My Theory: Swine flu is God’s vengeance for Miss California speaking out against gay marriage. Why didn’t we listen to Perez Hilton?! Why?!!
The first hundred days are almost over, and the U.S. still exists in some vaguely recognizable fashion. A lot of you owe Obama an apology.
How many times is Obama allowed to interrupt primetime each season? If he has something important to say, can’t he just e-mail us?
If Obama wants people to tune in, he should announce he’ll do his speech Wednesday without a teleprompter. It’ll be like Fear Factor.
We can’t torture terrorists in Gitmo, but we can still beat them to death with a flashlight on the battlefield, right?
So is it technically a terror attack when it’s the president scaring everybody?
Do you think FOX is going to broadcast “Lie to Me” instead of the Obama press conference just to give us all an easy setup to a joke?
To be honest, if someone said to me, “Would like to scare the crap out of New York to get a photo op?” I’d be like, “Awesome.”
Since torture doesn’t work but waterboarding did work on KSM, doesn’t that prove that waterboarding isn’t torture?
First saw Lady Gaga on April 1st episode of American Idaol. Thought it was joke and laughed hysterically. Found out wasn’t a joke and felt sad.
There should be a season of 24 that starts with white corporate people as the villains, but it ends up Muslim terrorists are behind it all pulling the strings.
How many times is Obama allowed to interrupt primetime each season? If he has something important to say, can’t he just e-mail us?
If Obama actually has something important to say, tell your children to look out the window so they can see the flying pigs.
Who in the name of Manos is Perez Hilton?
1. flying pigs? as far as i know swine already flu.
2. frank, just because the first 100 days are almo-…. ok how about this just because its the last quarter and your team is winning by 1 point doesn’t mean you haven’t lost especially if obam- the other team is in field goal range.
all this would never have happened if the president was decided by a bare knuckle, fight to the death, cage match between the two front runners. mccain, as imperfect as he would have been would be a whole lot better than this. now if frank thompson had gotten the nod, well we all know he can kill by looking.
I’d feel sorry for the New Yorkers if they hadn’t voted for the SOB in such overwhelming numbers. If you voted for a self-centered, egomaniacal, grandstanding jerk, don’t come whining to us when he acts like one.
This is off topic. Sorry
What is HR 669?
H.R. 669 stands for House Resolution 669 and is titled “The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act”. It is a bill currently before Congress that if passed will change the way that the US Government classifies animal species that are not native to the United States. H.R. 669 will make it illegal to breed and sell many animals that are very common in the pet trade.
Why should you care about HR 669?
Anyone with pet fish, birds, reptiles, or small mammals will be affected by this bill. Any company selling product or services for pet fish, birds, reptiles or small mammals will be affected by this bill. Would you be impacted by “The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act”?
* Virtually all fish in an aquarium are not native to the United States
* Most pet birds are species not native to the US
* Most reptiles kept as pets are not native to the US
* Hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs and ferrets are not native to the US
Stolen from
Another Nobama attack on US.
This is also a preemptive strike against rocket toting dinos
Stop by no hr669 and sign the petition.
Or not. Your choice
Shouldn’t the Obama presidency be considered a form of torture on the American public?
Who or what is Perez Hilton? So far has the president said anything important?
America is still vaguely recognizable for now. Obama Osama makes you think don’t it?
Can Obama do anything without a teleprompter?
Nathan Fellows says:
April 28th, 2009 at 9:28 am
all this would never have happened if the president was decided by a bare knuckle, fight to the death, cage match between the two front runners.
Hmmm…I think in that case Hillary may have won. Or Ron Paul, he’s a scrappy fellow.
#6, Lets see:
Yes that one occupying the White House is torture for the American people, but not the commies of that west coast state.
Isn’t perez hilton that skinny gals little dog?
No. Its a classless digrace, therefore nothing it says is important.
Yes. It does make you think. If you notice the 2 are never seen together.
No. The teleprompter is in charge, so that one dare not contermand it.
Amen, #5
#7 All the more reason why I think the guy who runs the teleprompter should be made into an electable position. Since we know who is really running the nation, we should get some say.
#9 so THAT”S what Karl Rove has really been up to!!
Janet Napolitano is actually Janet Reno in drag.
Dale Brown wrote a novel in which a group of well-funded teritzs paint a cargo 747 to resemble Air Force One, wait until the president is airborne enroute back to DC from some some out-of-state event, and fly the plane to DC loaded to the rafters with high-explosives, counting on the confusion their appearance would cause to let them get over DC air space without being challenged.
So if you ever see a plane that resembles Air Force One flying over your city,
Take No Chances!
PS. “Storming Heaven”, by Dale Brown, 1994. Sequel to “Hammerheads”.
Gaga fxcking rocks!