So, Sean Penn ‘violates’ an Ann Coulter ‘voodoo’ doll on a regular basis?
Well, isn’t that nice? I guess we all grieve in our own way. But since he seems to have put the loss of his brother behind him, why can’t the rest of us torture a doll of HIM in Miss Coulter’s defense? (I own one of her books..)
Why, we CAN! Don’t you miss out on the all the voodoo fun! Order your Sean Penn voodoo doll today.
Pins, personal photographer and cigarette lighter sold separately.
Voodoo my fanny. I’ll take a few cases for target practice!
Sure it isn’t Penn’s official site?
Normally a comment like this begins with, “I’m sorry but…”, and then goes on to disagree or point out salient facts and whatnot.
I don’t think that’s appropriate at this time.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who would do what he describes is in dire need of arrest, extended psychotherapy and a good old asswhuppin’ (unto unconsciousness, but not death, mind).
I’ve an old-style axe handle, aged and oiled, that I would vounteer to swing in order to pulp this sicko into a nice, smooth puree, and, hopefully, purge him of some of the most childish, disgusting things I’ve heard of since the Taliban hung out their shingle.
And I’m not sorry.
Operators are standing by.
Does it come with a boat with a hole in the bottom?
Only if you buy the “Sean Penn – Katrina Rescue Edition”, complete with miniature plastic bailing cup. 🙂
Don’t hit him in the head. It won’t have any discernable effect.
When I went to college, one of the more offensive liberal femiminst propaganda lines I was forced to read was that the existance of rape was invented to cow ‘uppity’ women.
At the time, I rightly smelled bullshit… but now, I’m not so sure. It seems here that Sean Penn is fulfilling that role of virtual-rapist-of-uppity-women quite well…
So, my question is, where are the feminists that wrote that drek?
At Sean’s apartment, helping him probably.