New champion of fighting global warming climate change: Osama bin Laden.
In his latest tape (is he actually still recording things to tape?), bin Laden called for “drastic solutions” to global warming, and “not solutions that partially reduce the effect of climate change.” I remember a while ago bin Laden had a tape where he basically ran through every liberal talking point, and now he’s demanding action on climate change? So if you thought no one listened to liberals, well apparently terrorists do. You’d almost expect Osams’s next missive to be a diary on the Daily Kos.
So now not only do we have to convert to Islam to keep terrorists from blowing us up, but we also have to fight the left’s made up problems. What’s next? Osama is going to threaten to attack us unless we return Ted Kennedy’s seat to the Democrats? He’ll blow up a daycare unless we get a public option?
Republicans should seize on this and put out ads saying, “We opposes the cap & trade measures supported by Obama and Osama bin Laden.” Just don’t mix up Obama’s and Osama’s names as that’s getting easier than ever.
Are Polar bears one of the creatures his people think are magic?
(to steal a line from the show “Big Bang Theory”)
I have stood four feet from a polar bear which is about their reach. Intense. I still think “Grizzly Man” is the perfect representation of the relationship between Liberals and statist/socialists. (Spoiler alert: they will both end the same way)
It’d be even funnier if…
Who am I joking, there’s no way this could possibly be funnier.
“Osama bin Obama.”
That is kind of funny, actually.
So Bin Laden crashed planes and killed Americans to reduce carbon footprint?
Just converting to Islam isn’t going to stop the attacks. What we have to do is become full blown jihadist crazies who blow ourselves up – then we’ll be safe!
The character: Osama bin Laden, is obviously akin to the Dread Pirate Roberts. The previous Osama Bin Laden is dead, the new one is apparently Nancy Pelosio, thus the regurgitation of the liberal mantra.
I about lost it when i read marko’s comment.
And no. It couldn’t possibly be any funnier.
Clearly, have to f— up the environment.
Or the terrorists have won.
As the grownups of Americas maybe we Conservatives need to handle this global warming thing like parents handle monsters in the closet with little kids. We go up north make a bunch of noise bang stuff around tell them its all taken care of and that they can go back to sleep. That no more climate monsters will get them tonight. Also we should leave a night light on.
Drive a hummer, tick off a terrorist, er, I mean liberal.
Obama bin Laden,ior is it Osama bin Laden? Inquiring minds want to know.
Take off the beard and head wrap, a little lipstick and a purple dress. HAS antyne ever seen bin Laden and Pelosi in the same room, eh?
Somewhere in here is a Algore/bin Lasen joke. Manbearpig meets mangoatfornicatorhamster?
Obama/Osama the only difference between them is a little BS.
The irony is that the only way Osama knew about global warming was “scientific” research from the country he supposedly hates. So apparently Bin Laden is a fan of modern scientific thought and America…so hypocritical it make me want to join the military.
Osama is all about the GREEN JOBS. Do you know he’s saved or created over 2
millionbillion of them?Q: What do Osama bin Laden, Al Gore and Pat Roberts all agree on?
A: Barack Hussein Obama is a wimp.
The reason that there has been no warming of the earth since 1990 and the earth has actually cooled slightly over the last decade is because after Osama’s tree hugging Muslims staged their protest at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, the decline in airline flights kept so much CO2 out of the atmosphere that global warming was stopped cold. Take that Nobel Prize away from Al Gore and give it to Osama bin Laden.
Well, now that Osama’s an established liberal wack-job, how long before McCain reaches across the aisle to him.
I’d like to reach across the aisle to Osama, with a flamethrower, battleaxe or pretty much any weapon I could get my hands on.
(Had to spellcheck that and make sure I said “Osama” and not “Obama” – I don’t need the secret service on my butt.
Actually, that makes a pretty good excuse if the secret service ever does show up – Did I say “Obama is a completely sorry excuse for a president and I wish horrible things on his head?” I meant to say “Osama” – that was just a typo.)