Or You Could Turn It Into A Drinking Game

Barely in time for the Big Speech

SOTU Bingo Cards.

I notice the word “terrorists” isn’t on there.

UPDATE: He said “terrorists”! Everybody chug!

UPDATE: Ok, you have to drink every time Pelosi licks her lips.

I swear, there was less tongue-flicking in “Snakes on a Plane”.


  1. Tonight, Justice Alito was an Average Joe. When I was once at my Grandparent’s house, I sat and stewed quietly (so as not to bring up an argument on Thanksgiving) while an Obama soundbite was played on the television. It’s nice to know that Justice Alito knows our pain.

  2. I thought about taking a shot every time he said “I” but I can’t pour that fast and I don’t have that much booze in the house so I watched reruns of “America’s Stupidest Criminals” instead.

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