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"All quotes attributed to me on IMAO are made up... including this one."
-Glenn Reynolds "Unfunny treasonous ronin!" -Lou Tulio* "You, sir, are a natural born killer." -E. Harrington "You'll never get my job! Never!!!" -Jonah Goldberg "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And He did despair, for in His omniscience, He did know that His creations had but three-fifths of the splendor of that which would be IMAO." -No One of Consequence "A blogger with a sense of humor." -Some Woman on MSNBC Blogroll
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November 30, 2004
The New War?
Posted by Frank J. at 04:08 PM
Apparently the Wikipedia entry for IMAO was deleted as it can't be found (nor the deletion discussion). Interestingly enough, puppy blender hasn't gained controversy. Now, I don't want anyone trying to add an IMAO entry to Wikipedia; they had their chance, and they voted for their own destruction. Yes, I didn't really care much about the Wikipedia until I heard some bloggers talking about it a couple weeks ago, and now I've decided to destroy it. Random vandalism is stupid and childless and easily dealt with; the destruction of Wikipedia will have to be more devious. First, I'll have to understand the inner workings of the Wikipedia and then... Man, this is already starting to sound complicated. Someone else want to nefariously plot how to destroy Wikipedia? |