Wednesday Night Open Thread

SatanI’ve been writing mean stuff. Not here. Over at my little blog. I was wanting to write something funny, but it’s not. It’s just kinda mean.

But it’s deserved.

If you want to read it and leave a comment, that’s great. If not, though, I certainly understand. After all, it’s time for Wednesday Night Open Thread, and that means it’s not about me, but about you.

You pick the topic to discuss. The floor is open and the sky is the limit.

Who wants to start?


  1. That reminds me of the episode of Millineum where some devils were sitting around a table in a coffee shop talking about the terrible things they’ve been doing to people. They could see each other for what they were but humans just saw them as other humans.

    I don’t remember any other episode from that show. I tried to post this on your other blog but I seem to have forgotten my google password.

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