Jon Henke has a post on the fate of the “libertarian Democrats” that Kos proposed. I really don’t see how that could ever have worked. Considering the Democrats position on taxes and business for decades, the only libertarians who would align with the Democrats would be those who value the freedom to do weird sex stuff way over any other freedoms. In other words, Bill Maher.
It probably has more to do with the legalizing of drugs…the platform that has sunk the Libertarian party for years.
The libertarian party jumped the shark. I was a big supporter years ago. Son of Bob has it right. As long they can get their drugs, why worry about out of control government? Or foreign policy? The other big chunk or support taken out of the libertarian party was the idiot response to 911. “Let’s don’t huet anybody now.” Sounds like the democrats..hey, wait a minute…..
The problem is with the false nomenclature. There is no ‘libertarian’ Democrat, there’s the Lib Dhimmicrat, the Lib Dummocrat,the Lib Demoncrat, and the Lib Democ- Rat, but freedom with responsibility is anathema to the Democrat Party. Perhaps Mr. Henke means libertine Dimocrats. Libertines, who’s patron saint is the Marquis de Sade.
Libertdem slogan: “The government shall not infringe on your enjoyment of vigorous buggery. However, the government shall vigorously bugger your wallet!”
Geez, who wouldn’t vote for that?
As a concerned Christian conservative from a battleground state who likes to fish and talk football with several other men, I am shocked and angered by the responses I see on this page. I would expect this from Palin supporters, but not from you.
There is a difference between a libertine and a libertarian that was not really appreciated when proposing the idea of a libertarian democrat. Libertarians recognize costs associated with freedom which should be borne by the individuals exercising their freedom, whereas the libertarian democrate (really a libertine) does not want to recognize or bear the costs of their freedom (lack of constraints).
not sure where i fit in politically
-legalize vodka grade weed (personally i don’t drink or smoke)
-every illegal immigrant who’s finished a military tour of duty gets 1 acre and can bring 3 relatives (without criminal records to live here)
-every illegal immigrant with violent/drug/gang criminal record should be caught, tagged, and shipped off.
-tax paying with no criminal record illegal alien females who score at least an 8 on the 10 scale can stay
-total taxes paid should be capped. All govt services should be moved as close to local authority as possible.
10% city
10% state
10% fed
Also i would appoint myself as a Darth Vader of small team of inside undercover judge, jury, and executioner among the government beurocrats. We would disguise as a janitor or something work there for a few weeks find out who the biggest wastes of space and leeches are then quietly leave and have them all fired the next day.
I will say this over the rabid right that is supporting Palin so vigorously She’s a step up from Bush in someways (layman politician over a dynastic heir) and a step down from Reagen in about every way.
Compare us to the left as bad as Obama is… he is a step up from O.J.
ANother though for my political platform from above. I say we trigger a nuke on the border of israel/palestine. Well see who God loves most then whoever/whatever is left well make our best allies.
<—-There’s a Progressive insurance ad over there. I think it is great that Soros is paying to bring you and I more IMAO. Does it cost him more if I click on it?
As a libertarian, I would consider voting democrat if they did the following:
Support total drug legalization
Support the abolition of “hate crime” legislation
Reject universal health care
Reject government recognized marriage
Support a 20% GDP maximum for the Federal budget
Support a requirement that at least 33% of the federal budget goes to pay for military
Abandoned pretty much every policy position they have
Apologize profusely to me
Declared democracy stupid, republics awesome.
Change their name from Democratic Party to Libertarian Party
Even if they did all that, I might vote republican for foreign policy reasons
“Economic freedom is the only kind of freedom worth a damn.” – H.L. Mencken
Libertarian Democrat=GD hippies———- Quick somebody punch them in their noses
midwestconservitive says: Quick somebody punch them in their noses
Don’t worry already on job.
Bill Maher isn’t a libertarian. He’s a libertine socialist.
“Reject government recognized marriage”
So government should refuse to recognize the founding institution of the society that created said government.
Yeah. That’s not stupid as sh*t. Not at all.
Bill Maher should be shot into the sun.
I like to call libertarians who align themselves with republicans or democrats LINOs and spit on them
The ONLY way for Herr Obamasama can Hope to become awesome is to commit Hari Kari
and soon please
“Bill Maher should be shot into the sun.”
… are you per chance referencing arrested development?
Michael Bluth “You flew today buddy”
Buster Bluth “yes but a little close to the sun”
Lucille Bluth “you let him go into the sun!”
shiggz I wasn’t referencing anything, I just think Bill Maher should be shot into the sun.
What did the sun ever do to deserve that? Now venus that motherF@#$cker has it coming.
shiggz come to think of it venus would be a good place to send him.
As a libertarian (granted, neolibertarian) I completely agree. The image of the libertarian party is exactly how you guys say it is. I believe though that there are still a few libertarians that don’t follow that image, though, those who want as little government intervention as possible in anything (minus the military, of course, and domestic enforcement against those infringing upon the rights of others). For example, I consider myself a libertarian and yet I check this blog daily. I will never vote for anyone other than a republican. Fred Thompson was my candidate. I support arming dinosaurs and nuking the moon. So just remember – us libertarians aren’t all bad.
@ ccoffer
That is a cultural (and sometimes religious) institution, outside of the moral purview of a government. Do you really want to put the government in charge of cultural issues?
My viewpoint is not stupid as sh*t, it is based on a well thought out philosophical system, based on Objectivism, Aristotelian, Platonism, and Enlightenment era thought. Like so many other libertarians, I believe that a moral government is the one that maximizes the freedom of it’s citizens. I base this belief on John Locke’s argument for natural rights. I dare say the philosophy of John Locke is at least as fundamental to the American system as marriage. I would appreciate it if, in the future, you did not criticize my positions as being stupid, I am very proud of the philosophy I use to derive them.
@Josh, same here, I almost thought I was the only one using the term neo-libertarian.
@AR – Exactly. Although I’m still convinced that we’re the only two neolibertarians out there.
I encourage everyone to think about this a little bit. I claimed that I was a Republican up until a few years ago. Eventually I realized that I didn’t agree with a lot of the moral stance that Republicans called for, and also that they were intervening in places that I didn’t think that they should. I thought that Libertarians were too much like Democrats for me (and they are). I did a little online research and now I’m a neolibertarian. Visit this website ( and scroll to the bottom where the bullets are. I don’t know, maybe I’ll convert someone over to the neolibertarian side. Then there’ll be three of us.
I’m a little iffy on “A policy of using US military force solely at the discretion of the US, but only in circumstances where American interests are directly affected.”. I think that sometimes the US military should be used to protect the rights of non citizens.
FWIW, I was ready to “waste” my vote for the Libertarian this past Nov (Bob Barr) had Palin not been in the race. I still would rather have a Libertarian in office than a Liberal Dem or a RINO.
Maybe I’m not understanding Libertarianism that well, but at least based on their platform, I liked how they were kindof a combo, a compromise of the best of *classic* Democrats and *classic* Republicans. That’s “classic” I said, not “current”.
I know that Neal Boortz, Drew Carey, and John Stossel are among their proponents, but what I liked was that like #24 said, they seem to be all about personal privacy and liberty (with responsibility, and as long as it hurts no one else). That coupled with being strong on national and self-defense, free markets for healthcare and education, abolishing the IRS, and small self-government for law-abiding citizens. *shrugs*
Libertarian philosophy (maximum freedom with personal responsibility) is excellent in a perfect world, but since when did that happen? So being Libertarian is something to aspire to while dealing with imperfect humans in this imperfect world. Meanwhile, keep ’em locked and loaded, ‘cuz the bad guys are just that, BAD GUYS.
@Nunya – The third paragraph is exactly right. But as for the second, I think it helps if neolibertarianism is viewed as an offshoot of the Republican Party rather than a party branching off of the Libertarian Party. Even if the Libertarian Party had a chance at winning, I tend to identify more with Republicans than Libertarians, and I think most neolibertarians feel the same way. If someone asked me what my political affiliation was and I didn’t feel like going into a five minute response in which the word “infringing” is used several dozen times I just say that I’m Republican. That’s what my voters registration says, after all.
@AR – I’ve actually seen that different in a couple places. While I believed in that before I even read anything online, I’ve also seen information about neolibertarians that agrees with your viewpoint as well.
@Live Free Or Die – I agree, mostly, except I think that with a strong enough emphasis on extremely tough domestic enforcement and international force the bad guys could be persuaded to become good guys. That is one of the major flaws in the Libertarian argument though. Damn hippies.
Glenn Beck and Judge Napolitano are also Libertarians, I do believe. I consider myself a Libertarian leaning Conservative. I’m *this close* to going Libertarian all the way. Unless the Republican party gets its sh*t together quick, I may be your third in the Neolibertarian party!
Oh, and that Penn and Teller guy (is it Penn or is it Teller?…I should know since I live in Vegas) is a Libertarian, except I think it really is because of the weird sex stuff.