Fred Thompson’s New Book

Fred Thompson’s new book comes out tomorrow. I haven’t seen it yet, but Mark Topscott over at the puppy blender’s blog seemed to really like it. I hope it details the first time he got so angry he punched someone into the sun.

I bet it’s a good book to read while wearing your new t-shirt.


  1. Very good, Plentyobailouts. I appreciate your solidarity with my cause, but I must remind you that my fight with Frank may yet reach an amicable conclusion.

    Everyone buy Frank’s crappy new shirt so I can get my NTM shirt!

  2. I offered to buy MarkoMancuso a tee shirt from FrankJ, so I wouldn’t have to read his complaints about not getting one. I have yet to receive an email from FrankJ asking for info on my credit card. Maybe if Marko got the NTM tee shirt, he would find something else to bite into. He reminds me of a doberman on a mailman’s ass.

  3. The market will bear what the market will bear…… who wants Nuke de Moon Tee’s? Now how many want the “new” tee’s. ? There’s your answer……. Why should I buy something I dont want inorder to get what I do want? I dont think Frnak is doin this whole capitalist thing right…..


  4. Cilla, you don’t have to read my comments. In fact, I encourage you to not read my comments! As you scroll by, though, look at my picture and remind yourself to “Fight for the shirtless oppressed” whenever you can.

  5. Frank, for a second there I thought it was a link to new Fred Thompson Punch The Hippies shirts! After all, you were talking about Fred Thompson. So imagine my disappointment when I saw it wasn’t. Yes, I cried. You can’t play with my emotions like that!

    My Democrat slogans shirt better be on it’s way, mister!

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