My latest Pajamas Media column got linked by Fark, and while I always appreciate more readership, what a gaggle of morons. It’s almost unbelievable.
So the article is about how liberals like nothing more than to think they’re smart when they’re actually morons, and things aren’t working out so well with those smirt people in charge, so they’re lashing out angrily at every one instead of examining whether they’re as smart as they think they are. So here are most of the liberals’ responses:
“wee ar veree smirt! wee smirt! yue stoopid!”
“wee jus angree becuz yue all dum stoopid neocon heelbilly jues!”
“conservutivs jus no like intelligunt peepul like mee!”
And I think I saw one randomly posting things she found on teh internets and saying Republicans are racist until they formally denounce them.
I really hope everyone these people run into in real life just points and laughs at them or otherwise they are doing them a great disservice. We really have to examine our culture to see if we’re becoming too accommodating to useless morons. It’s not that bad being useless morons if they are cognizant of the fact they are useless morons. One of these days we have to work on a program to actually locate internet trolls to educate them on how unbelievably stupid they are. In America, you have the right to be as stupid as you want, but we also have the responsibility to make sure people know how stupid they are.
As Smokey the Bear says: “Only you can prevent stupid people from thinking they’re not stupid… and then maybe playing with matches… and setting stuff on fire… like a forest or something.”
Wow, I had no idea calling Fark a gaggle of morons was a controversial statement. I was just joshing you guys; you seem all right. People who comment about politics on the internet are the smartest people around.
Anyway, the favored argument seems to be “No, you are!” Touche!
>We really have to examine our culture as see if we’re becoming to[o] accommodating for useless morons.
Yes, yes and yes. You don’t want to turn America into Europe. God knows I can only manage to talk to conservative Americans on blogs some days. It seems everyone around me is all “where’s the government to give me a job??” “Somebody do something about me!” “Where’s the free money I deserve???”
Only you can prevent stupid people from thinking they’re not stupid
Actually, nobody can prevent stupid people from thinking they’re not stupid. One of the primary characteristics of stupidity is the inability to recognize how little one knows.
Back in my academy days, we had to take a class about mental retardation, and people who have low IQs. One of the things they taught us was that these poor people try to hide their disability by talking about subjects they know nothing about, as if they are authorities on the subject, and by trying to use big words, usually incorrectly. I think this behavior also describes liberals perfectly.
Fark? A social site earning the respect of pimply pubescent 12 year old male nerds worldwide. Why would you put any weight in this?
Oh yeah, they’re samrt. Can’t tell the difference between tongue in cheek satire and a serious piece of journalism. Then again, they do watch oberdouche, so they wouldn’t know what journalism is anyway.
Maybe if the nea teachers could just teach them to think.
Hey its Friday, had to give y’all a laugh.
I liked the post, except for all the bad grammar typos…Frank, check that out lest some troll will think u b stoopid!
One of them quoted Cobert as a true conservative.
As a former FARK reader, and knowing how truly idiotic those squirrel nut lovers* can be, all I can say is that I am not surprised…
*FARK joke, you’d have to go to the sight to get it…
PS: in there own words, they are all farked up….
Frank, you totally need a typo editer. LOL
my favorite comment of theirs was the guy who was like “Oh ha. Another conservative who thinks he knows ALLLLLL about me and the way I think. He can’t possibly comprehend the way I think. It is to yawn”
Seriously, way to prove a point, noodle nut.
No one can really fathom nor explain liberal-think so why try?
Nunya solves the health care debate and all our problems in 3…2…1:
Obama gets to keep his Death Panel, but has to staff it with IMAO-approved Conservatives.
Ooh, I totally want to be on that death panel. And it needs to be a proactive death panel too. None of this just waiting around til grandma is sick and then denying meds; the death panel needs to go out and actively find liberal morons to be “retroactively aborted”.
Just thought of something – if we are the “teabaggers,” does that make the liberals the “teabagees?”
The best way I’ve found to deal with people like that is to pretend I’ve got something in my hand. Then I make a throwing gesture and watch them chase after nothing. By the time they figure out I didn’t throw anything half of them have died from exhaustion. Sometimes I’ll announce what the imaginary object is that I’m throwing, like “Racism!” or “Aragula!”
Poopie poopie poopie.
Fart fart fart.
Is there perhaps a “Fark off” button?
Stay classy, conservatives.
Wow you people are stupid. If you’ve ever even seen you’d realize that there’s actually good bipartisan debate there, once you cut through the trolls. The initial article was retarded, and mr. authorman here was called on it. Fark is not an echo chamber, like this place apparently is.
You all need to get out more.
And educate yourselves.
The folks at Fark mocked you and you’re too stupid to recognize it!
If you wanted a rational conversation, the perhaps you need to be logical yourself. If you sling mud at peoples beliefs, then you should rightfully be ridiculed for yours. It takes a right wing and a left wing to make the American Eagle to soar. So the sooner we respect each other, the higher we will fly as a country.
nothing shuts down a comment thread faster for me than when people start sniping and calling each other stupid. just make your point and move on…no need for the personal attacks. i can decide for myself which comments are stupid.
as for fark, they just link to various goofy articles of the day.. i wouldn’t be bragging about making their list.. haha.
There are at least a few conservative farkers. We try to keep the liberals somewhat in check. But some folks just keep bedwetting into adulthood. Here’s a photoshop I recently submitted in a photoshop contest: (link is to photobucket)
smirt dimokratz tipe uhlot lyke scarry eevil muhnkey
“Just thought of something – if we are the “teabaggers,” does that make the liberals the “teabagees?””
Only if you’re gay. Gaybeard. Also, it seems like it would be pretty hard to teabag someone if your nuts haven’t dropped yet.
(Next time you want to do what you tried to do there, use these guys: ‘ ‘)
Oh, and by the way, BLACK PRESIDENT SO SUCK IT!
You people would rather pay for bombs than teachers.
Gaaa, fark them all, damnn liberals clogging up teh internets like that, don’t they know theres only so much room in those tube thingys ?
Your post and your readers subsequent comments have left us all dumber for the effort. Nothing says scathing wit like grammar and spelling errors.
Wow, this is kind of a pathetic little rant. Childish, good luck with that.
Your tears feed me
“We really have to examine our culture to see if we’re becoming too accommodating to useless morons.”
Oh we are. Certainly when intolerant people are able to find their support system of equally ignorant and intolerant people online and express their opinions for their peers to agree with, we’ve reached a point where natural selection has been stopped from taking its natural course.
This applies right or left however, in this case I’m referring to the act of lumping liberals into one basket, just as conservatives are lumped into a similar, yet completely different basket. As someone on the fark forums said; ” It takes a right wing and a left wing to make the American Eagle to soar. So the sooner we respect each other, the higher we will fly as a country.” I however believe that without the body and mind in the middle, the bird is dead.
the death panel needs to go out and actively find liberal morons to be “retroactively aborted”.
That has been done more than once. Actually happens commonly all over the world. Hitler did it for example, though his criteria was racial rather than political. How can anyone take conservatives seriously when they feel comfortable making a joke like that.
I’m not a Farker, though I do read the site on occasion. I’d say they proved their point through the sarcasm and satire for which the site is famous. You didn’t get it. Match point.
You’re a douche, and your blog sucks.
The one thing I like about FARK is that I can grab one page and look at the news stories which catch my eye. I cannot do this in my home town newspaper anymore since they have decided to make the paper more “people oriented,” which evidently means no news, just bullshit happy to be here stories. I guess this saves money on having to hire real, competent reporters who can think their way through a story. What I hate about FARK is the low intelligence of the rest of the bunch of idiots.
“Ooh, I totally want to be on that death panel. And it needs to be a proactive death panel too. None of this just waiting around til grandma is sick and then denying meds; the death panel needs to go out and actively find liberal morons to be “retroactively aborted”
Wow… did you really just advocate murdering people because they have a different political opinion than your own?
At least Fark never tried to give me the rootinfo-related virus. I know you’re cool and everything because being conservative is now the trendy counter-culture, but fix your website. Everyone else, beware.
LOL liberals are dumb!
Sucks being a loser, doesn’t it? How does it feel to be in the minority? Loser.
I love it…making fun of libtards poor spelling, while making spelling errors within the body copy of your own rant. Priceless. Makes a real good point for the opposition there, internet tough guys!
fark is what you call the best of the best, they have thier fans and they lvoe its stories, we are responsible this
You can’t prevent stupidity, this site proves it.
You really do take the fun out of trolling by not ignoring it, but not even getting it. Buzz. Kill.
Of course if this was true about liberals, the blogger would not have to make up alleged examples of posts.
Oh, sarcasm is it? No, that requires some wit at the least.
The posts you quote are satirical. They refer to a website popular among farkers, While the referenced site itself is not the most intellectually stimulating, its a common guilty pleasure recognized by just about everyone who frequents, often used to underline the stupidity of a statement or idea. While it’s understandable you might miss the reference, the fact you are so quick to condemn an entire internet community (or the liberals in that community) as lacking in the most basic spelling and grammar skills without doing at least a small amount of research (did you even look at any threads other than yours, you arrogant fark?), only proves your own small-mindedness and stupidity.
Wee leebrils ar veree smirt! wee smirt! yue stoopid!
LOL, your blog finally got opened to the real internet, a roving mass of morons. What did you expect, an actual intellectual conversation with the great biomass that is the world? Guess what, this post is linked on Fark as well. Enjoy your next moron parade, get over the fact what you’re experiencing is the real internet, and move on.
LOL, your blog finally got opened to the real internet, a roving mass of morons. What did you expect, an actual intellectual conversation with the great biomass that is the world? Guess what, this post is linked on Fark as well. Enjoy your next moron parade, get over the fact that what you’re experiencing is the real internet, and move on.
Bash Fark all ya want, but the truth is their headlines are often(always) more accurate than the headlines to the ‘news’ stories they link to.
So what does that tell you; a buncha 12 year olds who think fart jokes are the pinnacle of comedy are better editors than the so called MSM?
What does that tell ya?
Farkers are idiots and often freely admit it. At least they’re more honest. I trust Fark to give me links to important news more than I trust CNN’s homepage. After all I’ve never seen a Fark item tagged ‘Breaking News’ about how to read your dog’s mind. Which is the current ‘top story’ item on CNN’s homepage as of this post.
The problem is you make the assumption that everyone on Fark is Liberal and not Conservative. You don’t know that so you could actually be calling people who are conservative dumb. Also the motto of your website is unfair, unbalanced, and unmedicated. How is anyone supposed to take you seriously? Unmedicated isn’t a word. Also who cares what kind of traffic goes to your site at that point. Publicity is publicity on the internet, whether its great or bad. Most of the comments seen are jokes at you for calling them stupid. If you call people stupid, they will react. If you call people on another specific website stupid, you have to answer to every user.
Now this made the main page on Fark. I didn’t know Evil Scary Monkey was a farker.
It is MORAN not moron. Get it right
Being that Fark is, pretty much, a ‘joke’ website, I’m not sure what the point of your blog here is? People typically only make’s website if they done something : A) Outstandingly nice/charitable/smart/courageous or B) Said or did something REALLY stupid. On your end, I’m going to guess the latter. (This is coming from someone who has no idea about you or what you write about mind you). Also keep in mind that those who comment on Fark’s articles rarely come out of ‘troll’ form. Those who do often post with such sarcasm, it’s hard to know what they mean or not.
As for the rest of the commenters here… wow. And this is why, though I hate the ‘liberal movement’, I certainly wouldn’t join the conservatives either. All of you, libs and cons…. a bunch of idiots, all of you.
Hey, not to offend, your pieces are always informative, but really, you took the time to respond to Fark specifically for the article someone posted as a target? Irony, considering the site’s response (they re-linked you directly). Be wary, the last thing anyone wants to see is their site pitchforked and burned to the ground by insipid “12-year-olds” (again, irony in assumption of demographics). Hope you don’t have to batten down the hatches if their dander is fluffed.
Foot-stamping squealing teabaggers have proven their dumbness and lack of cognitive mental processes to such an extreme extent that it takes a colossal effort to deny their idiocy.
Keep whining, you lost. That’s about all you can do, is whine and act like a four-year old whose toy is broken.
@ Corona: Well clearly someone other than the 12-year-old pimply boys was reading it, as it has appeared here and someone must have notified the author.
Oh, and I’ve just noticed I’m a 25 year old woman, rather attractive too if I may say so. And looking around me, I see that I’m not in my mum’s basement but in my own house in the Home Counties. Nice.
Now, I must go back to waiting in line for the death panel – I hear they’re all the rage here in Europe. I must say, it’s just as well Stephen Hawking doesn’t live here, we would totally have executed him at birth. Oh wait…
I saw more serious political debate and fewer grammar errors in the Fark comment thread than I have in most articles on this site.
I love the fact that the writer says”instead of examining whether they’re as smart as they think they are” I think this is the major problem right here. In other words you are saying “You sir are a dumbass! Now go to your room and think about it” Do not poke fun at me after I insult your thinking. Just go be quiet and think about it”. Did you honestly think you would not have a little joke thrown at you here or there after insulting people. Let alone classifying everyone that may call them selves liberal. Keep up the self righteous insults. Keep telling yourself that everyone is an idiot other than people with your train of thought. Maybe one day all the mindless jabbering of people that like to lump everyone into one common evil will eventually find their enemies exterminated. Hmm…Sounds framiliar!
And here we go!
Already linked to Fark’s main page.
Libs & conservatives are, I believe, just wired differently-which is to say our thoughts, our worldviews, our mores and our neurocircuitry are different. Of course we think the other side is crazy.
However, we have to live with each other. Democracy’s a bitch, ain’t it?
Being new to this site I went back to some of the higher rated posts and read them. This is a site that uses loaded terminology, ad hominem attacks, straw-man fallacies, and out right misleading generalizations to make a “point.”
The posters on may be idiots, but here they’ve found Mecca.
Your post couldn’t be any more awesome unless it had a picture of Jesus high-fiving an Eagle.
you sound fat
[My favorite one. -Ed.]
When I was a lad I was so bright my parents called me son.
You used the word “moron” five times. You also uses the word “stupid” seven times. You also forgot to spell check and seemed to have spelled smart “smirt”. Considering your article was less than two paragraphs long, I’m not sure you are the guy who should be judging intelligence on the internet. At the least I would recommend going for a thesaurus, or perhaps, even, a lesson or two in creative writing.
Awesome. You quoted comments from Fark but failed to recoginize that they where all giving you crap for being so arrogant. You my friend don’t understand sarcasm. The lack of ability to understand scarcasm has often been shown to be a sign of a low IQ.
I love it when someone tries to point out how smart they are and how stupid someone else is, only to find (Which I suspect you have not figured out yet) that they in fact are making the mistake and only look stupid for the effort.
Stupid libs. Their still the one’s blinded to the fact that there isn’t even a birth cirtificate. The LONG FORM kind. And Fark is no different; their just a smug breed of liberal, want to show off all that fancy book-learning that their mommy and daddy paid for.
Get a a real job, and get a life.
Hay, i taek eckseptun two this. Jes beecuz librullz arr smartr then u an smartr ppl reed fark that u feel insultedd that farkrs arr smartr than u. Iz bcuz they arr.
I don’t think “gaggle” is an appropriate group word for morons. Let’s see…how about “muppet”? “…and while I always appreciate more readership, what a [muppet] of morons.”
See? Better.
One could even use the word “mimble” or “moran”. Really, anything starting with an “M” would probably be better than “gaggle”.
That’s all, carry on.
PS>Fark rules.
I see that those educated in government schools continue to refer to the North American and Western European left as liberals.
Do they even teach Greek in those places? Did they ever?
And I think I saw one randomly posting things she found on teh internets and saying Republicans are racist until they formally denounce them.
Is that like how all the Mooselimbs are terrorists until they formally denounce The Terrorists®?
zzyzx says:
September 18th, 2009 at 1:35 pm
No one can really fathom nor explain liberal-think so why try?
I suggest reading a book or two. Liberals have no problem understanding the superficial and selfish logic of conservatives.
One of Socrates’ best debating tactics was to say to his unwitting opponent:
“You seem to know a lot about this subject. Tell me more about it.”
Then, he let the mark expand for a while on the topic. Usually, the logic used, or the facts invoked, were extremely easy to demolish by reasoned argument.
As you recall, they finally made him drink poison.
this was the most useless post i’ve ever read. i’d rather deal with stupid people than listen to supposedly “smart” people whine about stupid people. shove a sock in it.
God look at the people who agree with you; here’s a good one: a guy posting here pretty much said “liberals need to be retroactively aborted”. Do you people listen to yourselves? This is disgusting.
I don’t have any negative opinions either way but the comments on this entry definitely don’t do any favors to conservative credibility. Are these really the people you want on your side?
retard,even though i hate obama
Only you can prevent wildfires!
This post is almost as useful as candlejack. I mean seriously who actually reads this shi
A notable preponderance of the smug, painfully ignorant, would-be Scama-bama apparatchiks seem dedicated to pushing the boundaries of efficiency, by so fully integrating into themselves the traits of stupidity, arrogance, hypocrisy stultifying smugness. When not busy practising auto flatus olfactory stimulation, they can be seen/read/heard blathering on about how “everyone else” should live, work, shop, reproduce (or not, primarily not, if you are in a monogamous, stable relationship), all the while holding themselves above such pedestrian efforts, simply because they regard themselves as priests of the new religion of the left; death cultists, demanding worship of the earth and obeisance to their bestial Pontifex Rex, Ho’ Scama. In his wildest dreams, Torquemada never approached such a level of doctrinaire arrogance.
Still, one must be (slightly) grateful for this cast of less-mentally-adept d-crats; their actions, behaviours *#138; words have done more to put the Republican/conservative agenda back into a favourable light with the electorate than any number of stump-speeches, adverts, or direct mailings could have ever accomplished.
But…what’s up with calling everyone you don’t agree with “liberals.” There were a fair amount of us Republicans who couldn’t wait to see Bush/Cheneny exit as quickly as possible.
Thomas, you don’t understand. We who think the Republican party betrayed itself to the robber barons are simply “RINO’s” (Republicans in Name Only) and we can be dismissed even more readily than a liberal. It’s just easier to refer to all opposition as liberal rather than to classify the people who disagree. Also prevents you from having to consider that you might be wrong.
No, you are!
[Your mom! -Ed.]
Conservatism is dead. And it never worked. So let it go man, because it’s gone.
This blog sucks. The content is terrible, and the only way to make the site more unattractive would be to add a picture of its owner.
–Ooh, I totally want to be on that death panel. And it needs to be a proactive death panel too. None of this just waiting around til grandma is sick and then denying meds; the death panel needs to go out and actively find liberal morons to be “retroactively aborted”–
WOW! And these people call President Obama a Nazi. I’ll say it again — I’m glad I live in Actual America and not the hate-filled, illiterate, froth-spewing swamp that’s apparently home to most of these readers.
Ernie Loco says:
2. Silicon Valley Jim says:
September 18th, 2009 at 10:46 am
Only you can prevent stupid people from thinking they’re not stupid
Actually, nobody can prevent stupid people from thinking they’re not stupid. One of the primary characteristics of stupidity is the inability to recognize how little one knows.
Kinda like Glenn Beck
Yeah, jeez can’t stand those liberal losers. Its a good thing i have Jesus otherwise i would be consumed with evil thoughts about my fellow man. When will these commies understand that we Conservatives are right, have always been right and will always BE right? Why can’t they understand that their beliefs are wrong and because of that they are all stupid? We should all GO THERE and string these guys up by their VITALS before their poisonous thoughts spread. Perhaps we can build a camp somewhere and put them all in it.
Frank = FAIL
Funny thing is most stupid people claim ADD. I always say it is not ADD making you make mistakes and have the attention span of a two year old, it is DUMB!
I was going to post that your tears sustain me, but after reading everything you and your sycophants continue to post, I’m admittedly starting to get full.
Pedo Bear says
nom nom nom
The point about the lefties was proven in all of these responses. Fark has become the harbinger of lefty wannabe 12 year olds and 35 year old men who live in their moms basement
Hey, at least Frak had the common sense not to troll 4chan. /b/ would have eaten him alive.
The most impressive thing is that you not only successfully trolled the Farkers, you also have successfully trolled both the liberal and the conservative winguts.
It’s a trap!!!
Welcome new commenters! Buy a t-shirt at the online store! Tell your friends! We haven’t had so many new friends since just before the election. Oh yeah, I almost forgot … How old are you? What do you do for a living?
You people honestly think that his spelling of “smirt” instead of “smart” was an accident? Those two letters are on opposite ends of the fucking keyboard.
I’ve never even heard of this guy, but I like him already. Fark, Digg, 4Chan, Youtube and hundreds of other ‘social’ websites are chock full of stupid. Digg was actually one of the best websites on the net until they started injecting all the social bullshit into it. Today, tho, it’s just another example of how self-absorbed people are, and an even better example of how even a great, useful, informative and original website can be turned into pure mindless dreck in the span of a year or two thanks to all the ‘Web 2.0’ social networking bullshit. I still find them mildly entertaining and useful, but none of these sites are as good as they were originally.
Well, that’s not really true… 4Chan has always been a haven for the mentally defective. At least it was the couple of times I’ve stumbled onto it.
People in general are fucking stupid.
Most of the comments on this very article are simply giving more reason to believe that that statement is true. Just the ‘liberals’ are stupid, eh?
Just keep believing that shit that Limbaugh tells you. Just keep believing shit without looking up the facts. Keep going to your little ‘tea parties’ – those fucking abominations are a disgrace to the founders of this country, by the way.
I am by no means a liberal or a defender of Obama, but you fucking rejects on the right are just as bad. As someone standing on the outside and looking in, the view is unpleasant. 90% or more of the US seems to just go along with whatever the fuck the two parties want, simply because they’re a member of one of those two parties. It’s like you all think it’s a fucking sport or something, not something that’s vitally important. This isn’t a fucking game. It’s not about winning. It’s about compromise. It’s about running a country in such a way that will benefit ALL THE FUCKING PEOPLE LIVING HERE! Not just the right-wingers or the left-wingers.
“they can be seen/read/heard blathering on about how “everyone else” should live, work, shop, reproduce (or not, primarily not, if you are in a monogamous, stable relationship)” – First of all, congratulation on giving your thesaurus a workout. I haven’t seen that many 4+ syllable words on the internet since.. well… ever, really. You sound just like Limbaugh. Congratulations. However, I find the quote a bit funny – as well as the bit about hypocrisy – when you consider the fact that the Right are the ones who continually go out of their way to force people into practicing good christian morality. You’re the ones saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to marry, that people shouldn’t be allowed to serve their country, saying that people shouldn’t have a right to choose what they do with their own bodies (and I’m not talking about abortion, either). At the same time, you also act as though it’s you who’s being tread upon. “Oh, poor us! There’s no more praying in schools! They hate us so!”. You also twist words like nobody’s business. I can’t think of the last time I heard a conservative talkshow host who didn’t have some condescending, derogatory nick-name for someone they didn’t like. I don’t often hear liberals stooping to such levels. The right appears to pride itself on the levels at which it will stoop in order to fuel the fires of irrational hatred.
Yes, I am aware that there’s a big hubub going on about this guy who wrote in a book 30 years ago that he wanted to sterilize the population. What can I say. I didn’t vote for Obama, either. I also didn’t vote for McCain. I voted for the guy I WANTED to win. Not because my team told me to, and not because I thought he had the best chance of winning. It’s more than a fucking game to me.
Also, if you consider yourself to be a conservative and yet you supported Bush Jr and McCain then I got news for you: You’re not a conservative. You’re a moron.
And this is probably the only comment I’ll make here, because it seems to be the sort of place that attracts the lowest common denominator.
I love conservative trolls.
risking redundancy by posting this on your site, i am compelled to observe only the extremely naive or the willingly obtuse would fail to recognize self-deprecating satire. there is the chance, i suppose, that this is merely another nefarious ringer who is in the employ of the democratic party to bandy about the internet taking every opportunity to portray the simplest of idiots in an effort to demean both intelligent republicans.
you will never learn anything from people with whom you share opinions because they are telling you what you want to hear. turn off fox and your idols on talk radio and find a source of information that is constantly annoying you with facts and details.
5 of 7 and alleged “christian”: having the audacity to employ the contrived afterthought “oh yeah, i almost forgot” and then insulting everyone who visits this site by implying that they are all uneducated and unemployed is a conceit common among those who are damned impressed with themselves for successfully portraying an individual with the basic competencies to have a job. most liberals seldom find it necessary to crow about being employed. regarding myself, i am decades into adulthood. i hold a post-graduate degree and when i am not engaged in my profession, i own a cattle farm and serve in the national guard. i have twice deployed to iraq.
your turn. did your mom kick you out of your silly man cave? are you “doing” anything beyond incessantly spewing ignorant and abrasive declarations in the manner of kanye west?
fark rocks, you karaoke.
What did you think was going to happen? Were you trying to call the debased peanut gallery of Fark to account? Shaming them into meeting the very high expectations they have of the sollioquays overheard by no one ( least of all themselves )?
#103 – charles t.
“i have twice deployed to iraq.”
On whose side?
I love you Frank, and I’mma let you finish, but is the best full-retard hate machine of all time!
sollioquays overheard by no one . . .
If a sollioquay is overheard by no one, is it a manoblog?
Just twice? Shirker.
“Just thought of something – if we are the “teabaggers,” does that make the liberals the “teabagees?””
Only liberals, and ones with a juvenile’s emotional development, would think a term of sexual reference (e.g., “tea bagging”) is an appropriate term for their fellow Americans. If they can’t mature emotionally, that’s one thing, but we’ve no need to adopt their pubescent fixations, even in jest.
@ “Sane” — “I am by no means a liberal or a defender of Obama, but you fucking rejects on the right are just as bad. As someone standing on the outside and looking in, the view is unpleasant. 90% or more of the US seems to just go along with whatever the fuck the two parties want, simply because they’re a member of one of those two parties. It’s like you all think it’s a fucking sport or something, not something that’s vitally important. This isn’t a fucking game. It’s not about winning. It’s about compromise.”
You, sir, are both mistaken and misguided.
You are apparently ignorant of the battle going on within *both* parties to set them back on a healthy course. The Republicans are gaining (finally) a bit of traction in this regard but not enough; the Democrats are still being drug around by the vocal fringe but there are hints that that might be changing, at least a little.
Moreover, what are YOU doing to change the stance on issues you care about in either party? It’s easy to say “I’m an independent” but what does that mean, exactly? Are you writing your congressmen and senators? Are you contacting either party to urge a change in anything?
I will agree that too few are engaged in deeply thinking the ‘why’ of their positions while honestly listening to opposing views; however, anything less than 100% is “too few”
However, you are utterly wrong in this statement: It’s about compromise.
No, it isn’t. This is a farcical proposition postulated by those who don’t understand the long-term needs of this country — any country really, but especially one governed such as ours is.
It’s about doing the right thing, not about compromise. To compromise your principles is absurd. To do the wrong thing, all in the name of “compromise” is a pernicious evil.
Should we try to achieve win/win propositions? Of course. Can there be give-and-take — compromise — on things of lesser merit? Absolutely. Should such accommodation be accorded when it leads to anything less than “the right thing” (not just the right thing for now, but the right thing for shot, medium, and long term)? Never.
We may disagree on what “the right thing” to do for any particular issue at any particular moment is; however, other than the totalitarians who seek more and more intrusion into our lives, both sides of the isle can usually agree on end-product goals. There will be disagreement on the path to them and the method of them; however, that is the nature of a government such as ours, the nature of humans in general, and one of the strengths of this country.
Personally, I feel as John Adams did: that parties are anathema and poisonous to the system; that to be called ‘a party man’ should be a grave insult; that we should govern together, tempered with the advice of constituents (and not the pissing contest we have now). That said, I am in the minority.
Pissed off because you got called for pecking nonsensical bullshit on your keyboard and calling the people who pointed out the fact that you’re about the dimwittiest of the abortion surviving contards on the internet “smirt’ is no way to go through life,son.
Now,shut your whore mouth.Men are speaking.
Pretty stupid posts all around. The insults are lame, the seemingly intelligent people who actually try to point out the short sighted, me first attitude of libertarians(really, do you think he’s gonna change?) The Death Panel Dolt, the idiot who actually thinks it’s spelled moran not moron because fark spells it that way(its a joke) it’s all so tired. Get out and further your beliefs. Become active in the debates facing this country. Posting on a webpage(or having a blog you where you cna make yoursel feel witty) is just so much navel gazing. IT DOESN’T COUNT.
Back in my academy days, we had to take a class about mental retardation, and people who have low IQs. One of the things they taught us was that these poor people try to hide their disability by talking about subjects they know nothing about, as if they are authorities on the subject, and by trying to use big words, usually incorrectly. I think this behavior also describes Republicans perfectly.
[Is using a paragraph to basically say, “No, you are!” the same as using big words? -Ed.]
You sir need to really grow up. Calling all liberals stupid or uneducated for no other reason other than the fact that they are liberals is asinine. You are doing a complete disservice to the conservative movement. This is exactly this type of behavior which liberals point to and declare how ignorant conservatives are. Frankly I wish you stop blogging altogether because I do not want to be lumped in with someone who acts like a small petulant child such as yourself. Learn to argue and bring up points in an articulate and intelligent manner with actual facts and with some dignity.
Did you honestly think that anyone in the conservative movement would have any respect for your actions? Do you truly believe that your blogging in any way impresses anyone? Try behaving like a rational human being. Next time you get it in your head to write something try stepping back and ask yourself “Is what I am about to write in any way something to be proud of?”
Well now that you’ve received all this “enlightenment” (from some of the most long winded pretentious trolls I’ve ever wtinessed), Im guessing you’ve seen the error of your ways Frank and will be a better person from here forward,…………….NAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW.
Blog Wars…….let them begin……..Muwahahahahahaha
… You should really proof-read your post before submitting it – seriously.. I can’t handle reading your post after coming across 5 grammatical errors (not including the ‘liberties’ you took with the post you are referring to).
For the record – anyone that is willing to label themselves as a conservative or liberal are incredibly closed minded.
[And a lot of jackasses refuse labels because they think it makes them sound smart. -Ed.]
One more little thing……It’s Smokey Bear, not Smokey the Bear. I know, picky, picky, picky.
By definition, only 25% of the population have above average intelligence…in America, 75% think they do…
I took your advice Stakerlee and read a book…it was called Nineteen Eighty Four and now I must admit I have a much greater understanding of liberal-think then I had before reading it. Thanx pal, I’m reading Animal Farm next so I can even more fully comprehend liberal-think.
I ordered my pizza an hour ago. It is not here yet. Where is my pizza?
So what the crap? you seriously made a post to dis people who read Fark? wow… thats pretty lame. And in calling all of us avid fark readers dumb youve made a total jackass out of your self. Congrats! You have now recived my dumbass award for the day. Have an awesome day jackass
My personal favorite so far…… ” i couldnt finish reading your blog due to finding 5 grammatical errors”……
What I want to know is how this person can read to begin with? It must be very very difficult what with having thier head up thier own pretentious arse…..
New rule.. a minimum of 5 gramatical errors a day will keep the arse holes away…..
5 grammatical errors………..too freaking funny…….could of struggled through with 4 … but that last one just put em over the top.
As a Farker, an American, and a secondlifer if titles are required, I am truly amazed at the bashing both the right wing and left wing do to eachother and yet claim they are the intellect. Would it not be the people who can agree to disagree and manage to work things out without demeaning themselves and others, that are the intellect?
H.G. Wells said he believed in keeping his mind open; ever expanding like a flower.
G.K. Chesterton countered that he opens his mind like he opens his mouth; to close it again on something solid.
You should have happy you got linked – I imagine you got quite a few hits (and revenue) from this.
If you think liberals are in charge of this country, you really have no idea what a liberal is. Democrat does not mean liberal any more than liberal means smart person.
Most Democrats are moderate at best, and most southern Democrats are pretty darn conservative. The fact that Republicans these days are so far to the right makes moderates appear liberal. Liberals haven’t been “in charge” of this country since FDR… and even that’s arguable.
Please stop making “liberal” a dirty word and find out what it really means.
Uhm… U spelld “smart” rong inn tha sekond sentanse.
[Good eye, moran. -Ed.]
The correct term for clean-up in aisle liberal is ‘post-natal abortion’. However, a much more effective method is considered to be a ‘radical circumcism’–removing the foreskin and any attached material…
Cool story, bro.
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Wow, so the mindless denizens of the Fark forums now think that IMAO is a serious conservative website? I wasn’t aware that nuking the moon has become a major point of the Republican reelection campaign.
Really, it’s the Farkers here who got “Farked.”
Way to go Frank J. Obviously the J. stands for Jenius!
WOW! You’d think that people who read Fark daily would understand the concept of sarcasm!
Then again, we’re talking about the Democrats of Fark.
DOF. Heh.
Greatest thread ever? Greatest thread ever.
*laughs* I think everyone .. farkers.. Americans.. Slers.. are to easily offended and to quickly to jump down someone’s throat for not aggreeing with them.. I for one enjoy agreeing with everyone.
This is amazing how truly dumbfounded simple people can be. First off, Can anyone please explain to me the reasoning for voting George Bush Jr. into office, not once but TWICE. I am not a liberal, I am not a conservative. I am simply the dumbest man alive…..although…. that WOOD be contradictive since stupid people do not understand that they are stupid. From one dumb mind to another, we know we are stupid, we just like to act “Smirt” People, we understand, we are losing jobs, it is increasingly difficult to pay for things that you over spent on and additionally could not afford in the first place (Let’s blame the banks on this one since we can no longer blame ourselves). Once again, America is quick to point it’s judgemental fingers on everyone else. Ever hear of the term, “save for a rainy day” Well this was what they were speaking of. Yet, now that a liberal is President you choose to demolish any change for this country. Even with the stimulus bill, it would never reach the amount of money the War on Iraq…ahemm..I mean the war on terror has cost. We are all in the same country, the problem with diversity is that it creates difference leading to opposition. Opposition leads to seperation. I’m sure im close to pinpoint accuracy when I say 90% of you will disagree with me because I am completely incorrect in your minds. Just answer me this, What would Jesus have done in 2001? Legitimate question.
137, Seeing that Muslims are heretics according to Christian theology, I don’t think that Jesus would have said “turn the other cheek” on those insane heretics trying to terrify you into converting.
What would Jesus have done if the Supreme Court laid Roe v. Wade at his feet for decision?Legitimate Question.
Why would anyone vote for Clinton, not once, but twice?
Why would anybody vote for BHO twice?
Because they only registered twice and not three times like ACORN told them to.
I’m the last one here. QQ
I win. Yay!
You sound fat.
according to the comments you posted most liberals are uneducated third graders who are unable to spell out their own words.
A good response to them would be I’m sorry little kid stop posting your slow parents flawed viewpoints, remove head from sphincter and then post.
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