap and Trade in the House…just as with Socialist health care…just a little whining and the completely useless John Boehner stating that he sent a letter to someone voicing his concerns about whatever.

    So, the question arises: What exactly are Republicans waiting for? If none of these key issues are enough to go on offense and create new media outlets, send some fresh new faces forward that aren’t afraid to be attack dogs, use every dirty political trick possible to win and protect the country at any means, what exactly would be the issue that would be important enough for a Republican party to stand for something and fight? Is there one?

  7. Son of Bob.

    The Republicans A) Like all this big government nonsense or B) Are curled up under their desks with their thumbs stuck firmly in their mouths as they wet their panties and cry for their mommies “make the bad man go away”.

    Either option is not a good one and I do not see a third.


  8. Pretty much every Senator already knows how their voting by looking at Sotomayor’s record (or, at least, they should have been looking at her record)

    If Obama were still in the Senate, he would have been looking at her ass, not her record.

  9. The effete nature of the Republican Party, and its complete abandonment of founding principles, are why I left. They will continue to create new Independent voters until they realize elected officials are to serve the people and ensure their freedoms, and are not to supposed to set up political fiefdoms at the detriment of the Nation. I pray daily the republic can be saved, but, with no champions, I have little optimism that it can.

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