Right-Wing Viole– Oh, Never Mind

New York cabdriver is stabbed for being Muslim!

The stabber works for a liberal peace group that supports the construction of the mosque (the cabdriver is against construction of the mosque).

Congressman muses about Nancy Pelosi dying!

The Congressman is a Democrat.

Democrat Russ Carnahan’s campaign office was firebombed!

Prime suspect is one of Carnahan’s staffers who had blogged for the left-wing site Talking Points Memo.

Man goes into mosque in New York shouting anti-Muslim slurs and urinates on prayer rugs!

Man was so drunk he didn’t know where he was. Early reports of anti-Muslim slurs were false. Not being pursued as hate crime.

You almost have to feel for the liberals at this point. They keep getting so close to that example of right-wing violence and hate that they’re salivating over, and then Lucy keeps pulling away the football. It’s like liberals have gotten so annoying, they’ve actually annoyed God, and now He is toying with them.

It was hoped liberals would calm down a bit after Obama was elected, but they only got even more hysterical and paranoid. Maybe then they’ll calm down a bit if there’s a huge Republican wave in November. All this power the liberals currently have to bitterly cling to is making them cranky.


  1. I’m actually starting to believe in Gaia.

    First, She started messing with Al Gore (see Gore-effect).
    Then, She started messing with his sycophants by snowing on all their global warmmongering.

    Now, she’s just messing with them (they’re mostly the same people) for totally unrelated things whenever they pop up. (The world is gonna end because of the Gulf Oil Spill! Oh wait, there’s an organism that eats oil spills, and the above example)

    I’m looking for increased earthquakes as Gaia laughs Herself silly.

  2. Well that is how little Liberals are hatched, manufactured, and created. They are just trying to survive Frank. Gee whiz. Give them a break. That is how Liberals reproduce!!

    Those imaginary Right Wing hate crimes will soon become holy liberal doctrines. Then these liberal teachings will be used by the liberal prophets in the liberal news media to indoctrinate little children who haven’t been hatched yet. It is a form of propagation. The Liberal Larvea (those pre-teen voters not hatched yet) need this propaganda to form properly.

    And the Libs don’t even realize that they are doing this because it is pure instinct. To them it is no more noticable than scrathing an itch. The liberal instinct to survive and is very powerful

  3. It’s because of those awful Tea Parties!! How can a fair-minded liberal not go all stabby when the world is full of such sneaky racists?

    Leftist violence also proves all that talk of an “enthusiasm gap” is Right Wing Noise (TM). It takes really enthusiastic voters to firebomb stuff, so I’m sure the Democrats in Congress will be fine. Well… unless they get firebombed.

  4. It must be awfully confusing to be a liberal. I saw a headline today that the TEA Party and the KKK were the same thing. If that’s true, my uniform must have gotten
    lost in the mail and I’ve got a lot of friends I need to start hating for no apparent reason.

  5. Over 300,000 at the Mall in DC and where was the violence, where was the rhetoric, where was the hate? Only in the media and from some evangelicals on the comments in the stories about the Honor Rally. Hmmmmmmm.

    But Tea Party member receive DEATH THREATS prior to the rally, from …………………….that’s right, the libs. Who is the party of violence, who is the party of the unhinged!

    Just sayin’

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