[High Praise! to Anonymiss of Nuking Politics]
Sadly, an April Fools gag, but I share it anyway because in these dark times, mankind needs the hope this dream can bring:
[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #3,731,221)
NOTE: Between the time Anonymiss sent me the link and the time I posted this, I think someone left a link to it in the comments, but I can’t find it. If it was you, let me know so that I can update with some HP! for you, too.
baconlube.com an april fools joke that stayed around, supposedly
perhaps this link will work
That would have been CarolyntheMommy who mentioned this Harvey. She is probably off gargling somewhere at the moment.
My Mama used to use the phrase, “I’m gonna wash your mouth out with soap.”
But she never actually did.
I tried it once just for fun. Oh, lord. It took forever to get rid of the bubbles.
But, the best part of bacon is still the affect it has on Muslims…
@5 So… if you gargle with this, then kiss a Muslim, you send them straight to hell?