Greg presents: “The Matrix 1.0”
Really, he’s just saying what everyone who watched the movie was actually thinking.
Take a hippie-punch at fame by creating your own IMAO-worthy video at Xtranormal (“If you can type, you can make movies“). Send a link to and I’ll give it a look. If it’s PG-13 and doesn’t suck too terribly bad, I’ll post it and let the readers throw roses and/or tomatoes at you.
Made about as much sense as the original.
Nice work. I knew for sure I wasn’t a liberal when all the kos-kid types were talking about it as a pretentious pseudo-religious experience.
Also when my balls dropped as a baby, i knew i would never be able to be a real liberal.
Speaking of liberal BS that passes for art and entertainment. The 360/PC game “Mass Effect 2” comes out next week! The military are the good guys the politicians, ruling class, and the media are in denial about a looming threat. 🙂 Which is weird because I thought it was supposed to be fictional?
Support Conservative Media with your voting dollars. If your going to pirate dont pirate the very few semi-conservative productions.
shiggz – my personal preference is to pirate it to avoid the annoying DRM, then buy a copy so that the creators get their money.