I don’t know how many of you remember the Limey. In my experience, who you come back at a troll in a clever way, they tend to regroup a bit and be a little bit more reserved in the response. But every once in a while you get one who keeps doubling down on the stupid. This rare creature was found once again in the comments to my latest Pajamas Media column.
The fifteenth comment is from someone named anonymous who starts by quoting the first line of the article “Is it just me, or is Barack Obama not the most experienced person we’ve ever had as president?”:
Well, considering Tapper’s article described it in these terms:
“Obama’s handshake/forward lurch was so jarring and inappropriate it recalls Bush’s back-rub of Merkel.
The answer would seem to be no. You’re welcome.
Usual reflexive “me no like boooosh” response, but I decided to point out the blatantly stupid part of it:
Since Bush rubbed someone’s back, Obama is the most experienced president we’ve ever had? You smirt!
I can see why you remain Anonymous; otherwise the FBI would be constantly at your door trying to get you to figure out all their unsolved cases.
Now, I expected him to come back and admit he misread the sentence but then attack the premise from another angle. But this was no average troll. Instead, “moho” takes credit for the comment and keeps trying to show how he smirt by misusing lots of $5 words and explaining how my sentence meant something else than what it said. No matter how I batted him around, he kept coming back more determined and more obtuse. Check it out; it’s funny when it’s not sad.
I really would like to see a study on these people one day to find out what makes them tick. It’s easy to assume they’re all kids, but I don’t think that’s necessarily true.
Well… emotionally, anyway.
Frank, I read the whole comment section and while we’ve discussed “feeding the trolls” on many occasions, I note with amusement that “moho” fed himself, much to my delight. But God forbid he come here for such pie hole self aggrandizement!
that was extremely entertaining but seems like a lot of time to waste on a doosh like that.
Moho? I suspect mommy might be a…how to say this…a ho!
By which, I mean: I kept expecting the exchange to change into a rant about the Trilateral Commission
Frank: funny thing about trolls; no matter how much you bat them around, they’re just weapons-grade stupid enough to keep coming back for more. They remind me of a story about a hunter and a series of bears; I’m sure you’ve heard it. Makes you want to ask: “You trolls don’t come around just for the commenting, do you?”
But, now that you’re trolling your own site by attacking Sarah Palin, would you now be included in the study?
maybe we need a Troll-Cannon.
Well, I agree that it was inappropriate for Bush to rub Merkel’s back.
Dick Cheney would have snapped Merkel’s spine as a warning to the other leaders.
I blame compassionate conservatism, and Bush’s relatively young age for the error.
I miss Dick Cheney.
Most trolls don’t read carefully, let alone think logically about the precise meaning of what they read. When Frank’s tricky sentences are embedded in satire, it’s double trouble for them.
BTW, Son of Bob, I watched Palin yesterday on the national and local news (she was in Seattle) and on the internet… and I have to admit… I cringed… yet again. I’m not the only one cringing. I don’t think Frank is trolling his own position. That’s not something a conscientious, conservative Republican blogger – albeit humorist – would do.
I don’t know where this leaves us except that agreeing on presidential candidates pales in comparison to what’s about to transpire in New York with the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. It seems we are on a dreaded, constitutional count-down timer of self-destruction, in more ways than one. There’s plenty of time to debate the merits of Palin versus other people – and plenty of time for her ‘metamorphosis,’ as someone put it the other day.
The exchanges with the Limey were the best. Troll dumbacetate + Frankium perawesomide = extremely humorous reaction.
Anybody remember Wimp Lo from Kung Paw: Enter the Fist? Guys like Moho are just like that.
Wimp Lo: Ha! Face to foot style, how do you like it?
Chosen One: I’m sure on some planet your style is impressive, but your weak link is: this is Earth.
Wimp Lo: Oh yeah? Then try my nuts to your fist style!
Wimp Lo: I’m bleeding, making me the victor.
I just wish he would start quoting song lyrics or movie lines or something. No one can ever top the Limey unless he uses hippie-songs as his bible. He almost seems to be lucid the past 5 posts or so.
142. Thor:
“Trolls do their best ululating just at dusk. It’s a troll thing. You wouldn’t understand.”
I laughed so hard.
Guys. This wack job has been on the computer for over 24 hours trolling on a humor piece. It’s sad. For a guy to waste this much time on the internet, on a blog, during the week day. It’s down right stalkerish. Good thing Frank is married to Sarah. She has guns incase this guy starts driving by their house.
Someday I’d like to see the final installment of the Limey (his last e-mail) with maybe a response. I understand the hesitancy to revisit it–though the whole episode was unquestionably awesome–but I’d argue enough time has elapsed that it might be possible to take a look at it without causing a whole new mess.
wow that was bizzare.
I would like to catch moho in a net, and then poke him with a stick, and take notes on how he reacts….. then release him back to the forest where he came from.
So what does he do for a living? ululate?
That was painful.
He does ululate. So does his mom.
The family that ululates together, trolls together.
And according to wikipedia: An ululation (aka ololuge or ololygmos) is a long, wavering, high-pitched sound resembling the howl of a dog or wolf with a trilling quality. It is produced by emitting a high pitched loud voice accompanied with a rapid movement of the tongue and the uvula.[1] The term ululation is an onomatopoeic word derived from Latin. It is produced by moving the tongue, rapidly, from left to right repetitively in the mouth while producing a sharp sound.
Either way, why approach the the sunset in this particular fashion?
I’m off to ululate! It’s Friday!
Tomorrow is the start of deer season (gun) up here…so I may get to use my ulu.
im waiting for deer adl adl season its gonna be all the rage it will come just before flintlock and bow season and you have to chuck a short spear with stick.
Oh Frank, DON’T FEED THE TROLLS. It makes them fat and we all know how bad that is for them (the government says so and when their in charge of our lives we’ll all look like Nanny and O’vomit, sticks with skin covering them-won’t that be fun).
Oh and never go into a intellectual battle with someone who’s unarmed. It’s not cricket.
wow…..moho musta have misspelled his original tag, ‘mofo’. what an ass.