Democrats Are Racist And Sexist

Following up on my post yesterday asking which of the two political parties is really racist, I now ask which of the two parties do you think is most sexist? A Tennessee Democrat Rep. Janis Baird Sontany remarked about Republican woman, “You have to lift their skirts to find out if they are women. You sure can’t find out by how they vote.” Similarly, a number of people have been asking if all the Republican women who won the primary last week is a blow to feminism because they don’t have the “right views.”

See, in the minds of Democrats, only white males are allowed to have any viewpoint they want without having their authenticity questioned. Women have to have certain views or they’re not real women. Similarly, if you’re black you have to have certain viewpoints on tax issues or your not a real black person and if you’re Hispanic a nice white liberal will tell you what viewpoint you should have if you want to be an authentic Hispanic. As for Asians… well, just look at the bile Michelle Malkin gets.

Republicans, on the other hand, are enlightened and think women and minorities can have whatever views they want and we won’t attack the authenticity of your race or gender. We might call you a hippie and punch you, but that’s not a race issue — that’s a hippie issue. Republicans aren’t racist or sexist, while the Democrats only exist because of racism (I wrote about that some time ago for Pajamas Media). The only way their party can exist is keeping people in racial groups and not independently examining the issues. That’s why they’re always trying to awkwardly inject race into everything (Against Obamacare? Racist! Don’t like soccer? Also racist!). With all the racism they spread, they’re like the KKK, except more effective and with more taxes.


  1. If the actions of someone don’t fit the democrat meme (that all you are and own belongs to them as they see fit to use), then they are racist, sexist, speciest, nationalest, logicest, or whatever. and yes, I have heard all those terms used.

  2. Can’t tell which ones are women, huh? Well, let’s take a look:

    Michelle Bachman…clearly a woman
    Jan Brewer…clearly a woman
    Sarah Palin…clearly a woman
    Michelle Malkin…clearly a woman
    Laura Ingraham…clearly a woman
    Ann Coulter…clearly a woman
    Elisabeth Hasselbeck…clearly a woman

    Janet Napolitano…?
    Nancy Pelosi…?
    Sheila Jackson Lee…?
    Hillary Clinton…?
    Janet Reno…?
    Joy Behar…?
    Whoopi Goldberg…?
    Rosie O’Donnell…?
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg…?
    Sonia Sotomayor…?
    Elana Kagan…?

  3. As a woman, let me explain. Dem Females have been on a crusade to make ugly the new sexy by touting the ability to use big words and screeching. Hippie and metrosexual males have discovered that dating Dem Females, construction workers don’t beat them up as often. Republican Ladies in high heels, perfume and lipstick reminds them of going to the prom with their cousins. Natch, they’re bitter.

  4. Sontany is the mother of two adult daughters and grandmother of one 19 month old granddaughter.
    hmmmmm no mention of a ‘husband’, I wonder if that has anything to do with her bitter hatred of all the hot babes getting all the attention?
    logicest ???

  5. The year is 1947.

    Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, a little over 60 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico . This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies and organizations.

    However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:

    Albert A. Gore, Jr..
    Hillary Rodham
    John F. Kerry
    William J. Clinton
    Howard Dean
    Nancy Pelosi
    Dianne Feinstein
    Charles E. Schumer
    Barbara Boxer

    All of indeterminate gender!

    See what happens when aliens breed with sheep and jackasses?

  6. That is the most offensive, obnoxious, anti-woman, chauvinistic thing I have ever heard.

    Just because Demoncratic politicians have lost their “equipment” doesn’t follow that it went to Conservative women. But after all the Left still believes in global warming so obviously they are logic challenged.

    Not to mention that they are gender neutral, so maybe this congressperson is just looking for a good time and is confused about where to find it. All that gender bending must be exhausting and downright dizzying.

  7. You’re too kind, seanmahairmama, and all of you. BTW, you might enjoy my other books which include:

    “Nancy Pelosi: The Truth About Animal Mutilations, Her Face and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy”

    “The Hillary Rodham Story: Raised By Piano Lizards !”

    “Bill Is From Mars, Hillary Is A Lizard Alien Not From Venus”

    “Barack Obama: The Alien’s Alien”

  8. ^ don’t you just love random moron trolls. Don’t have any coherent arguments to make, just want to drop in and show their ignorance. And of course, it wouldn’t be a true moron troll without misspelling 10% of the words.

  9. Ok Troll drool boy………”You people are PATHETIC, I’m just looking at this for an essay.”
    Y is capitalized as it is the first word in the sentence.
    PAthetic not POthetic moron, doesn’t your POS laptop have spell check.
    Either put a period after pathetic or a comma but put something there.
    I is capitalized because ……….the pronoun I it’s always capitalized.
    Finally put a period at the end of the sentence.

    One sentence 12 words, and 5 mistakes. Let’s see that’s give you a score of 58%. Good luck on that Essay bucko, you’re so gonna’ need it. Oh and no I’m not the grammar police. Just the mom who for 28 years checked English homework, night after night after night …………………………

    And we’re pathetic? Welcome to Education 101, Morons in the Classroom.

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