Frank Advice for Life

Never stare directly at the sun, as it could cause blindness. Also, never stare directly at the moon as it could infect your brain with moon-madness.

Frank Advice for Life

If you have room to build one in your backyard, an octagon is an efficient way to settle disputes. A thunderdome also works, but many HOAs have regulations against them.

Frank Advice for Life

If you find a box on your doorstep labeled “Free Badger”, don’t open it; there could be a badger inside.

Frank Advice for Life

Never give up. No matter how many people tell you it can’t be done, no matter how tired and beat down you are, no matter how many members of mall security are currently screaming at you, and no matter how sane or rational it seems, never ever give up.

Frank Advice for Life

If you aim for the moon, even if you miss you’ll be amongst the stars… though it’s pretty redundant to nuke them.

Frank Advice for Life

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. For arch-nemeses, you should consider getting a place together. Just be warned, though, that he may not always pony up his half the rent since he is trying to destroy you.

Frank Advice for Life

Always stand up for your principles. Like, if you’re sitting with friends talking about stuff and your principles come up, stand up before you mention them. That lets people know they’re important. It’s dangerous on a Ferris wheel, though.

Frank Advice for Life

Scientific research comparing sticking with your friends through thick and thin versus abandoning them in their time of need and finding new friends shows that the latter has significant cost savings.

Frank Advice for Life

A special daily prayer:

Lord, give me the patience to explain things to liberals who can have their minds change, the strength to punch in the face those who can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Frank Advice for Life

Never listen to naysayers; they might just be horses. And if they ask for a shrubbery, they might actually be ni-sayers.

Frank Advice for Life

A penny saved is pretty pointless. Pennies are worthless. You’ll get much more value out of them chucking them at squirrels.

Frank Advice for Life

When life gives you lemons, ask to see the receipt to make sure life didn’t shoplift them. Basically what I’m saying is that life is a liar and a thief so don’t trust it or its free gift of lemons.

Frank Advice for Life

The smartest man knows exactly how stupid he is.

Frank Advice for Life

Never leave a hippie un-punched; that helps no one.

Frank Advice for Life

Always stand strong in the face of adversity. And if that doesn’t scare it away, trying waving your arms and shouting.