Apologizing to the Chinese?

So we’re in human rights talks with the Chinese, and what’s the topic of discussion? How awful Arizona’s new law is.

When Assistant [to the] Secretary Posner was asked whether the Arizona law came up, he said:

We brought it up early and often. It was mentioned in the first session, and as a troubling trend in our society and an indication that we have to deal with issues of discrimination or potential discrimination, and that these are issues very much being debated in our own society.

I was wondering how that went, so I obtained a transcript from the talk:

OBAMA: I want you to know it’s not like the U.S. thinks its better than you. For instance, we have that draconian law in Arizona.

CHINA: Sorry, can’t hear you over the gunshots as we shoot political prisoners in the face.

OBAMA: It just saddens us how Arizona is doing something so oppressive as deporting people who are in the country illegally… or something. We never did get around to reading the law, but MSNBC makes it sound bad.

CHINA: Yes, it is a disgusting, oppressive law. I was just telling that to someone the other day before I executed him for being a political dissident.

OBAMA: I just wish we could from how civilized China is. Not only do you have abortion on demand, you give people abortions even when they don’t demand.

CHINA: You really are going to have to speak up if I’m going to be able to hear you over us shooting political prisoners. And stop bowing to me; it embarrasses us both.


  1. What? They have a dragonian law in Arizona? First they go after illegal immigrants, now dragons? Man, those people in Arizona just don’t take any garbage from anybody.

    Unfortunately, dragons can flame broil Arizona, so I hope they have a big, big, big fire extinguisher handy. Or some giant robots with lasers.

  2. I guess having to choose whether to abort Malia Ann or Sasha doesn’t measure up to the cruelty of asking foreigners to respect your borders and enter your country legally in Obama’s world.

  3. Hey, I like China. Just the other day I bought some cheap low-quality steel from the 1960s produced by slaving peasants in a backyard oven on the small estate of a murdered landowner.

  4. This is a bit off topic, but for some reason the AZ immigration law reminds me of the Monty Python “Help Me I’m Being Repressed” bit from the Holy Grail:


    The the thing is, about 12 years ago a buddy of mine, who had lived most of his life in Europe, said that the above scene described Euro liberals to a T. Sadly, as I watch it now, it describes much of our politics here and now.

  5. And sending people back to Mexico is so much worse than the places the Chinese send their illegal immigrants. I mean, Mexico is a real hellhole compared to Burma and North Korea.

  6. Obama: The problem is we are deporting ther wrong people. Bring me some of those crackers !!!

    I’d like to see Obama and company incognito try to cross the Chinese border illegaly. Morons.

  7. Re: 5. DamnCat, “I mean, Mexico is a real hellhole compared to Burma and North Korea.”

    Ever tried to order chinese take-out in Mexico? Not good man, not good.

  8. 13. Burmashave says:
    May 17th, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Very advanced. Very advanced indeed, China

    They are, they are. Even Tom Friedman says so. Just a couple months ago he was writing about how those Chinese leaders just cut to the chase; that they don’t put up with all this messy “democratic debate” and “alternate ideas” crap. He thought that that was pretty nifty, he did.

  9. After all they are treated so much worse than China treats its illegal immigrants from North Korea……. ie. repatriated to be put in gulags for trying to escape. I would say lol but it is just too sad.

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