Random Thoughts

America shouldn’t be beat by a country that 99% of us can’t even identify what continent it’s on.

So are most goals scored in soccer during the power play? Or am I thinking of a more interesting sport?

Yes, I make fun of soccer and like curling. Curling is the thinking man’s sport. Soccer is the vuvuzela-blowing man’s sport.

So is anyone trying to stop the oil leak still, or have we just given up by now?

If banning vuvuzelas is racist, expect a surge in KKK membership.

“We named our dog ‘Ginger’ because she has no soul.”

Obama says he won’t stop the oil leak until we establish a path to citizenship for the already spilled oil.

If I were an atheist, I’d be a happy, carefree one… but that’s just me.

We’re not taking the energy crisis seriously until we finally decide to kill those blue people and take their unobtainium.


  1. What reason could an atheist have for not being happy and carefree? Well, other than not having any purpose in life. Well, I suppose the lack of responsibility and no need for morality would turn some people on.

    After all, if everyone on earth advocated personal responsibility and morality, we wouldn’t have liberals.

  2. So are most goals scored in soccer during the power play? Or am I thinking of a more interesting sport?

    Likely not. “Power” and “soccer” are two words found together only in the sentence above, and now in this sentence, too. We break new ground.

    MarkoMancuso says:

    Frank says:
    America shouldn’t be beat by a country that 99% of us can’t even identify what continent it’s on.

    Speak for yourself, Frank. I liked geography class.

    Wow, does this mean you’re a 1%er, Marko? Cats beware!

  3. > What reason could an atheist have for not being happy and carefree? Well, other than not having any purpose in life. Well, I suppose the lack of responsibility and no need for morality would turn some people on.

    Just curious. Do you honestly believe this?

  4. I’m not sure, Burma, but it can’t help that I have never ridden a motorcycle or a bicycle. Said fact does not embarrass me, as I am certain that no cat could ride a bicycle.

  5. Being “carefree” when Buttercup arrives is not possible, Frank. You would either have to give up being a happy, carefree atheist or just settle for being a happy atheist, like Harvey.

    Cats have thumbs, too, Marko. They’re just not opposable.

  6. I have not watched any of the World Cup, aware of it only due the vuvuzela stuff. When the fan’s noise makers take center stage, your sport is wussy.

    Obama does have a plan to stop the oil leak. He is using his committees of experts to figure out how to sink a windmill one mile down.

    The soccer defeat by a tiny unknown unlocatable nation is portend of our future under Obama.

  7. “So is anyone trying to stop the oil leak still, or have we just given up by now?”

    Obama is busy at work trying to stop the oil leak by watching baseball and playing golf while the CEO of BP is lounging around at a yacht race.

  8. The opponents to the Arizona immigration law say it’s unenforceable because you can’t tell an illegal from a citizen.
    That’s not true, all the cop has to do is ask ‘How about that World Cup?’ and any response other than ‘Soccer Sucks!’ means you’d better have your papers.

  9. Shiggz RT

    -I put Pavlov’s dog in skinners box and gave it a welfare check that it can trade for crack.

    Now I am shocked to find that the dog has a crack problem. clearly an unintended and unforeseeable side effect. Of course we will keep the checks flowing because we super duper care about the dog not like those other heartless bastards that want to help get them out of the box and break the cycle. Also we need their votes.

    -Those people who think they are informed because they get their news from “The Daily Show” are the same people who fell for the H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds” radio event.

    -If someone no smarter then a hippie can grow it with dirt and water then banning it is futile and a waste of resounds

    -Obama is the biggest embarrassment to the American name since American Cheese.

    -I dont think I will ever understand women. Now, predicting them that’s a lot easier.

    -Socialist only give stuff away until they have consolidated power. After that they keep whatever is left for themselves.

    -Government can not protect people from themselves and is by its pathological nature incapable of deciding good from bad behavior. Good behavior is thus defined as that which helps the government not the person and bad behavior is defined that which harms the government not the person.

    -When does evolution create all the sea life that cans breathe teh oil?
    speaking off…
    When does evolution create all the deer can somehow survive highways?


    -There are big differences between a safety net and the fish hook of dependence. However the end result is not one of these differences.

  10. Frank, it’s easy to figure out what continent Slovenia is on. First, they tied us in soccer (albeit with referee assistance), so they don’t completely suck. So they have to be from Europe or South America, where they take soccer seriously. And Slovenia doesn’t sound Spanish to me, so obviously it’s in Europe somewhere.

  11. Oh, you’re back! Phew! Yesterday when I tried to get my daily IMAO fix all I got was “page cannot be found”. I was afraid the Information Czars goons had shut you down. IMAO forever!

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