After his 300th Diversity Training class mandated by his transgendered Captain who is a man who became a woman so “she” could have a lesbian affair with Harry’s partner, Harry finally had enough when they announced he would be driving a Toyota “hybrid” for his cruiser! He went mental and killed most of City Hall before running out of .44 Heavy Loads. He Noe resides in a State Facility. TBCont.
Me: Dad, are we of French ancestry? Dad: Of course. Why do you think I speak with this silly French accent you son of a silly person. Now go away or I will taunt you some more.
If you move to SF, you won’t have to slam your dong in a door; there will be people lined up to do it for you, and they’ll probably even pay you for the privilege.
Oh, that wonderful twenty-one months when I worked in San Francisco – the bums climbing out of the dumpsters where they’d slept, the bums pissing on the sides of buildings, the transvestites, the panhandlers, the needles strewn on any public property, the demonstrations for obscure causes on almost a daily basis (Free Eritrea!! Uh, can’t you just buy the whole country for about the price of a condo here?), the fact that you almost never saw a policeman. I miss 1155 Market Street, just like I miss high school.
Harry Callahan: I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
“Now I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking ‘Did he buy 6 carbon credits or only 5?’”
nancynonAmericanpelousy: we must tax carbon credits to pay for carbon credits for the poor who do not have carbon credits because the CIA lied to us about harry reid losing the war on carbon credits.
Harry Callahan: Your deordorant aint cuttin it! *bang*
San Francisco would be a great place to hunt liberals , but I wouldn’t want to live there again. I lived on Treasure Island Naval base for a year and a half in 69-70 , it wasn’t to bad then.
My dad pointed to a V formation of ducks flying overhead.
“Do you know why one leg of that sort of V formation is always longer than the other?”
“No, Dad. Why?”
“Because there’s more ducks on that side!”
Dad pointed to my kneecap.
“Did you know that an Indian doesn’t have that bone in his knee?”
“Really? Why is that?”
“Because he has one of his own!”
Speaking of tough guys in the movies, I was flipping channels the other night and landed on an old classic flick called “Necessary Roughness.” Fred Dalton Thompson played the president of a Texas college who brought in a straight-arrow coach to clean up his school’s football program after a scandal.
Me: What was the best thing about living in San Francisco?
Me: Leaving
As far as “hunting liberals”.. in SF, it’s not a hunt. It’s a game preserve – for people who like shooting liberals. Stand on any street corner and fire one round down any street. The more powerful the gun, the more liberals you’ll hit.
Kinda like dropping a stick of dynamite into your goldfish bowl.
Me: What did you think of San Francisco, Dad?
Dad: Proves that stupidity is like gravity – stupid people congregate and ruin life for the rest of us.
Dad: (points to weather vane) “Do you see how that thing always points in the direction the wind is blowing from?”
Son: “Yes Dad.”
Dad: “How does it know?”
“Harry, Where DID you get that gun?! ITS FAAAAABULOUSSSSS!”
After his 300th Diversity Training class mandated by his transgendered Captain who is a man who became a woman so “she” could have a lesbian affair with Harry’s partner, Harry finally had enough when they announced he would be driving a Toyota “hybrid” for his cruiser! He went mental and killed most of City Hall before running out of .44 Heavy Loads. He Noe resides in a State Facility. TBCont.
“Go ahead – make my Seabreeze…”
“Go ahead – make my window treatment…”
“Go ahead – make my HabiTrail…”
“Now I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking ‘Did he buy 6 carbon credits or only 5?'”
ussjimmycarter, I was with right up until this before running out of .44 Heavy Loads.
In Magnum Force he told Hutch that he used .44 spcl loads.
Cuz Hollywood is full of tards.
Little known stupid fact, supposedly, in at least the first movie he used a .41 magnum.
“Is that an AK-47 in your pocket or are you just happy to sssssssssssseeeee me?”
And little known Veeshir Vact,
I own two handguns more powerful than The Most Powerful Handgun.
Me: Dad, are we of French ancestry? Dad: Of course. Why do you think I speak with this silly French accent you son of a silly person. Now go away or I will taunt you some more.
I’d rather slam my dong in a door then live in San Fransicko.
IH8Socialist –
If you move to SF, you won’t have to slam your dong in a door; there will be people lined up to do it for you, and they’ll probably even pay you for the privilege.
Oh, that wonderful twenty-one months when I worked in San Francisco – the bums climbing out of the dumpsters where they’d slept, the bums pissing on the sides of buildings, the transvestites, the panhandlers, the needles strewn on any public property, the demonstrations for obscure causes on almost a daily basis (Free Eritrea!! Uh, can’t you just buy the whole country for about the price of a condo here?), the fact that you almost never saw a policeman. I miss 1155 Market Street, just like I miss high school.
Harry Callahan: I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
Bank Robber: I gots to know.
#6 MarkoMancuso
nancynonAmericanpelousy: we must tax carbon credits to pay for carbon credits for the poor who do not have carbon credits because the CIA lied to us about harry reid losing the war on carbon credits.
Harry Callahan: Your deordorant aint cuttin it! *bang*
San Francisco would be a great place to hunt liberals , but I wouldn’t want to live there again. I lived on Treasure Island Naval base for a year and a half in 69-70 , it wasn’t to bad then.
I like your dad. Sounds exciting.
My dad is boring. He simply says stuff like, hey, just nuke SF.
#16… boring? or really fun?
My dad pointed to a V formation of ducks flying overhead.
“Do you know why one leg of that sort of V formation is always longer than the other?”
“No, Dad. Why?”
“Because there’s more ducks on that side!”
Dad pointed to my kneecap.
“Did you know that an Indian doesn’t have that bone in his knee?”
“Really? Why is that?”
“Because he has one of his own!”
Speaking of tough guys in the movies, I was flipping channels the other night and landed on an
oldclassic flick called “Necessary Roughness.” Fred Dalton Thompson played the president of a Texas college who brought in a straight-arrow coach to clean up his school’s football program after a scandal.Dad: “Son, do know why man-hole covers are round?”
Me: “No, Dad. Tell me.”
Dad: “Because manholes are round.”
BTW, “manhole” is the worst name for anything. Ever.
So aside from the obvious humor, isn’t this also an important life lesson?
If you have to live in a nice place infested with hippies and thugs, pop a few and you’ll feel better and reduce the population at the same time!
“sniff” brings back fond memories of standing at the firing line with my father “sniff” (wipes tear)
Me: What was the best thing about living in San Francisco?
Me: Leaving
As far as “hunting liberals”.. in SF, it’s not a hunt. It’s a game preserve – for people who like shooting liberals. Stand on any street corner and fire one round down any street. The more powerful the gun, the more liberals you’ll hit.
Kinda like dropping a stick of dynamite into your goldfish bowl.
Me: What did you think of San Francisco, Dad?
Dad: Proves that stupidity is like gravity – stupid people congregate and ruin life for the rest of us.
Dad: (points to weather vane) “Do you see how that thing always points in the direction the wind is blowing from?”
Son: “Yes Dad.”
Dad: “How does it know?”