Ground floor: Perfumery, stationary, and leather goods, wigs and haberdashery, kitchenware and food. Going up…
First floor: Telephones, gents ready made suits, shirts, suits, ties, hats, underwear, and shoes. Going up…
Are you being served, sir?
Yes, we come from Iran. We look for freedom and democracy. You have a president? Mr. Bush? He help us, no?
I’m sorry, sir, but Mr. Bush has retired.
Yes, old Mr. Bush, you fire. We know. We want young Mr. Bush.
The confusion is understandable, sir. Both old Mr. Bush and young Mr. Bush have left our service.
You have Clinton?
Yes, as a matter of fact. Mrs. Clinton, are you free?
I’m free, Captain Peacock.
No, no. Not woman Clinton. Man Clinton, he help in Kosovo.
I’m sorry, sir, but Mr. Clinton has retired as well. If Mrs. Clinton won’t do, perhaps our Junior, Mr. Obama can assist.
Obama? I like name. We talk with him.
Mr. Obama, are you free?
I’m free, Captain Peacock.
These good people would like some freedom and democracy.
Freedom and democracy? Ah, I see. Well, um, it’s, um, like this, you see. Um, we don’t really provide freedom and democracy.
But neighbor Iraq get freedom and democracy from you.
Oh, sir, not from me. No, sir. Not from me. Not at all. We did have a man here recently that, I believe, provided freedom and democracy to Iraq. But that was wrong. Very wrong, sir.
But Iraq like freedom and democracy. Oh, it not fit exactly, but Mr. Bush tell them it ride up with wear. And that happen. Now we want freedom and democracy.
If I might beg your pardon sir, didn’t you have a free and democratic election recently? That seems to me to be freedom and democracy already.
We have election. But it, how do you say, not a free and democratic election.
Oh, but sir. There was a selective recount, wasn’t there? And there were more votes cast than people living there, were there not? That’s how the Democrats in my country do it.
You will not help me with freedom and democracy?
Oh, I don’t see how I could, sir. But if you would bring your leaders here, I’m sure I can charm them so that they will just ooze freedom and democracy.
I see we have come to wrong place.
Thank you for coming by, sir. We hope we can be of asssitance in the future.
Ah, young Mr. Obama. I was watching how that was handled that. You’ve all done very well!
Thank you, Mr. Soros.
puting THE OBAMA and the dumb c@#t Clinton in Are You Being Served— just ruined one of my favorite shows
THE OBAMA does remind me of Mr Humphries
[On the other hand, Mr. Wilberforce Clayborne Humphries actually had real job experience. And didn’t hide his name. – B]
I think Mr Humphries would also like the transvestite Michelle
This is not the British sitcom I thought I knew.
[This is not the America I thought I knew. So it all evens out. – B]
Mr Obama are you free? Um well um I am um free if um you can um donate 200,000 cash to um ACORN . Without aaaaaaaaaa donation ummm I cannot serve you
If only the Obama presidency was a TV comedy, then I could change the channel when I got sick of his asshatery.
So, just to clarify, was this satire or a documentary? This seems to be a pretty accurate account of what just happened.
[“was this satire or a documentary?” Why, yes, it was. – B]
When they do make the situation cOBAMAdy,
they may have to call it,”Are You Being Enslaved?”,
because the best title for it was already taken.
By then, it will probably have to be filmed in Arabic, Farsi, Spanish or Austrian
to draw an audience in America..
Geez, that was a real downer.
Have a good day , folks.
If you are pray-ers, remember my Dad. he is having a heart cath Wednesday –
should go well . Thanks.
At least Hillary didn’t go on & on about her {meow}
I’m suprised Mr. Obama didn’t offer them a nice selection of “Death to America” placards in lieu of this outdated “freedom”.
Terry_Jim – Consider him prayed for. Also, cobamady. I like it. I need to remember that one.
Hilarious…especially the picture of Hillary. But it doesn’t exactly work to have Arabs representing Iranians.
[Yeah, those British sitcoms are notorious for making mistakes such as that.
Or, the could be referring to the Arab minority that lives in lran. You never know what’s in those British minds. – B]
I’m with #10. Well done, 5 stars! (Hey, it’s either laugh at the mockitude or cry at the reality of it)
Srsly. Best post ever.
Thank you, Sir Basil – another excellent satire!
(golf clap) Outstanding effort, sirrah. It captures both the essence of the show, and the ineptitude of the current administration perfectly.
Beautiful! My first thought was that Obama was playing the role of Mr. Lucas but that’s how my brain works.
Well played, sir!
#9 – Terry-Jim,
Praying: in progress.
Lesson for foreigners wanting freedom and democracy: Self-Serve only, Until further notice.
I love are you being served?, sweet!
I also love when you do these
Democracy will ride up with wear…
I’m still laughing about this one! Great job!
Hillary does make a better-looking Mrs. Slocombe. I never thought I would say that.
Basil, I love you but please don’t mess with my favorite shows. Now I’ll think of O’vomit every time I see Capt. Peacock, Mrs. Slocum and Mr. Humphries. Next time use something I’ll never watch like King of the Hill, the Simpsons or Square Bob Sponge Pants or is that Bob Pants Square Sponge or…………..see now you gone and got me all confused.
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